Flaming rain

The battlefields in the Pacific were never easy for either side, but in those battles Japan skillfully took advantage of the terrain - dense jungles, rocky caves, man-made tunnels and other fortifications, from which driving out the defenders meant losing men, time, and resources.

And since it was more than 30 years before the signing of The United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, liquid fire fell from the sky on the heads of the entrenched enemy.


This is a new type of aviation weapon - external fuel tanks, that the pilot can drop from the aircraft at will, just like ordinary bombs.

Upon hitting the ground, the tank breaks and bursts into fire, spraying aviation fuel for dozens of meters. This is not napalm yet - in those years the US was just experimenting with its use - but kerosene also burns perfectly well and sets fire to any surface: itā€™s better not to be in the epicenter of the unleashed hell.

These new weapons will appear on fighters that will debut in the Pacific War campaign with the next major update and will be available to purchase for Gold. After the progression update, they will be available for the US and Japan.



318th Fighter Group, 19th Fighter Squadron

American designersā€™ bold answer to the Imperial fighters. The six 12.7mm machine guns will tear any air targets to shreds, and against infantry, not only two HVAR launches but also a suspended fuel tank will help.



23rd Air Flotilla, 3rd Air Group

The second most mass-produced modification of the Zero fighter with a pair of 20mm cannons and 7.7mm machine guns. In addition to the drop tank, it also has two suspended 60kg high-explosive bombs!

As usual, you will be able to get a pair of vehicles with this new mechanic in an upcoming Reinforcements received event. The first round will start in just a few days after the major update is released.


Some DF magical physics I donā€™t know about?

Last time I checked fuel tanks were not weapons but fuel tanks.
And typically fuel doesnā€™t explode on impact. Unless I donā€™t know something.

Just give them incendiary bombs. They already existed and were used.


Will paratroopers be available in new progression?

Having only premium stuff be new is meh, especially with how long progression rework been pushed back.
Iā€™m all for taking time to make sure itā€™s good.
But so far we mostly get new premiums and not so much for regular progression.

For non-premium squad collectors there is not much to do in game lately


I donā€™t like it. Seems more toxic and weird than anything else.


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This is how American pilots used drop tanks as bombs during WWII (wearethemighty.com)

This is some of the only info i can find on it

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Only info about some experiments vs literal megatons of incendiary bombs dropped.

Typical DF move. Introduce experimental bs instead of common stuff without any reason.


The Hellcat nose art looks awesome.

Aside from that, premium-only incendiary ā€œbombsā€ (what are those even supposed to be?) look heavily P2W and game disrupting.

Please, think twice.




FP-5 and A6M3 are the new premiums, but we will get some similiar aircrafts as an event rewards.


As far as I remember, Japan had no napalm or incendiary bombs that could be attached to planes.

But they for sure had experimental explosive fuel tanks.
Experimental because normal fuel tanks donā€™t explode on impact.

Sorry m8 but this is too big bs.


Itā€™s ok if they will be available as event rewards, but still

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Was there any need to introduce something like this into game in the first place?


another campaign for the allies to have HVAR and How to balance the blast radius of the things and probably a nerf in the future Iā€™m guessing


and the Hellcat Arrivesā€¦that thing is going to wreck

I love the Hellcat. And I like flame bombsā€¦But I know Iā€™m going to make alot of people hate itā€¦to the point it will get neuteredā€¦

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Well, it was explanation why itā€™s dropping tanks and not bombs.

FP-5 has only 4 HVARs + that fuel tank as a bomb. It is not that terrible.

I am just worried it will end up just like WP or bombing runs.
It will cause frustration in community and after certain time, it will be nerfed into nearly unusable state anyway.


Iā€™m more concerned about the questionable blast radius of the HVAR