Heavy Tank No.6 for Japan BR5

To each their own I respect your opinion but that’s as far as I’m going to go imma enjoy it I can say that for sure

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One of the many reasons I like enlisted, no matter what your opinion on historical accuracy is, you can still have fun in this game.


In the latter stages of the war, the Japanese military was overwhelmingly inferior in weaponry to the United States. Even though we were lacking in everything, we devised ideas and fought tenaciously, even though we could not defeat the American troops.
I want the Japanese army in the game to be like that too.
If developers and players only focus on short-term “balance” and continue to give the Japanese army tanks and aircraft equivalent to those of the United States, the appeal of the Japanese army will decrease day by day.
If Japan has tanks and aircraft that can fight on an equal footing with the United States, there is no reason for it to be the Japanese military. They should rename it Fantasy Asia Army.
The number of people playing as the Japanese army will decrease, but I hope they remain weak. I’d like to see a Japanese army where enthusiastic players compensate for the weaknesses in their weapons with their skills.
Or, I want to see the Japanese army just keep losing because there’s nothing they can do about it.
We don’t need a Japanese military that looks like a fantasy dreamed up by a far-right junior high school student.


you’re quite aggressive, aren’t you?

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Lend lease really is just giving the Soviets a few things. America and Britain are pretty much joined at the hip as a single faction.

It’s a different story if we’re giving Germany captured M1 Garands and America captured Stgs. If you want your enemies stuff just capture it in a battle

I have never said I want 200% historical accuracy. Yeah Germany didn’t have any tanks or planes defending the beaches or this prototype gun wasn’t mass issued. It’s a game and we all accept that. But as always everyone draws their lines differently

I just have my standards. Volkssturm weapons not showing up in Moscow and Tunisia, if it’s a prototype made in X year it goes in X year battle, AVS is an early war gun and can appear in early war battles, that sort of stuff. It’s basically semi-historical. It’s very simple

I’m not even saying that whatsoever so that point is silly and moot

I see more likes for supporting this ideas than those disagree.

Lol helpers rarely forward suggestion anyway.

Lol you really think dev add new vehicles based on our suggestion?
They will just check what vehicles War Thunder has and implement those that they think suitable.
So they already know this tank without being forward by helper since this tank is in War Thunder.
As that guy said, Japan has extremely limited number of options for BR5. So it is possible for them to add this tank.

Lol, by your logic basically all suggestion are garbage, since the number of likes is small minority compare to the number of views.

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I do agree that they shouldn’t add this Japanese Tiger, but I am just speaking meta in that I don’t think a suggestion getting forwarded means whether or not a suggestion is added

I’ve made lots of suggestions before such as new Engineer constructs and other things. None of them have ever been forwarded, but I like to think one day some of these suggestions would be added. Like new grenades, etc

Once again still hope this Japanese Tiger isn’t added (I’ve already given my reasoning in other replies)

You have fun in this game? I doubt that with a pissed off attitude like yours :laughing:

You want them to have shit gear so you can go back to farming them again :joy:

Like, wtf is this ? You want your enemy faction weak :skull::joy:

if the heavy tank no.6 is the worst idea ever conceived, then please submit your own ideas for how to improve Japan’s BR5 tank selection

Another never used tank hardly is a problem at this point.

Alternatively the murrican equipment can be nerfed to paper thin armor so they are more balanced.

Or grant wax coating of emperors tears to jap shells so they can penetrate even carriers, same divine wax coating can be used to improve japs armor.

It is very possible that your posts were forwarded, not every forwarded post is marked as “forwarded”.

japan should have never come to BR5. even having it on BR4 is relatively far-fetched.