Germany needs a 100 Round LMG

Havent really noticed, something being bad or little bit more bad equals bad in my books anyway.

The IRL / History argument is rather irrelevant.
I dont mind LMG’s being static thats fine, but due to low ammo count they are dogshit in that role.

Outside of vickers paras havent really seen anyone use lmg’s.


no BAR’s rpm is fine just that it has bad sights and/or low ammo in the magazine (bara2 has the best sights out of any US gun)


I thought that post was created by Parrot?!?


my mistake. i meant m1919a6 not BAR.

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Vicker terrible recoil is meaningless… is the Best MMG of the game by far

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If you honestly think that what do you think of Soviets and the new MG which they should not even be able to carry or fire at the same time while running around ?

meaningless? i would take mg34/42 over vickers any time of the day. unless you go prone, it is pretty trash. every other MG in the game outperforms it if you are not in prone.

i think that all MG shouldnt be run and gun weapons cause that is not how they were used.
here is nice suggestion of what MG should look and play like.

basically it would turn MG from run and gun type of weapon to portable MG nest with higher ammo capacity. i would also add accuracy penalty for when not in prone with drum magazine.

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Germany can have an 100rd lmg, sure. But acting like it’s going to be a game changing weapon is just flat out wrong.

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Good luck on convincing the Soviets in the allies of that one then because they like to abuse that type of strategy so until it’s a dress I think the Germans need their own belt fed MG with 100 rounds.

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outside of paratroopers and BAR/m1919a6 i really havent see anyone else using MG. people use vickers cause it is default on paratroopers, not cause it is OP and BAR/m1919a6 is basically replacement for assault rifles giving good automatic weapon for mid range engagements and it is not even used that much.

i cant say anything about rd-44 cause i havent played against it, nor have i played with it, but considering that half of my games post merge were with germans BR5, i havent really noticed anyone using rd-44

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Well aren’t you lucky because I bumped into that one and the premium DP

Why do you keep mentioning “German teamwork”, as if there is a huge difference in how Allied and German players play?
This is just the combined result of the number of playerbases, equipment level, and background reinforce data.
German players don’t have any special cooperative gameplay. Tiger II justs fight and dominate alone.

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It’s more than the Soviets especially when it comes to rally points and AP mines and some basic level of fortification

well they can easily make great teutonic horseshoe without many issue so yeah they do understand teamwork

MG34/42 cant hit shite pass mid range, unlike Vicker than can hit any range due its laser accuracy, the recoil is wild but once you tame it, is the best MMG of the game hands down


Vicker is OP by default… I mean the soviets bitch and moan about RD44 being shite(is not), except I don’t see those wannabes stop exploiting the para crate RD44 in low BR


it’s as accurate as mg15 at .36 max for each, though mg15 has the retard bug where it gets bloom

You are aware that .36 is pretty great considering average german MG is more than that? Also MG15 is -insert R word- because the bloom and incremental dispersion it has

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i know, but the best part is that it isn’t the germans most accurate MG it’s the breda and czech bren with accuracy of the BARa2 :joy:

thank you for basically parroting what i just said though i am pretty sure that isn’t meant to be in the game

Breda and Vz 26 are not MMGs…