Heavy Tank No.6 for Japan BR5

I have no problem with prototype weapons. My overall gripe is just historical timeline. If it’s a prototype made in 1945 I don’t want to see it in 1944. Conversely the AVS is an early war gun and yet it can only be seen in Berlin. That sort of stuff

I simply disagree with this Japanese Tiger because it never left Europe and was used by the Germans. It has a greater potential being a German Gold order vehicle.

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It’s easy to add prototype weapons because I’m sure most if not all of them were physically made, and that’s why they were sticking with adding them

However now we have entered a bit more odd territory with the introduction of the Ho-Ri or pretty much just paper prototypes. Was the Ho-Ri at least physically real as in a model existed or is it completely fabricated

The concept of historical accuracy now in this game has gone out the window so you should just give up now at this point.

But if you would like to declare war against the devs and tell them to shove a stick up their ass and make historical accuracy actually a thing please go ahead show me how much you care about it and don’t go halfway go all the way and start a fire on steam as well.

First of all very vulgar. I’m not lighting pitchforks, it’s just a small gripe and as I always say I like to believe eventually one day it will be overhauled

Second, my philosophy or what I want is very simple. I’m not asking for 200% historical accuracy, just a little integrity. It’s simple, if it was made in X year than that’s when it should appear. Obviously there is nothing wrong if you want to bring your early war thing to the final year of the war, but it’s a little silly when we have Volkssturm weapons in Moscow 1941.

Let me give an example, the Stg 45 was completed in 1945 post war. It was worked on during the war, finished shortly after, it gets a pass. I don’t mind it. But I would only want in 1945 maps and not say 1944 Normandy


Unfortunately if you haven’t noticed we kind of failed to stop it from happening so the only way I can see to get DF attention is by declaring war against them and actually starting a fire.

I want to play Pacific to fight vs Japanese troops and vehicles made by them not yet another (Nippon) Tiger that will be inferior to Ho-Ri anyway due of horrible frontal armor.


If you do not want this to happen please go ahead and start a fire because talking about it here won’t make a difference

They will implement it anyway since they have models in WT it’s only matter of time.

Well then just accept the Japanese are gonna be getting German equipment then because it’s gonna happen unless you start a fire

i mean i said it before you know warthunder dev consider their game a “what if”

and if enlisted become a what if then dam lot of scrap and old weapon are probably gonna appear more (which is fine for me tbh)

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Without joking, I’d love that.

In a separate tech tree and br that would never cross, thought (even I have limits)


Thompons for Soviets is far fetched and dumb but not weapons most people didnt even know they existed, got it.

But it existed according to your stupidity. Half of the Jap stuff didnt leave the main isles so it has no reason to exist in the Pacific.
Also, it existed “more” during WW2 than the Fedorov or they Tokyo Arsenal

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I’d rather have the 75mm autoloader tanks.

The Chi Ri 2s.

3s reload on a gun comparable to a Pak 40 against US tanks is going to be hilarious.


There is so many more wacky Japanese machines that could be added, A c and p tiger is stupid.

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If you wanna go super wacky. here you go


I agree, people can argue the historical aspects of it all day, but what I’m more interested in is keeping the factions unique and separate. If there are home-grown Japanese options, even prototypes, I’d rather see those before another tiger tank.


Because most of them suck.
The Ho Ri is arguable the best tank of WT Japan excluding post-war land-lease tanks and it is a big-ass destroyer that is bad at any other task.

I was acually thinking giving Japanese Ho-ri 2 or Heavy tank number 4 which was partially build and had 14 cm canon but I guess devs are too lazy to model any of those so might as well give H.T.NO6
Heavy tank number 4’s turret used as stationary gun manchuria later on russians blow that thing up


I would really like developers to add Chi-To and Chi-Ri tanks to the game. In my opinion, these two tanks are sorely missing in the tree between Chi-Nu and Ho-Ri.


Garbage argument since lend lease items were actually used in mass quantities (besides the Bazooka and Winchester) vs the SINGLE Jap Tiger that never even made it out of Europe.