Germany actually does suffer

Quite sure everyone does, since the SMG’s are in every game while I hardly ever see LMG squads, sometimes rarely someone builds the heavy lmg.

I just killed T20 squad with my type1 BA rifle, doesnt really mean T20 should be introduced to BR1 doesnt it ?

Except that last time when games were settled at long range was before merge against bot teams.
These days, since majority are indeed players rather than bots the things have changed quite alot.

Then again, assaulters can have 2 weapons SMG+BA so they are more than capable to compete even at long range against the LMG & SA.

And this insane range advantage can be mitigated with
a) Having 2 guns smg + ba
b) Smoke

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Should I go with Winchester and wipe STG group and say the same? Skill makes up for gun gap. But I am not talking about a situation, I mean match being won and performing overall better in both KDA and other areas - engi, vehicle kills. You advertise SMGs like the single best thing, yet anyone decently skilled can slap them around, you just gotta play a gun that takes actual skill and time to get used to.

Really? I do not know, my games still consist of killing 70-80% of enemies before they even reach the point, but I mean that is a playstyle difference. I usually stand to the side of objectives gunning down the obvious enemy routes, so we may differ in experience as most engages for me are medium/long range. CQC only if necessary to help CP defense or go rally hunting.

How many people use smoke effectively first of all? 1 out of a 50, if we are generous? Secondly, yeah they might carry a bolt-action as secondary, but I have yet to see it being used and used effectively, since SMG users are not exactly marksman material tbh.

Go ahead, does that then mean stg should be introduced to same BR as winchester ?

So as german with smg requires more hits than soviet counter part, germans just need to get some more skill ?
Like what kind of argument this even is ?

Perhaps because this is indeed a topic about SMG and body armor ?

Try germans then, I can ensure you due to current event you will be fighting at cap points against stacks of smgs.

Sounds about right, could argue its still twice as more than people dominating with BR2 lmg’s at long range.

Okay ? So germans just need bit more skill with theyr insane LMG’s but soviet smg’s are fine because they lack skill ?

Just what ?

One could say, perhaps due to arguments exactly like this you should focus on stats rather than your personal experiences.


pls show ur win rate to confirm that this problem is not occuring to everyone , mine has dropped to ,ik soviet weapons are good, but there cas is also good for some reason…(if u r a good attacker pilot , )

brother for me, it was a player base issuee… trust me

I played GE side and only using VG.2, Kar98 and MGs. →

You can check the results and I did play against SMG spam, it was no different from what I face when against GE. Still 70% of my kills were out of CP.

No, do you need an explanation as to why?

Yeah. Usually you make up for differences with your own abilities. Is that not how most games are played especially ones offering variation in gameplay?

Looking purely at stats since you wish to adress those, then the Berreta and OVP M1918 should be much better than PPS-43 so what is the problem? It has 200 more RPM, 0.1 more dmg and only a slight recoil difference. Sure you have 10 rounds less but still that RPM does make a diff does it not?

Win rate in this game means nothing, it can be easily manipulated. If you leave a losing match before it ends, a negative WR will not show up in your stats. You can easily reach 100% WR this way.

But that’s not what I was talking about. I played 5 games as BR5 Germany a few days back and won all of them. Some of them were in the stack, but some were not.
(I posted those screenshots in different (but recent) topic about “Germany suffers”, which you can search up for yourself. I am too lazy for that)

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Good for you champ, so shall we now introduce stg44 to br1-2 ? Nothing you cant beat with some 70% long range BA action and skill.

Please do, because according to your logic here all is fine, all you need is little bit skill ?
Would be nice for change to soviets require some skill too.

So again, stg44 to br1-2 because you have such insane skills that it wont matter ?

Which you can counter with ppd34, so why not use that ?

Time to grab popcorn and enjoy the sh*tshow


Really? It still is outbeaten in both RPM and Hit power. But ur issue is PPS-43 so if those weapons beat it, what is the issue to make use of them in that case, since I doubt you will suddenly see people switch to PPD-34 even if it is better.

Uff now that is a one-sided point of view and a cry for help if I ever saw one. Not like GE had stomped matchmaking not too long ago. Yet you did not bother ackowledging that, when you rode on those waves of fun did you?

Sure, I would not mind. Go ahead, you would lose anyway, cuz even with a better gun, it does not mean a certain win. Some of us know how to make up for it and overcome problems.

Because certain weapons allow for easier and effective usage without the need for experience and growth. STG44 is a nice example of that being a jack-of-all-trades with zero regard for skill and putting it into lower BR would cause it to outperform any other gun present, as such it can not be done.

I do not remember PPS-43 outdoing BA in a combat at longer ranges nor outdoing MGs in their suppresion ability of an area, unlike your STG44 could. And since you agreed GE has weapons outclassing PPS-43 at the same BR II, I no longer see a problem to this debate really.

Sounds more like the only issue here is being unable to adapt and grow beyond pursuing SMG zerg rush style of gameplay, yet blaming weapons of other factions that have a slight edge, when you do not even put an effort to make up for this imbalance and rather focus on “stat” difference.

Sure, by 0.4dmg which you can mitigate with the body armor which also was the subject in the topic.

Actually my issue is the body armor which should be just cosmetic like everything else.

No shit ? Yet you are here offering some pseudo skill arguments of getting some long range skill with better lmgs ?

I cant really force people to play certain faction can I ?
And what does this have to do with the bodyarmor or pps ?

Good for you champ, everyone elses life goal is also to be good at enlisted.
Definitely something to to go for and be proud of.

Like pps ?

Dont really see how ? Since we’re little bit nitpicking here stg44 has actually lower dpm than ppd.
Also since according to your insane BA skills it shouldnt be anykind of problem as you apparently have no issues against automatics with BA.
Just requires little bit skill as you said.

Well you brought the “skill” in the conversation, which pretty much guaranteed the arguments will be fagl666 level.
Then little bit derailing with insane LMG’s and ass-ymmetrical balance.

Im just curious to see where you draw the line with your skill requirements.

I can wipe two squads with a drum PPSH in 2 seconds, I wanna see you do the same with a 5 round bolt action.

Listen, I don’t want to sound rude, but just because you are great with a bolt action, doesn’t mean you would perform worse with a SMG.

Boltactions are rightfully sitting in BR1 and BR2, even if they can be used effectively even in BR5.

2 squads

By tapping into lying bots which don’t answer you? Lmao. Somebody even use drums. Instead of semiautos, MGs or assault rifles

I dare to say that every SMG in the game outperforms each semi or bolt action rifle of the same BR up to 50 meters distance. Which is basically the range for 90% of the entire fight.

We all agree that snipers are rather usless in this game, but for some reason some like to defend BA rifles as jack of all trades.

They are not.

No that would be 3 squads then.

Regardless of faction, the argument that most people in this game are morons is utterly bad, because that does not make things more or less effective/ makes a stat better or worse.


Sure. Then i can wipe 3 squads simply tapping with FG into their deks

as another one as say on different topic actually germany don’t have a lot of veteran player with the new addition on other TT it can be a fact.i’m playing only for the event since i’ve don’t have so much time but for my part 75% of matches with german we’re loss


No you cant because you only have 20 rounds in your magazine. Oh and because thanks to body armor both PPSH41 Drum and FG42 need the same bullets to kill in close quarters.

These theme is just hilarious. Wehraboos are the most “fun” part of the playerbase indeed. PPSh cant physically kill with 2 bullets through vitality perk. When in top configuration, it does 6.6 damage. 6.6 + 6.6 is not 13.5. Same with PPS-42/43 btw. And thats just one of your “arguments”. Others are no better. Maybe you should think about going back to school and get some math classes.