Germany actually does suffer

Yes, it definitely isn’t worthy to rush through tech tree under new BR system.

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Just checked it, this guy is actually right.

I made a mistake, i have looked at the red event PPS42 which has higher damage than the other variants, and falsely asumed they have the same damage per bullet.

Kinda embarrassing not gonna lie.
I gotta say though, from 100 posts in this thread… how tha heck is he the only one dude realising my mistake here? Guys seriously, am I the only one actually looking at stats or what??

i have already been in enough of these topics to not really bother about another one.

my argument for this was that mp40 was balanced to kill with 2 bullets on short ranges cause of lack of rof/dps compared to pps42/43 and body armor negates that advantage giving mp40 even less damage than pps42/43. weapon balance shouldnt be decided by piece of cosmetic.


First and foremost I disagree with most of this, I’m not going to pull the skill issue card because even skilled players encounter loss after loss. This entire post isn’t because of equipment it’s because of the players moving between factions. All the skill players left Germany because they got bored. This happens to all factions and that’s why everyone complains that faction X is underpowered compared to faction Y. This is a constant and common thing it’s never going to change. While some equipment may require fine tuning in terms of stats or tier I think it’s fine for the most part as is for the meantime.

Quite a coincidence that once the T20 was introduced, which is arguably twice better than FG42II.
Suddenly, there was abundance of stacks playing US and by a coincidence I assume, GE players got bored.

Could even say the somewhat same happened with type hei rifle.
Suddenly there was no lack of Japan players but coincidentally at same time US players got bored.

But regarding the topic & guns of it.
I dont mind PPS being slightly better, but the fact that not only is theyr smg better but top of that they get the ridiculous -10% body armor that enhances the imbalance between guns is not exactly acceptable.

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Cosmetics shouldn’t affect gameplay with hidden stats (locked behind one faction)… This needs to be removed.


Here are posible solutions to your problems bud : )

1- unistall the game (nobody will miss you bud. :} )

2- G E T B E T T E R ( for the love of God, Allah or whatever You belive in ) GET BETTER. Learn how to use your weapons vehicles and the games Will be 10 times easier i personaly confirm that

3- play with friends ( if You have) with your mates You can coordinate games and easily win more

I’m a Germany Main and Yea some things are Bad like the as 44 recoil and dispersion, the
kv-1 is bugged and the americans have a very good MG also they have the Best CAS in the game but You can easily win if You play like a Japan Main, they don’t need better things they just need to know how to use them effectively so You have to stop crying about and be like them

Also don’t forget that i have a 60% win rate without premium,most of My games i Made up 3000 of points Even if i lose, 3000 is good for me

So stop crying about this, take your weapons and learn how to use it and lets make Germany Japan#2

Grow up nerd.

You don’t know who you are talking to.

Oh well, excuse me president of Mongolia im just giving up some solutions to your problems i don’t care if You don’t wanna listen kid

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Nerd? Thats the fastest solution to your problems dude if You don’t wanna listen i just don’t care about it XD

Why would I listen to somebody who’s only contribution to my post is that I should learn to play or uninstall the game.

Grow up.

I Say that listen me is obligatory? Nope, this conversation doesnt needs to be discussed anymore if You wanna listen ok if not i just don’t care ok?

If you dont care, never write with me again, if you insult me on my post, at least have the guts to stand by your words. Now you are backing off and acting like I dont require to read what you specifically say to me.

I read what you write, and to claim the solution to “my problems, as if body armor is only specifically my problem” is to learn how to use my weapons - a ridiculous statement.

Not only do you assume that simply by highlighting balance issues, I turn into a noob that needs to be lectured by you.

Noo… you also claim I should stop crying and uninstall the game.

Your comments are nothing but insults. And as such I will defend my position.

Well i accept that i was insulting You but lets end this once for all… I honestly agree that the armor is something Bad but i Say it in My last reply, if You know how to use whatever You are using, this is not a bigger problem and about unistalling the Game well… I Say that because i’m tired of most of these people saying that Germany is Bad or things like that the nation ins’t the problem with it are the players and the fact that they don’t make anything on most of games adn come here to just talk about this asking for better things or a allies nerf anyway if You want to reply me do it if not cya


The thing that people don’t understand about me is that I ALWAYS look at gameplay balance from the perspective of a try hard match.

Sure most players are utter noobs that even feel like they play worse than AI, however intense matches do exist, especially when fighting full squads.

I have take great pride in my abilities to carry a noob team against full squads of good players, which happens quite alot when playing as Germans.
In this very scenario being able to survive a single additional bullets makes it impossible for me to wipe squads fast enough to carry the team, while the enemy can still wipe my squad in seconds.

This is a massive advantage, and the main reason why Vitality is the best perk in the game.

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Another day another total domination of the Germans:

PPS is the problem but not as big of a problem as the PPS-41 at BR3 playing against BR2, practically all Axis smgs of BR3-5 should go down in BR. WINchester is better than both of them, all low BR mgs are trash i only like recent RPK 1943 (so another soviet win). Pz3M/N have very poor penetrations and awful armor that any soviet tank with 45/76mm can exploit and 1hk kill. Add body overpowered body armor and you have insanely strong nation that is way too strong at low BR and top tier at high BR.
Low BR Germany is inferior to the Soviets in every single way and it’s a fact.


Bruh judging by scores, u are the reason why the opposite team feels “unbalanced”

literally fucking what? MANLICKA 1895 is the exact same as winchester save for 2 difference which really really won’t be noticable enough to affect the game

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