Good God, what the hell is the weapon choice for the Pacific

  1. P14… why? It’s a lovely gun that I like alot, but it is so much more out of place in the Pacific than an Lee-Enfield or the Eddystone which is basically the same gun but actually saw some significant use during the war in the pacific, being the main rifle of the Filipinos and later the Guerillas (as well on chemical mortarmen in Africa and supposedly the Marine Corp were carrying some in the early years of the war). P14s meanwhile basically only were used off the home island during the dark days after dunkirk and as sniper rifles in Africa and Europe. The Japanese also got shot at by a few in singapore but why the hell are the US troops using it?! Especially when the M1917 is a thing!
  2. SMG/Unit choices. I like the Reising, but why an Owens Gun if you aren’t adding ANZAC troops? Just give them a M3A1 or a M1928 or an M1! If you want it so bad, why not make it a premium ANZAC squad thing?! And the Solothurn and the MP-20 weren’t really ever used by the army iirc. Instead you could have them be used by the extremely interesting (imo) Japanese Special Naval Landing Force, essentially the Japanese equivalent to the Marines who were the ones who were issued these (as well as a surprising amount of K98s and MG-34s). As for the Type 2, just use the early Type 100s (which should have a bipod) and replace the early Type 100s spot on the tech tree with one of the later stripped down ones.
  3. Japanese rifles: The hell is a Type Hei… atleast use a Type 4 seeing as those actually went into production and saw very limited combat in the final year of the war. 5-rounds of 7.7 Arisaka in a rather interesting rifle. I also would like to see a early war Type 99 at some point, as well as my beloved Type 44 carbine and possibly the Type 30 rifle and carbine. Also the sniper rifles should come with bayonets.
  4. Shotguns: No trench gun? Seriously? You could use a Model 12 or a 1897 or a Stevens or a whole host of other things and instead we get another Auto 5. That’s frankly insulting seeing as trench guns saw more use in the pacific then they ever did in the trenches of Europe. And give us a M1917 bayonet while you’re at it too!
  5. Type 97 LMG: Yeah it’s cool and all but the Type 99 LMG is a thing.
  6. Pistols: notably lacking is the Type 26. It was used in notable numbers during the war, certainly more so than the Type 1 and type 2. Maybe instead of those, instead making those like gold token weapons, you gave us the Type 26 and the Papa Nambu.

Also your AI troops should Banzai charge with you


Totally agree on Ai troops banzai. Good point.


Definitely that one


Regarding Japanese rifles, the only good one is the Type 99 with the good iron sights plus the 7.7mm despite the late version being like a Kriegsmodell while the 2nd, I do prefer the Japanese Carcano(Type I) over the Type 38.

If only the Japanese have access to Kar98ks, Vz 24s or captured Chinese mausers. Also considering the existence of the Winchester M1895 in Moscow and Stalingrad, maybe we can also have the Japanese captured Mosins from the Russo-Japanese war.

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Disagree all jap rifle need only a bit of practice and are totally better than US one

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Totaly agree it makes no sense to give US a semi-auto shotgun while Japs get a SWORD

Well, 26th year type revolver is outdated and not so popular in WW2 Japanese army. I thought Imported pistol like Astra, Browning, Colt, Mauser, Royal etc. or IJN’s Army-type pistol will be better than Japanese domestic civilian pistol like Type 1 pistol so I’m bit surprised about they choose it.

The easiest 6.5mm bolt action to use honestly is the Japanese Carcano especially when have some experience with the other Carcanos in Tunisia

Type 99 sure slow like Kriegsmodell but hits hard especially when fully upgraded. Closest thing we could get for a Kar98k right now.

I totally agree, the type99 is the only good one.
Yet I also respect the point of view of other people who are wrong.

Type 1 all the way, better for the greasy ultra long range headshots because everybody’s camping and the chonky iron sights on all the other ones is annoying for that

(terrible stats tho, slow and weak)

Type 99 laté.

The best laté.


I dont drink capitalist coffee, only authoritarian nationalist meth
(did you see that video of Hitler tweaking that surfaced recently? lmao it somehow explains a lot)

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Just got the Type 99 sniper and this gun is just amazing. Possibly one of the best bolt action sniper rifles in the game that could even rival the Mosin in terms of firepower plus it even reloads with stripper clips instead of loading single rounds like other bolt action sniper rifles(except Carcano). Amazing firing sound there.

The type 97 (level 0 japanese sniper) is the same but cheaper.

But yea the cracking sound is pretty cool.

That doesn’t change the fact that it saw quite a bit more use than any of the ones you listed, although they did really like their imported Colts and Brownings (especially in .32)

I think a SNLF squad with access to K98s and a MG-34 would be really cool.

No Japanese forces used MG34… Also, Mauser rifles was used by puppet state units (Manchuria, ROC Nanjing Government etc) since early time and Japanese army unit at the late of war.

But as OP says, S1-100, SIG M1920, Type I rifle, Type 100 paratrooper SMG and Type 3 Ka-Chi were used by Navy, so I believe we should have unique & interesting navy squads. Don’t you want to see Navy Paratroopers with Naval Type 100 SMG for prem unit?

I thought they captured some MG-34s from the Chinese that they pressed into service? And I’m like really damn sure that I’ve seen pictures of SNLF troops with Mausers.

The S1-100s and SIG M1920s were used by the SNLF specifically right? The Type Is were just for the Navy in general.

Owen should have came with an Aussie squad. Don’t know why the P14 is in the Pacific, when the M1917 Enfield is already in game and is literally the US version of the P14…would have made more since to just ad the M1917 again, or add a Jungle Lee Enfield with a British Squad.

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