Matchmaking is fine for GE

So given people complaining a lot about GE having a very bad winrate, I decided to see for myself, somehow I only got games against Soviets, but that is a game issue and frankly I can not do anything about that. All games were played in BR 1-3, so it may not apply to higher BR, but last I checked they were doing fine over there as well.

The results are 50% winrate, not exactly unwinnable nor unplayable. The issue is GE playerbase, lots of people leave as soon as half of their team is not gold rank, or whenever they face an actually competent opponent. All factions suffer from this, but GE is the most prone to having this happen.

Another issue is overreliance on tanks, too much spam of low BR tanks with zero effectivity resulting in early loss. Then there is the Auto-spam, spray n’ pray. Like you have K98 and VG.2, both very capable bolts and deadly in good hands, but 85% of GE players just prefer going PEW, PEW, like it is a COD or Battlefield game, resulting in almost no engineer usage, meaning no AA, AT nor Rallies, if not for APCs.

For those skeptic about the results, no vehicles were used by me, not even an APC.


Quite common for most low br battles.

Auto spam exist for every faction and it has nothing to do with engineer usage since you can put engineer in your squad anyway.

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Weren’t Germans also the best faction in terms of engineering? Of course, there’re always games where nobody but you’re building any engineering, but usually you can count on the Fritz to build rallies.

You can put him in there, question is how many actually do so and how many make use of him. Most of the time people with SMG/MG squad are the ones rushing a point to no avail, hardly have I seen them stop to build anything except maybe ammo for themselves.

Most often their squads die as a result of their stupid approach of “Zerg rushing” so having an engineer in a squad means nothing if you do not use him.

Also in regards to Auto-spam, yeah all factions do it, honestly think it makes the game more boring and players using them will never get better at aiming. Might be worth looking into restricting their usage for lower BR to incite more bolt-action usage and skill growth among newer players.

Lol those bolt action guy are the ones that snipe from distance and don’t attack the point.

Using bolt action doesn’t mean you will use engineer either. You are just connecting two unrelated stuff up.

This is a rather casual game.

Heh, I myself usually stay on flanks and supress people going towards the CP or go after rallies. Does not really sound like sniping, but you can hardly talk shit given my results, they far outweight any guy sitting in a corner of a CP that gets overwhelmed easily or gets blasted by tank HE/plane bombs, or the guy rushing in with 16 deaths questioning why we have no more spawns.

Also those sniping bolt actions boys are imprecise as hell even with scopes, it makes me sad they even exist.

I mean, who would you use though? Sure you can switch to AT but that is occasional and only for tanks. Rifleman has no benefit, nor does Radio operator. Looking at efficiency, engineers are the top of the crop when choosing which role to fill in and play as and can do both suppression and AT/AA effectively if you get correct perks.

Yeah, well if it were a casual game, people should not care about matchmaking and winrates. Yet people clearly do, given the amount of threads here on forums. I just proved the matchmaking is fine even for GE with a decent 50% winrate and I will go back to my beloved Winchester.

Lol if those players don’t even care about engineer stuff, what will change if you force them to use bolt action rifle? They will just bayonet charge with their 9 men rifleman squad, nothing will change.

That’s why people spam full auto since it is very effective and require less skill.

If they do not wish to use brain or attempt to try being a team player, then taking away their firepower is a fine solution. They still would be a cannon fodder, but this time they would not spray 3 mags before dying. They are already a hinderance given them often topping the death leaderboard, so giving them a gun incapable of spraying might make them think for once.

Exactly, less skill and very effective, sounds awfully similar to tanks, but tanks are limited in usage. Same could be applied to these weapons, but that is just my personal opinion. Given the playerbase prefers such a way of playing, nothing can be done and the gap between organised players and randoms in matches will just increase substantially due to actual usage of terrain, strategy and map knowledge whilst most newbies and regular players will fall for the Auto-spam objective rush, serving as nothing more than a cannon fodder without a speck of potential to grow and improve by themselves due to following “meta”.

No it will only give them less kill and make them more useless.
Fire few shot before dying is not better than spray 3 mags before dying.

Yep, but all this depends on is how playerbase views access to having impact. Unlimited access to easy-to-use and effective weapons allows everyone, even those undeserving, to have impact in the match.
Should that have been rectified before, definitely. Should it be done now, most likely not given the game and the players have already taken to this style of gameplay that mirrors the gameplay of COD and Battlefield rather than adapt HLL and Post Scriptum with less rush-in and automatic weapon usage.

What is not fine is playing mostly against sovs. I had the similar experience yesterday, five matches and five wins (BR5, but I played in group).

But all 5 matches were against sovs. We really need sovs vs japs. Otherwise Western allies will be farming mostly only Japan and Germans will face only sovs in most cases.

Can the Japs compete with the Soviets though? I mean in regards to armor Soviets will dominate both early and late easily. As for infantry, well can not say much about the Japs, but Soviets do have strong weaponry for all BRs and as for planes, that is the only place the Japs might have the upper hand.

I disagree, japs do have very good smgs across all BRs. Same goes for rifles.

The literally only issue is tank balance. But since Japs do have the finally working NI05 with ±180mm pene, they really do not need tanks.

It’s more of matter which faction is going to be more popular, not about equipment differences. At least that’s my opinion.

Ohh, and I forgot about sniper rifles. Sovs do have the best endgame snipers rifles meanwhile Maps completely don’t have any.

But not many people are using end game snipers anyway.

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Yeah, I think Soviets would take the lead in popularity regardless due to its playerbase and appeal resulting in a clear winner.

Well, don’t forget that both US and Japs were promised to get assault engineers. Meaning, both factions should get ARs too.

So guessing future balance based only of equipment we have know is kinda pointless.
I am pretty sure Japanese will keep getting new stuff at pretty high rate.

I don’t see anything wrong about this.

This is like saying every nation have explosive pack so they don’t need tank.
The job that NI05 does can also done by TNT or explosive pack.
Grey zone exist lol.

I never had a problem with greyzone tanks when I played Japanese. Have you?

Comparing NI05 to EP… Really? lol.

It will not have much problem for premium player like you that can bring all sorts of stuff.
But it is a problem for many F2P players.

Both are short range anti tank weapon and can destroy heavy tank.

I can add a few things, as a german main:

So, my winrate is somewhat on the low end, usually I end up fighting the soviets (probably because I am in European servers).
Often, I see our side losing and the defeat is also often a roflstomp.

Yes. Though, what server were You on?
Last I remember the western allies mains were prone to abandoning ship when they face a more serious resistance and realizing that this won’t be easy bot farming (back when campaigns were separate, I think Tunisia suffered the most from this).

Yeah, the German tanks, while have a very efficient layout (5 tankers, with obvious commander/gunner/driver/loader and machinegunner), tend to feel a lot like tissue paper in terms of armor strength. A single hit from the side (and sometimes even the front) of the usual 45mm soviet tank gun (that T-26, BT-7 and T-50 have) destroys pretty much any of the panzer 3s, and some early variants of 4s.
They are too vulnerable if you ask me, so I prefer using planes nowadays. It is a bit funny that I feel safer in a plane than a tank. I could last for entire match in a same plane (especially if folks on opposite team don’t build AAs or use their own planes).

And yeah, lack of engineers is one of the larger issues.