Have you seen my Hat?

Dear Dark Flow,

I seem to have misplaced my hat? Can you help an Aussie out?



Thanks! :+1:


You know the squad is real when the Road Warrior is the one commanding it.

I might rename my squad leader as Mel Gibson.


Good idea…Ill name mine Sam Neill…once I find his hat that is


Little known B film with Gibson or quite good, I missed something about it.
Mel Gibson and Z are good, but something tells me this film passed me by for a reason.

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Yeah :stuck_out_tongue: it just fits the new squad nicely is all

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Thank you for your post.

I’ve said it before, including today, I’m going to keep saying it until DF listens:

Slouch hats/digger hats are how we identify soldiers as Australian. Its universal and across multiple wars.

In the Syria-Lebanon campaign of WWII, Australian soldiers were ordered to wear their slouch hats in the hope that the Vichy French defenders would remember the ANZACs who liberated their villages in the First World War.

As has been said, its frankly ridiculous having a specifically Australian squad but not giving them proper Australian uniforms.

I’m also very annoyed these uniforms are not customisation options for all other squads (I want all my squads to be Australian).

The Sten Mk III premium squad has British Army peaked caps, and these are available as appearance options. So why arent slouch hats/digger hats, and also New Zealand lemon squeezer hats???

I appreciate DF listening and finally giving us an Australian tech tree squad but cmon guys this is basically giving the middle finger to common sense.

It is even worse that an American squad gets Owen guns (which Yanks never used) while the one Australian squad gets American Ithaca shotguns.