Germany suffers

No blame, just curious how playing Germany is guaranteed loss, unless you play against Germany – then they become good.

As seen from the screnshots.

Compare the German teams when I’m on it and when against lol

well lately germans arent that bad at least from my experience. certainly you play a lot against stacked faction, but a lot of matches are simply winnable. think that i am 3 wins out of 3 matches for today, but couple of weeks ago it was unbearable with shit players on germany team and lots of good players on US/soviet team.


Oh, I suck at everything I do. I’ve been playing this game for a year solid and I lose more than I win. I am also a horrible human being, and a terrible employee. I am not, however, a new player.

Oh yeah, and I’m ugly, too.

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Ahh dude I’m sure that’s not true
I hope youre being sarcastic, I was just giving you a hard time

I’ve picked it up before and it’s really fun. Don’t know why all of you hate it so much

Now if only it wasn’t limited to 2 like everyone else’s load of bull LMG’s

Different servers at different times do have different experiences, but honestly the NA is just as volatile as the rest of the servers from what I can tell. Been avoiding BR V Allies for MONTHS on end because fighting V Japs was literally that much of a pain in the rear. Now we have players back and I can enjoy some BR III and BR V gaming again because my team can actually reach objective by themselves. I don’t have to hold their hand the entire way there. Lol

Yeah in my experience Japan can either be really good or really bad depending on the time of the day, whenever you see players with the korean/jappenese/chineese characters in their names, you know your in for a tough fight

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I think it actually got better? Today faction randomiser actually let me play anything other than damn germany, so they finally had to have some players around

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The common misconception is that just because certain factions get some cool stuff with the various events means that they’re better than the rest.

This isn’t true. It’s all about the playerbase and how they sway towards the events.

Give it time, and other factions will be the focus of match wins.

The trick is not to worry about it too much.

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Event grinder people left and now we can finally play as Germany, shame that Soviets and Americans are now getting their ass kicked.

Are you sure ? I tried to complete the semi-auto and melee mission by playing BR 4 germany, I was only facing super stacked US and soviet teams. I ended up playing BR 5 USA to finish the missions quickly and indeed it was really quick, and not particularly enjoyable honestly.

I literally got tired of playing Enlisted after about 10 matches of BR III US. Lol

Time to try a different faction perhaps?

Just a thought. :slight_smile:

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Did BR II Sovies for a few matches in those 10 matches. I almost had my 6 done for the event before helping my friend get his done as well

Above BR 3, the issue is Soviet and USA have similar gameplay experience : they stomp Germany (They are so few people playing Japan that I did not even played against them in around six games).

Playing Germany is begging to get stomped by the allies. I don’t have any Japanese high BR stuff so I cannot try them, but I would be surprised if it was any different from the germans.

It’s either boringly stomping playing Allies or frustratingly getting stomped playing Axis. And next time the playbase will shift it will just get the other way around.

I’m at a point were I would rather play conquest than invasion because at least the gameplay is usually longer as invasion are just one-sided honestly.

Bro stop memeing. Germany has the best things in the game.

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best tanks and gold order weapons at BR5, rest is crap

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It varies as all things do, but man it took me and my friend pulling out all the stops to hold off 4-5 Japanese pc players late last night. Darn doesn’t look like I took a screenshot of the leaderboard afterward. Lemme see if I can find the replay

If that doesn’t take you right to it, it’s the Alligator Creek Conquest match. 3rd one down should be. But yeah, they kicked our rears and we barely eeked out a win. Was a good match. Definitely had to put a good bit of effort in to beat back the seemingly endless pc horde

I’ve used Low Tier German weapons. MP 40 and MG 13 both hold your hand with how easy they are to use