In research tree weapons should be grouped in families (like in WT) instead of placing them one by one
1 family consist of 2-5 guns, so mosins, for example splitted into Russian Empire Mosins and USSR Mosins. Minor variants (MP38 and MP40, all Kar98k, all PPS-43) are considered as 1 gun
Sections (right to left):
Variants - here you can choose, what variant you research globally and see upgrades for already unlocked
Minor upgrades (stars rn) - I suggest make each minor upgrade less valuable(+3%; +8%), but make more of them. New upgrades are unlocked by playing this gun.
Modules (mags, optics, GL, bayonet) - change BR. New modules are unlocked by playing this gun.
Magazine reload for semi-autos is also a module - by default they reloaded with stripper clips
Customization and purchase Main difference from previous suggestion is that list of customization options is individual for each gun
And also variant choice and upgrades are on the same screen
As you can see, both variants are not HA, but at least authentic
Thanks for translating these gun customization topics to the english section as I am sure many people including myself would have never seen them. I personally think @D1Ktator’s variation of gun customization looks really good and would work well when combined with your research tree grouping suggestion.
While I like the tarkov style gun customizer, I don’t think there would be or should be enough customization options for each weapon to really warrant it. I think light weapon customization (wood colors, HA gun stocks, cloth covering options) is the best option so we don’t accidentally start sliding into COD vanguard-style weapon customization. I stress that there needs to be limits to gun customization so that you can’t make guns that look weird and outrageous. HA issues are almost inevitable, but I am ok with some concessions to HA if it means we can create our own weapons that at least look like they belong in the setting.
And I don’t suggest CoD gunsmith - if weapon don’t have minor part variations (charging handles, trigger guards, bolt heads) there will be only minor upgrades and that’s it.
So with kar98k you can do whatever you want, while with Thompson M1A1 - only upgrades (and stock tone)
I am not accusing you of suggesting that system, I am just using it as a point of reference for what needs to be avoided. I just think it is very important that the gun customization remains relatively simple so that guns don’t stray too far from what was used historically while still giving players the option to differentiate their guns.
It would be acceptable if we know these parts existed at that time and people could install them if they want. The cost and maybe number limit depend on how difficult to install them.
That’s not about field modification.
That’s about factory variants, represented as customization. So player can decide what shape of charging handle, trigger guard gun should has, not barrel, fire mode or feed type, as that would be separate gun.
And modules are mass-produced variants that can be installed without changing gun in any way, not field modifications, so there are not so many of them.
Yeah they could do a customization option for slings, bayonets, etc, and then add magazines, optics, stocks, grips, etc, only where appropriate.
For example, the Thompson variants could be combined into four, the M1921, M1928, M1, and M1A1. Then, depending on the model, you could add foregrips, 20/30/50/100 mags, etc.
You could even do stuff where you can attach a bayonet lug to the M1 Carbine (something that was actually done to late war M1s) and equip a bayonet to it. Or modify the receiver to accept 30-round magazines.
I’m ok with some liberties being taken as long as they are still plausible. Such as taking the M1 Carbine and giving it an M84 scope. This was a civilian postwar modification, but both the weapon and scope were used during the war so I would consider it plausible. Just no M1 Carbine with ACOG.
I get uneasy about optics in ww 2 fullstop. I realise some guns did have options, but when you start letting guns that arent snipers have optics, all of a sudden everyones running around with m3 carbines with infared sights lol…i mean that is a cool gun…but yeah
I always come back to Tarkov after a wipe. And the thing that keeps you in the game for only one hour out of 3 hours is the fact that 60% of your time is spent assembling weapons.
Imagine instead of repair cost, they will make ammo purchase and manual reload.
Where you need to manually load 71 round to drum fo 10+ drums, spent in one battle. Or just pay.
very much, this guy is completely an idiot, i never once said that he wanted to add holographic sights to weapons, i wanted a mix between the HeG system and Cod Vanguard to change projectile, rate of fire mag size, metal buttstock and add bipods and scopes… obviously he stopped at the 2 images he didn’t even read the rest and then he proposed the same thing that I proposed saying it’s different