Germany suffers

Why are Germany now suffering again, always losing. I play BR5 and havnt won a single match in like 20 matches. The devs are updating the game and adding new stuff to every faction except for Germany. Its time to add some nwe weapons for this country, or players will just leave and play other factions.


Its the player base that migrates, when a faction gets something interesting, all veterans will quickly jump on the faction.

Darkflow gave Germany a 7th Panzer IV and 2 terrible rip off premium squads while US got the best SF rifle of the game in the last update.

Ofcourse people are going to stack US🤦‍♂️


I mean, at this point I’ve resigned myself. Either down-tier and help noobs, or just play the best you can and don’t worry about whether you win or not.

For that matter, if you have constructive feedback, drop it in the suggestions section.

The game is changing, and fixes are rolling in. Hopefully a point will be reached at which the major concerns are dealt with. Until then, the game is enjoyable, even if occasionally frustrating.


Won two matches today at BR5 but rest were miserable or extra dark souls level of misery so i deserted two. Overall pretty bad experience.

are we out of titles for topics?

if anything i noticed improvement with BR5 germany in last week or so.


I haven’t noticed anything super crazy in the past couple of weeks whenever playing BR 5 Germany. Plenty of shit teams of course but that’s everywhere, so carrying was needed but winrates felt completely normal.

So, have you tried building rally points and defending / attacking the point yet?


Another won game BR5


I really hope we get a 250 round version of the MG-42 as an event reward for Germany. Or they could add the 100 round version to the TT at the very least.


someone is not reading chat messages :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah i can’t even ADS with my STG44 in time before i would get obliterated by the M2 Stinger, we should get similar MG for our arsenal.


Such a shame. The Germans should have gotten a 100 round MG in the TT before all the other factions in-game. A huge disservice to history. The MG-15 is not even worthy of being the end tier MG for them while the MG-34 with the 75 round mag already exists.


Calm down. You’ve been in the spotlight for long enough. Let the Allies have the win leeches for a couple weeks. We’ve been struggling against the Japs for MONTHS now

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What do you think the MG 15 is?

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An uglier MG34 Patronentrommel


I get mega super soldaten Germany enemies at BR 1-3

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Well, if you just want to win go play BR2.
It’s much easier there.

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I see, “Germany suffers” topic no. 4772.


could have gone with 227 as a reference to the russian thing :upside_down_face:

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A gun that i refuse to upgrade since it would deplete entire mag in 3secs and reload for longer than that.


Why do people have refer to use personal pronouns for factions?
Its weird.