Germany suffers

it is kind of funny how cyclic the player base in this game is but i guess it also DF fault, they seriously need to think better about their releasing schedule. As an example, both T20 and Type Hei should have been released on the same patch, etc.

What is also fun is how the last sustancial TT update the Germans had, was almost a year ago with the Tiger II H (Jungle fire was on august 23). Thanks to the game having a BR system it isn’t even necessary to add meta defining guns at BR V just something properly “new” for BR 2 or 3 can be enough, like adding the StuH 42 (equivalent to the 105mm Sherman), a LMG alternative to the MG34 at BR III, hell even an Italian “update” would work (uniforms, more weapons or vehicles)

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stupid recoil and dispesion that´s what i think



I can’t speak for everyone, but the last few days, whether playing against Germany with my BR5 allies or level 1-3 Russian, I have lost as many as I have won. I started yesterday with my rating at 489, and after about 20 games or so it is sitting at 486. I even played two games at level 1-3 with my Germans and won both. Once against the Allies and once against the Russians. I played the Germans after they had kicked my butt several times in a row. However, up till the last few days I had been losing a lot with the Germans.

we need belt fed mg42 with 1400 rate of fire,


So once again where are those mythical strong Allies and weak Germany teams?

Yeah MG 15 is unusable. I agree that Mg 34 or MG 42 with 100 bullits is cool as hell and should be added to the TT. Would be fun to play with.


Noooooooooo not that high firerate. Just normal MG with 100 bullits or 150 bullits.

1400 is stupit high

250 round belt


Where are the suffering Germans?


Wouldn’t be suprised if part of that at least is from people wanting to play with the Stinger the Americans got


Stinger is the best MG in the game at the moment, that is the best weapon to complete the machine gunner kills tasks.


I can tell you why you lost, you guys werent playing the objective enough or building enough RPs

except for the two guys that did all the building and didnt get many kills because they were too busy building

and it looks like your top 2 players were in vechiles most of the game

I’ve noticed Germany looses because German players are selfish , dont build many RPs, want to play vechiles and value KDR over objectives

Stinger with an ammo box = meat grinder

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If the only way you’re getting W’s is by playing down tier then who’s really the noob? js

Depends, there are many inexperienced players filling up the ranks of Axis since most victory farmers are stacking US.
I did notice that Germany does decent against USSR in high BR because USSR isn’t stacked, you can see many rallies, spots and other team play.

But when your team is much worse than the enemy team than you are forced to be selfish because the enemy team camping at the end of the greyzone so you can’t build effective rallies.
Can’t push into the objective and just keep running into campers, but with vehicles, you can get a few kills and some XP.
The same thing was true to USSR and especially US when Axis was dominating.


Yeah those are good points

I wonder if your server matters, I play US alot and i’m on North America server, I wonder if more and better US players live in the US and play on the NA Server

and vice versa for German players playing on European servers

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Oh yes, different servers and hours do change your experience!

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In the Werbig game I had rally and apc every time + most zone captures of the entire team…

Ah I forgot, only when I start playing Germany, those German players stop building rally points and become braindead

when you have 0 engineer points you have 0 reasons to blame others for not building rally points, or for loss.

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