Heavy Tank No.6 for Japan BR5

Japan only has one tank for BR5, and it does not have a turret. Japan needs more variety for BR5 beyond one tank.

It should probably be premium and not a tech tree item or else there would be more Tigers in the pacific than in europe.



Can we please chill with fakes at least for 1 week after the Fake Update dropped?

upd: Post hidden? lmao


200w (2)



Just for trolling.

As a premium only, thought.


The tiger, which was supposed to be transferred from Germany to Japan, could not be transported due to the Allied control of the seas, so Germany used it herself.

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Yep, it never made it to the battlefield, and neither did things such as the Ho Ri or the Tokyo Arsenal SMG, so why draw the line here? Realism has been thrown out the window a long time ago

Besides, USA Pershing tanks should have no issue with a regular Tiger


To add to your arguments, there’s another faction in game that just keeps receiving lend lease usa equipment. Bazooka m1. Valentine tank. Grant tank. 76 sherman!!!, Thompson with grip. Premium m3 carrier. Winchester. P40. Hurricane. Boston.
Not counting captured fausts.

So I really see no issue with Japan having ONE thing from other factions (along some of their mp28 clones), even if the vehicle did not reach Japanese shores.

Also… regular tech tree br 5 Japan didn’t really exist either. That tiger did, more than Ho-Ri!!! Even if it stayed in Germany.

Prototypes are coming in all factions. Jap tiger would at least give them a decent tank.


Okay, if you say so, let’s give Japan Exoskeleton-ZERO too.


This. japs definitely need better tank.


The Ho Ri is a nice tank, but it has no turret, which is a little inconvenient. Japan needs more stuff for BR5, it doesn’t have to be super strong, but it just needs more variety

BR5 paratroopers, BR5 attacker planes (the 2 new planes are fighter pilot only lol) and AT weapons higher than BR2 would be nice too. But I digress.


In truth the Ho-Ri isn’t even a regular tank, it’s a tank destroyer…

So even if Japan were to have this tiger, as a premium, it wouldn’t be that far fetched. Less far fetched than paper or wood tanks anyway.

Also, it’s not like USA cannot counter regular tigers, they’ve been doing so, really effectively, for a really long time.

Bonus: It would please the Emperor, and bring honour to our families.

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I completely disagree. Lend lease is a poor argument because everything that was sent for lend lease was literally actively used. Japan bought the Tiger but it never left Europe and was sold back to the Germany

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Still better than prototypes that never existed at all.


AS44,fedorov for starters

Even if we disregard the lend-lease its not like there aint examples of weaponry never being used etc.


Right, who cares anymore, add walkers and moon to research tree asap!



I was thinking about making a post about alternative history and we could have used DF one that they showed us.

You should just give up now at this point because BR5 and possibly 6 is purgatory and you should have fought harder to stop the AS 44 from being born but since that didn’t happen we’re now going down the path of insanity.

I mean most of the prototypes were made and tested in their country. Some even field tested

I’d say at least if this Tiger actually was sent to Japan but it literally just ended up being used by the Germans anyway

Japan is already as strong on BR.5 as the Americans, which is a joke for historical accuracy. First, let the American tree be completed, the Japanese do not have to fight the Germans.

seem like you forgot about the FN model 1930 since it was from china not japan

ok nvm im wrong again it said asia as well dam

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