Heavy Tank No.6 for Japan BR5

Plus it is already in game files for some quite time already.
Maus would be too much controversial for Enlisted playebase. I don’t have to mention tanks KV or Tiger 2H

But do they really? I find the IS2 44 pretty great tbh. There’s more than just reloading speed…

But wouldn’t heavy tank number 4 better as you suggested O-I would have to have 11 people inside man that would be funny at that point I will just use it as an APC to get my soldiers to the point I think heavy tank number 4 is better its small relatively to O-I though its still big, as high as tiger II and almost the same width and also it has less crew 6 to be exact also its not as heavy as the O-I and has better gun


They would need to enlarger streets, bridges and roads for those massive tanks. At least T28 could drop half of his tracks.

Where have I ever said that lend lease weapons are bad or a problem. Never so I don’t know where you’re getting this argument from.

What “stupidity”. Prototypes are a different argument because they were made and tested with the intent of being used by said faction, so we can go wacky be like what if they were used, I don’t mind that at all.

However the concrete historical things are a separate argument. This “Japanese” Tiger may have been bought but it was used by Germany. If things had gone differently and this Tiger actually did reach Japan and was just sitting somewhere like the other Japanese prototype tanks I would say sure add it.

Here’s another example, Germany did successfully send Japan schematics for the Panzerfaust but Japan never built any. Should we just give Japan Panzerfausts because lmao xD who carez

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the options for more japanese prototype tanks are running out, thats why i suggested no.6

Is it so hard to believe that Enlisted is alternative history and it could depict the theoretical appearance of the tank if it managed to ship over, and maybe Japan even using the specifications to manufacture a couple of their own?

Damn that bottom pic goes hard :sunglasses:

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I have a better idea


I think adding tiger is fine be it premium or event rather than tech tree as it would be probably too controversial :sweat_smile: 88mm is good, armor isn’t overpowered and it’s got a rotating turret with one mg port minimum. I also hope we get an air spawning Assault plane added because right now we got three great fighters locked in one squad :skull:

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“But faction uniqueness”

That is still not historical.

In both it was never used in combat or tested.

According to you yes

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Space Yamato is OP, pls nerf

Development of Type 4 Chi-To and Type 5 Chi-Ri began before Type 3 Chi-Nu, but there were problems that delayed their combatize. And Chi-Nu was put into practical use first. The reason for this can be seen from the fact that it is numbered “Type 3” which is younger than Type 4 Chi-To and Type 5 Chi-Ri.
Also, Chi-Ri had a problem with its turret, so it is likely that Ho-Ri was able to become a force first.
Therefore, if you are adding Chi-Ri or Chi-To to your game’s development tree, it would be appropriate to place them after Chi-Nu and Ho-Ri.

As a side note, the “Chi” in the Japanese medium tank code name Chi-XX is the initial Chi of Chi-yu-sen-sya (medium-sized tank).
The XX part contains the Japanese syllabary “I-ro-ha-ni-ho-he-to-chi-ri-nu-ru-po”. This code is assigned in the order in which tanks are developed, so the development order will be as follows.

Chi-I (Type-89)
Chi-Ro (Type-95)
Chi-Ha (Type-97)
Chi-Ni (prototype only)
Chi-Ho (prototype only)
Chi-He (Type-1)
Chi-To (Type-4)
Chi-Chi (unknown)
Chi-Ri (Type-5)
Chi-Nu (Type-3)
(Type-95 and Type-97 were classified as heavy and light tanks at the time of development, so it’s strange that they were called “Chi,” but that’s how the people at the time decided.)

Looking only at the code name, Chi-Nu is the last to exist. The Japanese military would have had Chi-To and Chi-Ri before they developed him…or so you might think.
However, in reality, Japan, which was under economic sanctions from the United States and exhausted by the ongoing war, did not have the ability to mass-produce Chi-To and Chi-Ri. Therefore, they hurried to make Chi-Nu, which can be produced at a lower cost, into the military.
A small number of Type 4 Chi-Tos were able to be deployed in combat before the end of the war, but the war ended without them ever seeing combat.
(This is a commemorative photograph of the Type-4 Chi-To and his crew, taken shortly after the end of the war, before it was requisitioned by the US military.
The tank was then taken to Aberdeen Proving Ground, where it was targeted by American artillery fire and destroyed. :cry:)

Type 5 Chi-Ri had problems with the new 75mm turret, and it was very slow to get it ready for mass production.
They developed a 75mm cannon to counter American and Soviet tanks, but the Soviet Union had already completed the T-34/85, and there were concerns that the 75mm would not be powerful enough. There were various other problems, but all problems were resolved in March 1945.
Ho-Ri is a prototype machine that uses the already completed Chi-Ri chassis and is equipped with a 105mm large-caliber gun, but the gun itself was completed before the Chi-Ri’s turret. As mentioned above, Chi-Ri had difficulty putting its turret into practical use, and its very existence was questioned, so if the war had continued after 1945, Ho-Ri would have been put into action before Chi-Ri.
in historical fact, both were prototypes and no orders were given for mass production.

The president of a Japanese model kit company called Fine Mold talks about what happened at that time, as he actually heard from Type-4 crew members.
The photo above was also owned by an actual Type-4 crew member, and was made public for the first time by the president of Fine Mold, who was given the photo.
(2) 社長が発見!四式中戦車のスクープ写真 発見当時を振り返る 四式中戦車動画2/3【ファインモールドの放談録】 - YouTube


Yes because no one wants to see this garbage on a Pacific battlefield, thank god none of the helpers forwarded this ridiculous post.

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It’s probably going to happen because Japan has extremely limited number of options for BR5 tanks


Dude, get this through your head, if it wasn’t forwarded, the devs won’t even acknowledge or know that this suggestion exists, and it will go right into the pile of dumb suggestions that they ignore, and thank god for that.

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If the Japanese military is allowed to own Tiger tanks, they should also be allowed to own Type 61 tanks.
It is an advanced version of the Type-4 Chi-to, and can be considered a brother tank.
The only problem is that it didn’t exist in the 1940s.
The Japanese Navy, due to its incompetence and inertia, was unable to supply the army on Guadalcanal with even a can of pineapple.
But when DarkFlow gives them fantasy logistics capabilities, transporting Tiger tanks from Germany to Japan, and from Japan to Guadalcanal and New Georgia, a mere 20-year time difference is a minor problem.


Never forwarded yet are in the game man if he likes it and wants it to be added don’t come to him with HA and not forwarded excuses he is as powerless as you against the wishes of Devs so if devs decide to add it what are you gonna do? cough HO-Ri cough if you want HA there is always custom but there are not many people even in discord servers I’m in that want to do HA custom in General HA is not an acceptable excuse if you feel it should not be added you do you and I feel like I’m gonna enjoy blasting 'mericans with it to each their own . again this is not an argument just a simple statement. To each their own💓

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eh im fine with anything at this point i just want to have fun stuff (like the P59 or Me262 and whatever)

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My argument has nothing to do with historical accuracy, for a suggestion to be added and taken seriously, it has to either have a lot of likes (a sign a lot of people, not just one guy who loves fantasy bullshit, want it) or be forwarded. Guess how many likes this post has? Only 10, guess how many people viewed it? Over 250, goes to show only a small minority wants this garbage in the Pacific. If it gets added? I could care less just would never play high tier Japan again. If it doesn’t? Good riddance.


exacly why i love enlisted it has wierd stuff in the game that i can enjoy and only enlisted has some wacky stuff that exist only in Enlisted like RMN-50 which is exist in media only on Enlisted that means enlisted is the first game to have it