Germany needs a 100 Round LMG

neither is MG42 and MG34, those are GPMG

not really. germans get 0.4 and 0.41 for mg34/42 which is basically 10% difference.
here is dispersion for 20 rounds on 50 meters for mg42 and vickers.
care to guess what color is mg42 and what is vickers?

what about when we switch this to 30m?


Dude, you legit use MG in close range unironically?

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when i use MG i use it on all ranges (although idk what about 30 and 50m is close range). usually i dont go prone cause team is usually so incompetent that i need to be in cap to either defend or to attack.

simply i wanted to show you that difference in 10% dispersion that you probably cant even recognize.

Your 10% of dispersion in mid range can mean either a headshot or missing and get shot back by the enemy, cuz suppression doesn’t exist in this game and people can legit do 360° no scope you with ease, and the fact you have move penalt and increase dispersion when you shoot while you are moving, making the error margin even worse for the user, that’s why bipod matter for MGs, cuz you actually need those tight grouping

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german thing is insane rof + everyone can equip 20rnd lmg

first they need to fix bipod/resting and then change ALL belt-fed lmgs to be more defensive rather than cqb pseudo-assault rifles by changing aiming, recoil, reload time, etc. when they are not on bipod/rested. and then ALL belf-feds can get longer belts, reasonable size ofc. maybe balance german rof by overheating with forced quick barrel change animation but thats asking too much

also I think this engine will have troubles with long dangling belt animations and physics

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then tell me what MG is green and what MG is red in first and what MG is green and what MG is red in second picture. both 30m and 50m are in mid range. should be easy to recognize right?

if you miss headshot, it is cause of your aim and not cause of 10% of dispersion difference. that small amount of difference comes into play on longer ranges and not on close and mid ranges.
and both are rather inaccurate to be used on longer ranges.

With the German belt fed MGs, all you have to do is go prone. Boom, laser beam at nearly any range.

Vickers? Yeah, no. Not quite.

Dude you consider 30m and 50m mid range? Bruh, mid range is around 100m, and in case you ask, I can snipe people with Vicker at long range(250m+)


Not quite eh? Sounds like a skill issue again…


While that is true, having a 100rd MG42 would be pretty cool, choose between rof (mg15) or capacity (100rd mg42)

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Looking at the numbers, Vickers MG (0.36 dispersion) is more accurate than most german MGs, with the popular ones being as or less accurate (The only tech tree MGs that are more accurate are the Breda, ZB-26, and MG-13
(And here’s my submission of a long range Vickers far away)

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Funni people still camp on that silo… guess something in Normandy just never change lmao

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what about the other 100 round LMGs the soviets and allies get?there are currently 5 100 round machine guns that go against germany,and they are better than all the german LMGs due to being more jack of all trades/long range,or at CQC,or both,they have pretty good dispersion,and they just put so many bullets out that slightly worse dispersion doesn’t matter that much due to the wall of bullets being put out.

well yeah… cause engagement distances in this game are short that basically you rarely have 100+m engagements, so you translate short, medium and long range engagements to game situations. ffs you can build rally at 35m from cap.

btw dispersion on 100m 20 rounds
what color is MG42 and what color is vickers?


and do you know what is even more precise for those shots? any BA rifle and any SA/SF rifle with or without scope. idk what is your point with that screenshot? what about subsequent shots when you need them? one tapping can be done with any weapon. ffs if i had taken screenshot of every long range kill i would probably have dozens of screenshots of headshots on long range with smg and AR.

mg42 is already high ROF MG that has better ROF than all other MG except vickers. vickers also comes with downside of double vertical recoil of mg42 and ~30% higher horizontal recoil. ¸

if they introduce 100 round mg42, should they reduce recoil for vickers? should they buff ROF for m1919a6, or maybe remove its dispersion and recoil? or what about dp27? it has lower ROF and higher recoil than mg42?

only MG that could maybe compare to mg42 with 100 rounds would be rd-44 cause it is more controllable with half of the horizontal recoil of mg42, but mg42 has 33% more damage and 20% more ROF than rd-44.

Or tank or at gun, but its quite irrelevant as the point was you indeed can do long range shots with vickers.

Sure, if its locked to machine gunners like rest of lmg’s.

i don’t think that is possible considering the vickers is an event weapon


Mgs kinda suck and need functioning bipods first.


and you can do long range shots with any other MG with pretty much same accuracy if you one tap. i dont really get this argument. primary use of MG is not sniper, but continuous fire where recoil is relevant.

why would we need different MG-s then. we can just do what wolfenstein did 20 years ago, have basically same weapon with different skin and sound.