When Paratroopers were on the ground they were part of the main infantry and thats how the FG-42 got shared and was also used by regular infantry.
Dude you are just bad at the game and all your posts prove that.
yeah but it would be 1 in a thousand gun in hands of infantryman
you see???
cutting out guns by usage is stupid becose it would make game stale
i don’t care for it. game dies for me with merge if i want to grind WT i’ll just grind WT.
Unless the devs add campaigns back as perma events or community modders make good game modes i’ll most likely completely abandon the pub side of the game. I’d sooner play a PvE version than the can’t choose a map or proper gear BR shitshow version.
After merge only rank 1 maybe rank 2 will be playable and even then you’d have to give up many many many iconic prewar weapons in your squads.
Tunisia proves nothing you know it’s most abandoned campaign in a game.
choose one tard
oh c’mon its not that bad if you need quick wins for task just queue axis and hope you get invasion usually fast and mildly fun games.
But honestly i don’t know why normandy is soo popular i find it has the 2nd worst maps right behind stalingrad which has the worst maps in the game.
Oh great more people ask for more 122mm and 152mm guess seeing the Tiger II is not enough
normandy have worse maps… i was farming machinegunners III
Also major issues with the game like overly small maps, very limiting grayzones, overly fast matches, painfully slow squad progression will not be solved by the merge. If anything it will just make a lot of very expensive premium squads, BP and event weapons effectively useless.
Ok whatever i don’t remember maps by names. Axis players are completely lobotomized right now so there are no point in playing that campaign as Axis
uh chief, i don’t think omer is in tunisia
you hate but you didint try
opinion discarded
objectively wrong at least on most normandy maps AI can reasonably follow you and stay close.
On stalingrad maps 8/10 they get stuck back on some rubble or run wide open into the street and get gunned down because pathing is soo shit. Its also a shitshow for tanks most of the time barely able to move down 1 maybe 2 paths.
im open tank hater (becose its eassy way for n00bs) + i always stuck my bots somewhere and use them as fast respawns so i didint feel it like that
I tried both dev servers both were infinitely worse than current live.
Also my most active playtime was during alpha which i will say was the most fun the game has been.
I’ve basically maxed out Moscow and Normandy axis before newer lvls were added. Never really cared for soviets, played a bit of berlin and bough into the Pacific full access since i find the pacific to be really fun.
Tunisia was fun too but the initial launch was bad with engis being way too high in lvl unlock (was fixed later) i disliked stalingrad.
And the only one with an invalid opinion here is you.
i see you never get mp717(r)
sucks to suck
Why would i get that? honestly it gets less ammo than most sub guns. I don’t care for the shitty mag pouch runs i prefer to run large backpacks with multiple medkits to stay in fights for longer.
During testing multiple people suggested a combination backpack/ammo pouch that would combine small backpack and small ammo pouch effects ad yet we never got that.
if you got downed it means you did smth wrong
1 medpack is enought
more ammo to kill is always better… or more grenades