First changes to battle ratings

What I am interested in is how truly customizable the supposed custom game overhaul will be

I agree somewhat about historical but you are saying the F2 made the KV1 obsolete but it doesn’t work like that in game, the KV1 are still almost invincible against Pz4 F2 with his absurd overbooster armor while you got very easily OHK even at long rang. If they fix his absurd armor it’s OK to let him tier 3, otherwise no.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking lol

To all the people suggesting the Panzer IV H in BR3 (and also defend the Panzer IV J being in BR3): why? No, seriously, come to think of it:

The used argument is that “they are too weak for BR4”. Well, now they are in BR3, and guess what? They are meta…but now the Panzer IV F2 isn’t meta in BR3. So now we need to put the F2 in BR 2…?

We put the Panzer IV F2 in BR2, and look at it, it is meta again! But in the process the Panzer IV J1 has become obsolete. So we need to do something…

…and we put the Panzer IV J1 in BR 1, making it meta. But now every other tank in BR1 is obsolete.

What you guys fail to see is that there will always be a meta. We don’t need to make every tank competitively viable in their BR, that’s a lost cause. Not only that, but by putting the Panzer IV J and H in BR3 we’ve created a huge historical anachronism, having a 1944 tank in 1941 Moscow or 1942 Stalingrad. And all because we couldn’t tolerate the idea of some weapons within a BR being a bit better than others.

The Panzer IV J needs to go back to BR4, and the H must stay there. If you complain about “the Panther being better” then just make these (worse) tanks cheaper by reducing their star rarity.

Because if we follow through with the dumb “but X is better” mentality, then what’s stopping Darkflow from removing every weapon except the best weapon in each BR? According to some of you nobody would play with the non-best weapons, so why not remove them…right?

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It’s an unpopular opinion because even the best players sometimes want chill games. They don’t want to go full sweat mode every game i play.

Giving everyone relatively equal wepons is an even playing field and a hell of a lot better than what we have now for new players.

The point of bringing down the Panzer IV H the existence of a differences of power in a BR, it is the jump of power between the worst vehicle in the BR and the best vehicle in the BR. the Panzer IV F2 isn’t so much worse than the Panzer IV H that by simply having it in the BR it invalidates it by simply existing there, but instead it is more like the jump from M4A1 to M4A2 where yes the M4A2 is better in every single way, however the M4A2 isn’t so much better than the M4A2 that it completely overshadows the M4A1. Panzer IV F2 and Panzer IV H are in the same boat where yes the Panzer IV H is better in every way, but it’s not by so much that you absolutely have to chose the Panzer IV H every time or your an idiot. The Panzer IV H to Panther comparison is exactly that though, as the Panther is just so much better than the Panzer IV H.

It can’t be T5. It will be useless against Tigers and Jagdpanthers


Yeah it’s super sketchy that the KV1 can somehow survive multiple TNT blasts with no damage. And the only tank that can reliably fight it is a premium. I bet it going to be a huge pain in T3.

What tier is the Dicker Max? It better not be higher than T3 because then the Germans really are screwed


Theres always a chance for the Faustpatrone 30.


Dicker Max = BR 4.

KV-1 is an early war tank (1939 - 1943) that is it should fight more against Panzers II, III and IV rather than Panthers and Tigers I and II.

BR = 3 is a fair compromise between a balance and historical authenticity.


read main post it’s BR4 now :joy:

M24 Chafee is from 23.dec 1944 it was first used in battle of the bulge, its definitely not for Rank2.

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Some changes seemed a bit odd to me and it seems that the changes goes towards ensuring soviet strength. As putting KV-1 to 3 based on “feedback from other platforms” sounds like there needs more input than platforms that seem very biased. Just my opinion of course but seems I am not alone regarding this.

Then 15 cm Pz.W.42 to BR4 seems a bit rough as that one you can take out with a lucky sneeze.

But another concern I have is Japan that already is in a tough spot overall (my opinion with no forward gun planes, no armor tanks etc) gets a horrible lineup vs the US.

I am though pleased that we finally are moving to a BR matching and I am happy for that so these concerns should be taken with a positive view for BR matchmaking, but lets get it right and not make it farming with specific vehicles.



BR and year of introduction are practically unrelated, as can be seen in the Volksturm weapons. M24 is a light tank but this game doesn’t suit light tanks well. As such, it should probably go at a BR where a similarly armored and armed medium tank exist. For the M24, the T-28 is similar enough and as such they should share a BR.

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And? As I said, bring the Panzer IV H and J to BR3 and the Panzer IV F2 becomes obsolete. We should stop thinking as sweatlords that want the best weapons at all times, because otherwise why not remove everything that isn’t meta? Just leave them in an historically-authentic BR, reduce their price by giving them a lower rarity, and accept the fact that there will always be a meta and not every weapon has to be the best in their BR.

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No it doesn’t become obsolete, did you even read what I said? Panzer IV F2 and Panzer IV H are similar enough that even if they are in the same BR, the Panzer IV F2 doesn’t instantly become overshadowed by it’s presence. Furthermore, the things the Panzer IV H would have to face at BR 4 are things that it is completely not equipped to deal with, meaning that anyone who doesn’t pick Panther is plain stupid. Also, you have to consider that by using a tank, you block other people from using that tank and if that tank is significantly weaker than what you brought, people will get very angry. Being blocked from using a Panther by a Panzer IV H that is trying his hardest against a Jumbo will make a lot of people mad, however if Panzer IV F2 and Panzer IV H were the same BR, noone will give two shits if someone brings a Panzer IV F2 over a Panzer IV H.

the M24 has incredible penetration and the T-28 does not, therefore the Chaffee is not suited for low BR, it has exactly the same pen as the M4A2, i would like to see a change in the tanker slots instead of having 2 tankers slots there should be 3 tanker slots one light one medium and one heavy so everyone has the chance to play a tank, as for TDs it depends on weight again if its a light TD it will use the light tank slot.

T-28E is the same br as T-28 and it has similar armor piercing capabilities as the M24. Hell, BT-7A is rank 1 with basically the same gun as the T-34. So no, that excuse doesn’t cut it either, M24 should be rank 2.

Edit: As for your latter point, that won’t work in this game because there would still be no point in bringing light tanks to BRs where there are King Tigers. The maps simply do not allow for proper flanking, and the light and potentially medium tank spots would simply just go to waste.

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But the BT-7 has bad armor, you need to take armor and pen values into account, there is always a point in bringing a light tank it could be a flamethrower tank after all, just imagine the flamepanzer or the stuart they can completely change a lost battle if used properly.

Chaffee also has bad armor, having the armor of about a T-28. Seeing as T-28E is also BR 2, Chaffee at BR 2 is probably fair as it fall in between those two.