Yeah it already exists and is called BAR and is superior to any other lmg in a game. You don’t need to make US even more op than they already are.
Why is the M1C Sniper Garand in BR IV?
Its identical to the M1 Sniper Garand other than cosmetically
Type otsu was developed before ww2. So according to your stupid logic it belongs to tier 1. And the military trail of this rifle took place in 1935.
They should make it a bit different performance-wise but idk how. Otherwise if you put it in BR3 it would be redundant, just like many complain about all BARs being on BR3.
It is sad to see gamekilling changes being rapidly pushed without proper testing but of well was a fun~ish game while it lasted.
that’s not stupid logic that would be the only logical way to do it year based brs since they are doing away with campaigns.
This whole new system is epicly stupid most pre war stuff is late war and most late war stuff is low tier.
The new system is the way to go now. There is no going back. The foot has already been shot.
I really like the changes thus far! I was so stoked because I was really wanting the Garand to be lowered in rating and you read my mind, not only that but you lowered the Thompson too which I couldn’t agree more.
After using both the Garand and Gewehr 43, (not so much the SVT) I feel like the Garand should stay at tier 3 mostly because, while it has a better kick, it’s got less ammo and the reload feels slower, Where as the Gewehr is mag fed and has a bit more ammo. Maybe move the SVT up to tier 4, considering it’s basically the soviet Gewehr.
And it feels more historically accurate considering the standard rifle for the US army was the Garand, I’d like to be pitted up against Kar98’s not because it’s unbalanced, but because of the historical factor. I’ve played both sides enough to the point I prefer the Kar98 over the Garand since it feels more reliable at instant kills and hitting where I want the rounds to go to.
There is still time to go back and unfuck the game before they go from a foot shoot to a headshoot.
Well, I also count the top mounted MG as a big plus for the Panzer IV H, but I don’t see a difference between Panzer IV F2 and Panzer IV G.
Its got a slight upgraded gun and a rather strong frontal armor, but how’s that even gonna matter if you die with one hit to the turret anyways and the F2 - H main gun has no meaningful post pen damage?
No, if going back to the old track means walking towards a dead end.
Because opposers of the merge apparently keep forgetting this not so little detail: it is being done because the previous format is unsustainable.
it is more sustainable for future expansions than merge system. Now they can’t meaningfully expand into future or past battlefields without fucking everything up.
Honestly I think that the opposite of what you say is true.
Please note that I am NOT saying that absolutely everything is changing for the better: the game is just switching to the War Thunder format, for the good and for the bad.
And as a matter of fact, in War Thunder this format has more or less been working since 11 years, with plenty of expansion in the meantime.
i’ve played wt since 2012 the BR system doesn’t work you have cold war stuff mixed into ww2 stuff all the time. M109 paladin modern arty is same BR as Tiger 1.
The merge system also makes it basically impossible to add early war france or cold war+ stuff
And yet,
I can’t really imagine why would that be the case.
If its more sustainable, where are the players?
Add maps and like the 5% unique stuff that was only used in this campaign.
Problem solved.
yeh i said i play it i basically only play top tiers since most of the other BRs are unplayable and MM in WT is different you have mixed germany vs germany, US vs US, RU vs RU etc
Except no.
Most German stuff there is already in the game and its not like French tanks are superior to but them in BR 4.
maybe if they would release the game it would have players think before you speak they’ve been promising a steam release for 1+ year and its still not there.