Germany actually does suffer

Really? It still is outbeaten in both RPM and Hit power. But ur issue is PPS-43 so if those weapons beat it, what is the issue to make use of them in that case, since I doubt you will suddenly see people switch to PPD-34 even if it is better.

Uff now that is a one-sided point of view and a cry for help if I ever saw one. Not like GE had stomped matchmaking not too long ago. Yet you did not bother ackowledging that, when you rode on those waves of fun did you?

Sure, I would not mind. Go ahead, you would lose anyway, cuz even with a better gun, it does not mean a certain win. Some of us know how to make up for it and overcome problems.

Because certain weapons allow for easier and effective usage without the need for experience and growth. STG44 is a nice example of that being a jack-of-all-trades with zero regard for skill and putting it into lower BR would cause it to outperform any other gun present, as such it can not be done.

I do not remember PPS-43 outdoing BA in a combat at longer ranges nor outdoing MGs in their suppresion ability of an area, unlike your STG44 could. And since you agreed GE has weapons outclassing PPS-43 at the same BR II, I no longer see a problem to this debate really.

Sounds more like the only issue here is being unable to adapt and grow beyond pursuing SMG zerg rush style of gameplay, yet blaming weapons of other factions that have a slight edge, when you do not even put an effort to make up for this imbalance and rather focus on “stat” difference.

Sure, by 0.4dmg which you can mitigate with the body armor which also was the subject in the topic.

Actually my issue is the body armor which should be just cosmetic like everything else.

No shit ? Yet you are here offering some pseudo skill arguments of getting some long range skill with better lmgs ?

I cant really force people to play certain faction can I ?
And what does this have to do with the bodyarmor or pps ?

Good for you champ, everyone elses life goal is also to be good at enlisted.
Definitely something to to go for and be proud of.

Like pps ?

Dont really see how ? Since we’re little bit nitpicking here stg44 has actually lower dpm than ppd.
Also since according to your insane BA skills it shouldnt be anykind of problem as you apparently have no issues against automatics with BA.
Just requires little bit skill as you said.

Well you brought the “skill” in the conversation, which pretty much guaranteed the arguments will be fagl666 level.
Then little bit derailing with insane LMG’s and ass-ymmetrical balance.

Im just curious to see where you draw the line with your skill requirements.

I can wipe two squads with a drum PPSH in 2 seconds, I wanna see you do the same with a 5 round bolt action.

Listen, I don’t want to sound rude, but just because you are great with a bolt action, doesn’t mean you would perform worse with a SMG.

Boltactions are rightfully sitting in BR1 and BR2, even if they can be used effectively even in BR5.

2 squads

By tapping into lying bots which don’t answer you? Lmao. Somebody even use drums. Instead of semiautos, MGs or assault rifles

I dare to say that every SMG in the game outperforms each semi or bolt action rifle of the same BR up to 50 meters distance. Which is basically the range for 90% of the entire fight.

We all agree that snipers are rather usless in this game, but for some reason some like to defend BA rifles as jack of all trades.

They are not.

No that would be 3 squads then.

Regardless of faction, the argument that most people in this game are morons is utterly bad, because that does not make things more or less effective/ makes a stat better or worse.


Sure. Then i can wipe 3 squads simply tapping with FG into their deks

as another one as say on different topic actually germany don’t have a lot of veteran player with the new addition on other TT it can be a fact.i’m playing only for the event since i’ve don’t have so much time but for my part 75% of matches with german we’re loss


No you cant because you only have 20 rounds in your magazine. Oh and because thanks to body armor both PPSH41 Drum and FG42 need the same bullets to kill in close quarters.

These theme is just hilarious. Wehraboos are the most “fun” part of the playerbase indeed. PPSh cant physically kill with 2 bullets through vitality perk. When in top configuration, it does 6.6 damage. 6.6 + 6.6 is not 13.5. Same with PPS-42/43 btw. And thats just one of your “arguments”. Others are no better. Maybe you should think about going back to school and get some math classes.


An issue I agreed should be covered more thoroughly in a separate thread, so it does not get lost in the SMG topic and am all for getting rid of? Might wish to re-read previous replies.

However should that change come to fruition, would the SMGs suddenly become balanced enough for you?

You have been going for PPS-43 by itself specifically and its stats for the past messages and body armor issue has already been adressed and agreed upon.

You had problem with PPS-43 specifically outdoing GE SMGs, I looked and saw SMGs that should based on stats, be able to outperform it. I gave you an option that allows to outperform the problematic PPS-43, if you wish to make use of it is up to you and other players. Therefore should you pick any other SMG weaker in comparison to PPS-43 is a problem entirely caused by your preference, though I understand the bias towards carrying MP40.

Like any other SMG and AR regardless of faction?

Easy argument, I draw the line at the match results and its process. Though it is based on experience, like the opinion of most. However like I said, I never personally noticed having problems facing soviet low BR SMGs as you put it. Sure they wipe out regular casuals, but so do the GE SMGs and to the same extend in most cases. So difference of stats plays a negligible difference that is heavily overshadowed by the players themselves that has more impact in the end. You encounter gold SMG spammers on either side and you know the match is not going to be an easy win.

I do not base the game’s whole balance upon myself. Most kills made in matches for both sides are SMGs being honest, making up to lets say 50-60%, then vehicles 20%+/- and then the rest, I am not accounting my presence in this as that would fuck it up. I do watch kill logs whenever I play and putting in an STG44 would result in the regular players on the enemy side not being able to contest neither in CQC nor at longer ranges, making it pretty much the go-to-weapon for everything, which by itself would ruin the balance of short/medium and long range as there would be no reason to pick any other weapon.

care to quote where ? It is the combination of pps and bodyarmor that bothers me, get rid of bodyarmor and I dont give a fk about slight advantage of pps.

Currently the question is 2 hits to kill or 3 with bodyarmor.

Thanks, really.

So after all this shitposting of yours we can agree upon that Stg44 belongs to BR1 because it has less DPM in stats than ppd34 ?

Except as said here

Much like the current PPS in low BR’s ?

But hey, I still dont think STG44 would be too strong in BR1-2.
All you need to do is as soviets is get little bit skill with madsen, it deals more dmg on range so all you got to do is mow down those pesky stg44 users before they get to cap point.

I do not use snipers, only Engineers, AT and Radio in most of my squads, so all kills are done without a scope via Winchester or VG.2/K98. I understand it might seem weird to get long range kills without sniping, but with good position on a flank on a route rarely used, you can watch over a street stretching to a range of 100-150 meters. BAs by themselves are high risk in every CQC situation regardless.

No, I know my performance with them and using them against regulars in the BR I usually stay in would be plain unfair. That is why I do not ever use them unless facing a hard match against stack, then they might show up once or twice. They are just too easy to grow fond of and attach to whilst giving no reason to players to improve hence why the current automatic “meta”.

The germany lose the war so what problem is ? That’s not soviet game ? What do you expect for ?

Star Trek I


I’m gonna share my stats here, since, I tend to agree with the notion that there are problems with GE matchmaking:

K/D is alright, but win percentage of 27.36% shows that something is definitely wrong.
Because, 50% is expected norm. Maybe it can fluctuate to 40-60% if one really likes to laze around/sweatlord matches. But it should not be as bad as this.

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Here you go. Just make a new suggestion topic and let it rest, I did the same with the Flak 37 today to have it go into BR III instead of staying in BR IV. If the devs notice it is up to them however, but I believe such issue should gather enough attention to make them see it.

Huh, I mean you threw around stats quite a bit and compared, but at least we can close that debate. Happy to hear that.

Is there currently an imbalance between factions in BR I-III that would require such a gun to exist in it? No. Would it ruin balance in the BR given its capabilites? Yes. Should you compare it with a weapon of a different class? No, since its intended usage and capabilities might seem similar, but are nonetheless different.

Does PPS overperform in all scenarios. No, it lacks in areas that are meant for other weapon classes.

Would STG44 overperform in all scenarios. Yes, it could go toe to toe at short/medium/long range regardless of enemy’s gun.

I hope that settles this.

There is no MM to aim for this.

Most games are won off the back of 1 or 2 players.

You either have to be that player, or hope you end up with one. Odds arent good if its not you


dam you give me pre merge stalingrad flashback again ugh hate those time

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