Germany actually does suffer

Higher velocity, faster reload speed and a bit less of a recoil can make a difference at the longer ranges especially against snipers not just Mannlicher users. It’s the best rifle in the game you don’t even need a scope since sights are good too.

Wake up, play as Soviets, win a game. It’s a tradition at this point. Only lost once in about 10 games because game gave me a zombie teammates that haven’t even entered the point even once to defend it and just looked at the grass for entire match.

Engineers/APCs become completely useless when you just zerg from one point into the another and enemies can’t recapture a single point. Current Enlisted is not really amusing me anymore at low BR it’s gotten pretty boring.

ah yes higher velocity on mostly cqc maps, now if we commonly engaged at 150-200m out then the velocity would help but within that as long as you’re not using .45 really then all your lead will be about the same, reload is something i don’t believe will give much of an edge unless it’s something insane like BARa2 or Ostu’s 2.0 second reload but most of the time you can just pop behind a cover, finish your reload then continue with what you are doing. Recoil on a bolt action means nothing since all of them tend to reset after your finish racking the bolt; hell if you are shootin at longer ranges then the better recoil becomes irrelevant because you are correcting a miss, now at spam firing yes the recoil could be better but that’s not what you are arguing…debating if the sights are the best for all bolt actions is almost an entirely subjective things since i prefer the ringed sights of the G98s series, 91/30 and springfield USMC for longer distance shooting because that ring guides my eyes to the post and on target while without that ring i will sometimes lose the front post and takes longer for me to acquire target


Agreed, I have been losing almost all my mathces as Germany, they should buff this country as all the rest factions got new guns, and weapons. Soviet are just overpowered, their AVT is better than FG-42s, their PPsh are better than MP40s, they have 100 rounds LMGs. they have AS-44s that are literally AK-47, they have IS-2 with 122mm cannon, they have Federov which shouldnt even be in the game (real life, extremly bad), PPS should at least be BR4… And so on. These are just infair for the Germans and now everyone is just leaving Germany and play Soviet.

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a 122 with at most a 16 second reload, long 88 is a 7 second reload with a better AT round

in real life m2c wouldn’t be a thing til oki, germans would be stuck with bolt actions rifles since FG42 was too low produced (7k units made), G43 and G41 had 500k units produced in an army of 13.5 million, the german would also only be able to spawn a tank or two in a match since they were outnumbered unless in normandy where they get none ince tanks were still held inland, japanase faction would not exist past b2 , german airforce would not exist on any western front map except tunisia, SVT shouldn’t be used as an infantry weapon but it’s more believable because russia had plans for semi autos to be standard issue but barb happened, AVS was a gunner weapon same with AVT
keep in mind this is what happened in real life so best not to use that argument


It has nothing to do with a faction having OP weapons. It has everything to do with people randomly abandoning a faction and everyone jumping on another.

This is a constant with this game, 6 months ago Germany was overpowered. That’s just because everyone got bored with playing that faction and moved on to the next one. That usually happens whenever something new comes out for a faction, everyone jumps to that faction to unlock it. I expect Germans to be back on top by the end of the year winning every match that they take part in. As much as I hate that it’s like this it’s due to the way they’ve designed and released equipment for various factions. The BS faction imbalance is created by the release of equipment mainly targeting one area instead of equally targeting all areas.

If they spread equipment out evenly across factions and tiers it would almost entirely solve majority of the problem in an instant. But another major thing that would help that would be join any faction, assuming it balances out the way the devs want it to.