Ha-Go needs buff

how do i change it in battle?dont have another slot for vehicle on pacyfic

thats more important part btw

You can’t right now, that was my idea for how to fix it.

Well your way is currently impossible, because it requires redoing the entire model, which the devs don’t have the time or resources for.

i want my money back then lol
your way make this tank and whole transaction for it just annoying
just lets buff HE, there are tools for that already i think
dont care is it historical accurate or fair commparing to similar guns
it need buffs if we cant make it right

How does it make the tank more annoying than having to rotate the entire turret 180 degrees to use the only workable MG?

Also no, keep HE the way it is, the last time they buffed HE, you couldn’t go anywhere without the screen shaking so they should never touch that again.

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just like that

buff like adding any damge at all to near area close to explosion. now it wont kill fly sitting next to hited object

If you get flanked, in the water, that is on you, the MG on the hull is fine for an offensive weapon, and that is all it needs.

No, the way it is right now is fine. shooting the shell into the dirt shouldn’t do as much as hitting someone with the HE shell, skill should be rewarded.

no no no
when i want to swim throu i would like to have swimming version
when i like to kill some infantry i want to have mg version
both situations will happen during mach, you dont know when
and you probably will regret that you didint take other version wich is now needed

snaiping for direct hit evry single time useing tank is not skill, its absurd
and as i said snipe it when you shaking on waves or just when on some bugged rock
and even if you do that its not antipersonnel weapon, just antisingleperson weapon
its have nothing to do with skill

The performance different with and without the pontoons is very minor in WT, the biggest difference is the extra armour, so the tradeoff is more armour for the machine gun, not preformance in the water. the Ka Chi is already the most heavily armoured tank in Pacific, so that should be fine.

This is how everything has been done since the games release, cannons under 50mm typically need direct hits to get a good splash. It’s not absurd, its the way the game is played, and it rewards skill.

so just change it all for nonpontoons. armour is not usefull anyways. evrybody with brain shoots in turret. two versions are just stupid in so many levels.

if i want to snipe i would take sniper
also sniping would be acceptable if you had f mg. its primary antipersonal weapon and always was. with mg its not f skill at all so dont be so praud from sniping when you have always backup when miss lol

Well who knows, it might be useful to have and it is always good to give some choice. You never know when someone might want the extra armour over the MG. Also, do you know how many versions of the Stuart the level 2 Allied tank squad in Normandy has?

It’s the way the game always has worked, and most people seem to like it. It strikes a good balance between making tanks not overly oppressive against infantry, but allows them to rack up kills quickly if they know what they are doing.

i paid for one working version, not few working at something and at somethin useless versions

i dont like it bc i dont have mg, if i had one, HE would be ok. its like replacement
i just want st againt large ammount of infantry in this not changed tank or other tank
in other small gun vehicles this all works bc mg works
its all about mg or replacement of it

Both will work all the time, and most people will pick the MG over the armour as you have already stated, so what is the problem.

Yes those tanks do rely on their MGs, but they can’t just change the way HE works for one tank, especially if that tank will share the same gun as other tanks, which it will because the Chi Ha Kai is 100% coming.

wont be the same, the iconic Ka-Chi with pantoons, just that

so this tank is lost cose anyways, i dont see Devs giving us basically second tank for free/already paid price

I’m not caught up with the HE argument but the Chi Ha Kai has a different gun.

There was actually a napkin drawing of a plan to put the Kai’s gun into the ha go as a casemate tank, but that never reached prototype stage.

Well the Ka Mi doesn’t even et it’s pontoons, so what is the problem? the tank wouldn’t have used it’s pontoons to fight anyways, it was meant for traveling rough waters and would be removed afterwards.

Well no, the Chi Ha Kai is different to the Ka Chi, it has less armour and less crew, but is smaller.

Both use the Type 1 47mm gun that was developed for the Chi He.

again, it could shoot turret mg when in watter

the you wont get it for free for sure lol

And it could shoot the hull MG in the water as well. Removing the pontoons did not make the Ka Chi not buoyant enough to float and act as a boat, it just made them seaworthy and consume less fuel when traveling across the water. we don’t need to worry about either because rough seas and fuel consumption are not concerns for us.

No, the in game editor revealed the Chi Ha Kai is already in the game, and will likely match the M3A1 at some point in the future. funny thing though, the normal Chi Ha with the 57mm howitzer will be a premium.