Heavy Tank No.6 for Japan BR5

Again, still very much more real, than tech tree Ho-Ri :stuck_out_tongue:

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Very much so, So it should be a GO for Germany. As theyā€™re the oneā€™s who used it realistically.


With the Japanese flag and paint job? Indeed, having that for Germany would make muuuuch more senseā€¦

Uhā€¦ yes it would? You do know Germany IRL used it for the Japanese due to they couldnā€™t ship it over.


ā€œThe transfer was never issued due to the continued increase of Allied naval supremacy, and the Tiger was loaned ā€œbackā€ to the Germans and used in the 101st SS heavy tank battalion in Belgium.ā€

Soā€¦ Yeah it would make more sense.

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Sense is somewhat irrelevant these days.
Sure I dont care if theres some jap tank capable to boost japs and capable to compete with upcoming pershings etc. Then add it.

But if not tiger then.

Use a homemade Japanese porotype/tank.

C and P is boring.


Iā€™m talking about the one in the original post, which have a Japanese flag and paint job. I already know the tiger never went thereā€¦

But it sure as hell never was used by ss with such flag and paint either is what iā€™m saying! :rofl:

So yes, at this point, Iā€™d rather have it for japan than as a gold order for axis. Unless itā€™s just another very generic decal, #55 or something.

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The problem is, I donā€™t think we really know how it looked or what fully happened to it, Remember it was owned by the Japanese, And I could maybe see them keeping it as is, Loaned and all, Itā€™s like if you loan a car do you change the paint job?

Logically I think if this photo is anything to judge, If itā€™s the tiger they bought or one they trained with, They probably would have had it not have Japanese flags or such on it until it got home to Japan. Meaning it was probably a bare metal tank the Germans may have painted or not.



At best the tank may have looked something like this.
Or perhaps like this.

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Itā€™s what I think.

Still I wouldnt mind Japan having it. beats the paper tanks or their very uptiered onesā€¦ (they need somethingā€¦ Ho_Ri isnā€™t it.)

Instead of a C and P, May I suggest the beast?


Itā€™s possible. Not even joking.

Where Enlisted is going, if it follows the trend, Germany will REALLY have the MAUS at some point! and other strange thingsā€¦


Yank the chain and wake the beast.

Tiger is complete unnecessary. It would be most likely BR4 rather than BR5 = not pintle mounted MG just like H1. (Which is funny, since on the same BR is still chi nu) .

Japanese do need Chi To (BR3/4) and Chi ri (BR4) atm, not just copy pasted tiger.

Btw. Soviet do have shtty BR5 tanks and basically nobody cares. I really do not understand this obsession of giving Japanese some obscene tanks sooner than chi to or chi ri.


Okay hear me out, O-I vs persh tho.


Yeah, O-I should be definitely added one day.

Update: Harden armor

Maus, T28/34, O-I, IS-3


I fixed it for you :stuck_out_tongue:


Jagdtiger would be based.

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