Germany needs a 100 Round LMG

USA and USSR have 100 round LMG, and germany not.

why i asking this? simple, the most important thing in a LMG is the ammo capacity.

maybe can the parametral have 100 rounds? or add a new LMG? my guesses is good has yours.



Well, there is difference between need and would be nice.


There’s no noticeable difference between 75 and 100 rounds while your base fire rate is 750 or 1200.

German lmgs are okay


personal i think USSR infantry hardware is a lot superior to german,

question is, this is enough to stop the legendary tanks of germany? of course not.

for exemple, DP7 is alot better in my hands at least that a MG34, why? because it,s faster to reload, has less rate of fire what makes it better to control that a MG34.

MG15 is a piece of shiet, it have to much rate of fire, and it do not have more ammo that a MG34 parametral.



you’re not allowed to point that out even though the Germans have the biggest player base otherwise the allies and Soviets will have nothing to cry about

and extra ammo does help when you’re trying to stop a nine man squad and if he has friends as well

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are you… becoming slighlty self aware?

chistmas miracles do happen.

nope. spooke to soon. didn’t i.

anyway, as it goes,

germany doesn’t really need 100 rounds lmg.

the mg 15 and mg 34 patronomel do their job quite nice accordingly.

( p.s. you can call me an allied main. but i doubt it’s really gonna change much )


I think the MG-08/15 would be a good candidate



I do when I encounter your death stack teams because those players are scary especially the Asians

has long it have 100 rounds and less rate of fire that a MG15,

yes i would be a perfect canditate.


okey, the mg 18 might be the only exception i would grant.

but at the same time.

does germany really need it?


personally, i would grab one for my volkssturm since i got a ww1 squad already :stuck_out_tongue:


Stop it you’re not allowed to make sense the Soviets and the allies need this type of thing so they can’t get mowed down by Germans who understand the concept of teamwork

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you’re just throwing out every buzzword as possible for the sake of it.

also i was joking.

i mean, i do play allied for the most part too since i have just grinded fully the german tech tree and proceeding to unlock all the others except japan )

but i would like to remind you that " asian " people play all sides.

not only allied.

and… death stacks are in the axis teams too.

so i have no idea how you keep spouting nonsense and accusing the enemy team of wrong doings when your own side does it.

you’d be surprised how many shitters with grenade launchers, impacts and lean spammer there are.


When it comes to Soviets or the allies and I encounter a professional Death stack I honestly think the Asians are the ones who can make me feel the most pain and when it comes to Germans they’re so so

What we need is a total overhaul of LMG weapon class. Ideally 2y ago.


germans already have one of the best MG-s in the game so they dont need 100 rounds.
vickers has terrible recoil, m1919a6 has low ROF, dp27 belt fed has low ROF and shit recoil. only thing that is probably better than mg34/42 is rd-44 but it is debatable cause mg34/42 do 30% more damage per bullet.

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lovely logic, I suppose murrica doesnt either need anything since they got best planes.
Nor sovjets due to best smg’s.


i am directly comparing MG-s from other factions to german MG-s. they have high ROF and great recoil MG with somewhat limited capacity, while all others with high capacity either have low ROF or terrible recoil. only exception to that is rd-44 which shouldnt even be in the game.

probably in prone. Othervise the recoil is horrible.

which pretty much nullifies the entire LMG. Since pretty much anything from assaulters / FG’s are by far better option.
The LMG’s are genuinely useless.


for MG their recoil is great (not to be confused for overall great recoil like e.g. ppsh41). they are mostly usable while standing, unlike other MG

and yet that is how they were used in ww2. belt fed german MG were mostly only used in static defenses where they become MMG, while when they were used as LMG they used mostly drum or patronentrommel magazines.

and yet most players use LMG-s as run and gun type of weapon.

@VoyoMayPL had good suggestion for making MG behave like MG and not like high caliber smg.