Ha-Go needs buff

i paid for this one i want make usefull this one.
i will not pay gain for another version lol

The Ka Chi is useful and will be useful, the Chi Ha Kai is a normal tank, it can’t float.

if it would be usefull i would write in first plays
in sniping snipers are more usefull
in floating boats are more usefull
in antipersonall fight anything is more usefull, even f katana if you can use it
in antivehicle AT gun is mre usefull, smaller size and sometimes has even better(?) armour, idk why probably bug that cant pen it
kachi is big, blind (not working hatch) and hasnt any mg or dangerous HE
its f crew on foot i more usefull in my opinion lol

It’s quite useful right now if you get into the sea and start shooting at enemy tanks and infantry from an angle the typically will not be able to reach. You can’t play it like a normal tank, you have to play it differently. Besides, not being the absolute best thing makes it a fairly balanced premium squad, you can use it, but there should always be better stuff in the campaign.

ahahahha waves and sniping
you can hit tanks for sure. but engineer with AT gun can also and will do it like f ninja in comparison

its far for beeing best at anything dont worry xd

oh really? that st new. I would never think to use floating tank diffrent way than normal thx man lol

AP pen halftruck from every angle so thanks. And i would prefer sniping normal rifle from up front. Less misses (moustly foult of waves) and more kills usually.
As a matter of fact i make more kills useing crew like assaulters than as a tankers
ofcorse one little f mg would turn it around entirly…

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If you can’t hit people directly with the tank cannon, then don’t use it. Let someone else who can use it use the tank use it. If you want to use the tank, learn to get better at what I said. Is that so hard for you to understand?

maybe you are just so bad with infantry, that score you get on that tank is enough for you?
learn useing snipers and AT guns then judge tank is it worth it
how abaut that?

great argument moron

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No, if you are bad with infantry, learn to get better, don’t complain that infantry is too hard. Same for this case, except tanks aren’t necessary for the game to function, so you have the option to just not play it.

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yep, learn to get better with infantry if score you get on this bad tank is good for you
thats shows how bad player you really are…

you dont see what i did here? iam talking in your f arrogant style.
thats just shit argument eespecially when we both know that it lack f mg
for few hours you want to convince me thats not so bad, and now you insult me in this nonproved way that it is bad only for me, beacose my gameplay or skill
BUT IT STILL LACK F MG no matter who it plays so how useless is to say ,i can do better wishaut mg than you" when you cant even prove it??
iam standing with my arguments and will not wite back anymore bc you useing insults as arguments lol

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I have not directly insulted you in any way shape or form, if you have taken anything I have said personally, then that is indicative of your ability to take criticism, and nothing else. Yes, we agree the Ka Chi needs an MG, but what you are asking for is impossible, and a much simpler solution exists, but you still refuse to accept it for some reason. However, the Ka Chi is still the tank with the most armour in the campaign right now and the biggest gun, so it is certainly far from unusable. I tried to tell you what you needed to do to make it work, but you refused to accept anything I said, refused to change anything about how you play and took everything personally. Nothing I said was an direct insult towards you or anyone, and if you get offended by what I said, I recommend not staying on this forum, or the internet in general.

Yes perfectly balanced and realistic.
The 47mm HE is decent now but “just direct hit” is a joke.

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Realistic? no. Balanced? yes, and I think that is fair. It’s not like it doesn’t do no damage if you don’t direct hit, but it does significantly more if you do so.

All explosives in game are nerfed from realistic performance, fyi

Yeah I know, otherwise this game would be literally unplayable. the Ju 188 would literally wipe the entirety of D-day in a single pass if it was realistic.

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They could replace its AP to the Type 1 which should have mostly the same performance as the one in the Ke-Ni, because the moment they add any kind of tank with more than 30mm of side armor the Ha-Go will be unplayable. Even more when you notice that the Ta-Se will be able to pen Sherman side armor.

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They also can change it to Ha-Go late version,
Give type 1 shell.

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