I fully agree with you that the KV 1 perfectly fits into BR3 - but its armor is much much stronger than you guys think - again, it bounces Panzer IV all the time.
I am pretty sure Jumbo can one shot Pz IV easier than Pz IV to Jumbo, but hey good luck convincing average player that
How can you be that stubborn?
Hell I am up to my like limit
Mosin w granade launcher can kill Tiger 2, so it belongs in tier 2
How do You all not see KV doesn’t belong in matches with tier 1 players
Just because there is tier 1-3 in enemy team, doesn’t mean tier 3 player of that team has that tank.
Imagine being so bad to rely on broken tank to carry you
They both have to aim about the same amount
Jumbo’s is slightly more forgiving in that you merely have to remember where ammo is
I will agree that the Jumbo has it far easier if they give Yank 75s their actual APCBC (APHE) round
You are telling me jumbo can front pen tge Pz IV without aimng is comparable to Pz IV cant pen like 95% of jumbo front is comparable, I wonder why Ally struggle with Tiger I and Panther in Normandy then… despite the 76mm can goes through them…
No you misunderstand
The Jumbo can pen it fairly easily with the AP shell having 109mm pen
The issue is post penetration damage is non-existent and you have to needle everything unless you aim specifically for the ammunition racks around the tank
With the PzIV you have to just get through the MG port hole and its sayonara. Or if the Jumbo is turned at all you can rail it into the floor rack by shooting the front drive sprocket
Learning how to do that throughout the game and you will successfully OHK any tank you do it to
Because the vast VAST majority of Allied players don’t have a 76mm armed vehicle
There is ONLY the MG port and apparently you count being stupid and showing your side as a disadvantage for the Jumbo.
All of you who constantly claim that " you just have to flank bro" are living in a total dream world.
99% of my tank fights GIVE me the option to face my tank towards the enemy. Only a noob shows his side.
And a good player can use his brain to hide his MG port behind rubble or cover.
- which cant be done to your panzer IV, its impossible to hide your turret cheeks because you need to have them exposed to shoot.
Only an idiot or someone who didn’t pay attention loses in a Jumbo vs Panzer IV fight.
No, because they prefer Jumbo
You can also throw 75 and up HE on top of the tracks to nuke the sponson ammo
Because the Enlisted playerbase is one of the most retarded groups I have ever seen and continually disappoint with their inability to play the game with anything even resembling skill
The Jumbo WILL show you his floor rack
And you WILL shoot it
I haven’t said to flank it once
Then throw your round under his mantlet until his crew is wiped
Either they’re all retarded or I’m VERY good because I win 95% of the time in the PzIV vs Jumbo
Even crossmap
I welcome more cope
Okay then that explains why they struggle
The 75 cannot frontally engage German heavies
The Premium Jumbo has the difference of having the T45 APCR that can pen both the Panther and Tiger 1 frontally
Its fucking great
Zero post pen, but just aim for ammo and its a OHK
Or in the case of the Panther you just juggle his gunner until he either gives up and fucks off or dies
They are retarded, I’ll give you that. But that can’t seriously be an excuse to ignore balance.
You haven’t been playing against decent tankers for quite some time then, but let me tell you that they actually do exist.
The only real issue with balance that I see is the KTH being unnecessarily added to the game
Everything else can currently be dealt with with the tools at hand
Id wager that anyone on those other “feedback platforms” were only thinking about their beloved KV-1, and spared no thought for the implications of br 1 and new players…or maybe they did…and are now licking their chops. So yes, biased
Balance is the big picture, not just snippets, and where its not currently possible, the lesser evil is the path
Funny, there is many ways to skin a cat, and yes you can kill a Big Cat with 75mm… maybe not the Tiger II
Panzer IV and StuG are not the only tanks that can damage KV-1.
Germans have also Panzer III J1 and Sdkfz at tier II.
Not to mention anti-tank guns, planes and most important - Panzerfaust at tier III.
KV-1 is an early war tank (1939- 1943) so putting him along with other early war tanks (Panzer II / III / IV) is a fair compromise between a balance and historical accuracy.
Dude you keep bringing up HA when the game actively shite on its corpse…
That ship is far gone and sunk
Please stop this copy-paste nonsense, what historical accuracy man, it’s gone, reduced to ashes
It’s the age of paratrooper dropping straight into artillery fire and rocket artillery fighting at front lines.
Catch up old timer
and for real:
My man uses puma as counter to KV, go ahead ask anyone new to outflank greyzone camping KV in their puma to kill it.
Now You see magic number III - or 3
There are players with lower magic number I - or 1
Those players will still be in matches together, but magic number I have no AT gun. Not even AT pak can kill it. Det-packs and tnt can’t kill it (95%of the time).
Remember not everyone has plane slot, f2p have to chose tank or plane.
Stop smoking crack please, it’s bad for your health