Flaming rain

Did i miss a devlog announcing a brand new heavy tank No.6 for japan or why does the US plane need 4 HVARs? (surely those HVARs are needed to stop the mighty Ha Go menace…)
And are just 2 tiny 60kg bombs that good to jusify needing 4 HVARs to compete? I highly doubt that.


Nobody is talking about the new mechanics in pacific where you have to takeoff from carriers. As everyone knows, there is a period during your climb out after taking off where you are really slow and pretty much can’t maneuver much. Good pilots will CAP these areas and just shoot down any plane that takes off and headed to combat area.

Hopefully true CAP will slowly be moved into this game.

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Don’t forget that any enemy plane in thst area will be dealt from AI aa guns from the carriers.


Good pilots stay out of ai AA range. I do it all the time.

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I think we should be worried about our esteemed allied pilots are going to be dropping fuel tanks on us now

Worst part is that with the low render distance of enlisted this friendly fire might happen more often than it should…


That’s fine. I’ll be waiting with my premium Japanese plane :sunglasses:

Friendly markers appear 1km away.

1km away is plenty of distance to avoid the Friendly fire.

Now that we have the Hellcat can we get the Corsair?

I’m fairly confident that takeoff mishaps are and will remain the main contribution to keep the skies clear.


While I like that there’s a new type of weaponry to play with that is soon coming…

Again, behind a time restricted event hit and miss FOMO format???

You know, regular progression was just fine (if very grindy) because we could unlock at our own pace, and continue having a life in-between matches…

And, again, those missing it… Well they miss it.

Mitigated feelings from me. :confused:

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We have to wait to see how easy or hard it is to acchive. Or, if in the future they comeback or not for the ones that did miss it.

Who knows :slight_smile:

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More flame spamming is pretty much horrible for the game - yet I would argue that planes should have the option to specialise themselves whether they want to be better at infantry support or anti tank power - thus I actually still appreciate at least the idea.

they said I’d merge them, but suddenly made an exception
I was briefly happy to have a new mechanism aircraft but I’m speechless that I have to pay for it in the end

New Mechanism = Money

The update is slow, but only wants money

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Some type of free version will most likely come, soon or later

Easy or not doesn’t really matter…

It’s the FOMO I really dislike. It forces us to play and turn this casual game into a chore… there shouldn’t be so many time limited events such as this. They completely stopped to add regular progression things…

While grindy, it at least remained casual.

I don’t mind this kind of event, if it’s once or twice per year. But now it’s the norm!

Really bad for all players who join after the event, or those simply having a life…



Abuse as a means to slow down major updates

There’s nothing wrong in slowing down the big update arrival (war thunder br conversion and combined factions) because at least they can do it right.

I can wait for good quality content. I live for other things than Enlisted afterall (unlike those who want everything right away quality or not).

There’s a big update coming really soon however. Just won’t be the conversion/combined factions yet.

What’s wrong is this new content event format. Too often. Too much FOMO. Either pay for the premium versions, or play many match everyday or miss forever.

Not my style.


Yeah. At least make the final levels. There should be plenty enough dusting in the files or at least give me more copy pastes I can own in the future. Especially if they have time to keep making new premiums and events (and meanwhile delete old premiums for last sale ehh reasons).