Final sale in the store

Yes they will be, but they will be assigned to their specific faction, given a BR (battle rating based on performance) and allowed to play in any campaign where that faction fought. For example, the AS-44 and STG-45 are currently sold as a bundle. After the update, they will be sold separately as part of the Germans and the Soviets, respectively.

The BR system will prevent people from buying really good squads and using them against new players, because you will only be matched with players who are equipped to fight it.

They said that the bundles would be discontinued a few weeks before the update releases, so the best guess right now is late May to early June. Which is way sooner than we expected.

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Thank you for clarifying.

Thank you for that. It gives me a bit of a timeline.

Iā€™ve been leveling up Berlin to see what I can unlock before it changes over. I do wonder how the new battle pass will transfer over or if it will play into the timing at all. But I suppose weā€™ll see. An official timeline from them would be nice so people who are grinding on the current system know. Or at least something like ā€œit wonā€™t be before Xā€. Then they have all the time to tweak it and we have something to work with.

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I think youā€™re missing the point. Iā€™m not disagreeing with you, Iā€™m just saying the system we implemented might just be good enough. Trust me, I donā€™t want to see PPShs in German hands any more than you do (dear god DF, just donā€™t put it in the German tech tree).

Enlisted is just in a fragile state right now. Lots of players are still feeling mixed about the new major changes, so I think the devs want to ensure the survival of the game before tinkering with the matchmaking system.

Think of it this way, letā€™s say the update works out great and enlisted sees a surge in growth. At that point, the soft rule should be good enough because thereā€™s enough total players to put players in the correct time period for their gear.

For example, thereā€™s enough players with early war Soviet gear to match up, that you can equip and IS-2 and not have to worry about getting put in an early war map. This will definitely be the case because I expect there to be more early war players overall than late war players.

Maybe once in like 30+ games you bring your IS-2 to Moscow, and at that point, you still reserve the right to quit. Thatā€™s a pretty good solution for a tricky problem.

Basically, the more players there are, the more effective the soft rule is. Who knows, maybe your IS-2 will never see Moscow even after hundreds of games. I think we just need to see how the system plays out.

This I do have to respectfully disagree with, because calling Enlisted a fantasy world is a stretch. Everything in the game is still within the time period of WW2. The IS-2 didnā€™t fight in Moscow, but it was in WW2.

If the Americans had M16 prototypes, AH-1 attack choppers, and M42 Pattons storming the beaches of Normandy, then that would be a nonsense fantasy world and I would definitely find that extremely immersion breaking.

But I donā€™t know, in my opinion, I think itā€™s cool to have those ahistorical matches every once in a while. Iā€™m more concerned whether or not Iā€™ll be matched against proper equipment. I, personally, could live with a King Tiger in Moscow as long as I have something that can actually fight it.

No problem. Soon the devs will release a huge Q&A document that will address the questions and concerns about exactly how the updates will change the game. So there will hopefully be lots of great info when that releases.

When big update happen its actually a good thing i guess. Its not EOL or end of service

Heroes and Genreals was shutting down, its completely different

though we needed some news yes

I just hope it doesnā€™t go in the call of duty direction. At the moment submachine guns seem a little too accurate at longer ranges. Getting matched with high BR people may put a lot of the assaulter run & gun, and grenade players in the same place. Which would really suck for immersion. I might be wrong, but some of the ranges Iā€™m getting killed with a submachine gun seem pretty far-fetched.

Aside from that, the game is pretty good right now. At least on my end Iā€™m having fun and doing well. One thing I wish theyā€™d do is give the defenders idk 30 seconds to build defenses before the attackers come. Pretty much every match is like youā€™re getting ambushed which is silly since a lot of the ā€œinvasionā€ points the defenders knew they were coming.


I did not know the price of the moscow high caliber bundle was raised :sob: I bought itā€¦ :broken_heart:


Regarding historical inaccuracies with the new matchmakers:
-weā€™re already seeing loads of SMGā€™s used by Japan when they really only had veeeery little. Statistically speaking in a single match there shouldnā€™t even be 1 trooper with an smg.
-weā€™re already seeing combat use of many experimental weapons, mostly on premiums.

Seeing stuff used earlier by the same faction is more realistic than stuff used not at allā€¦
Itā€™s all where you draw the line. For me itā€™s a sacrifice iā€™d be willing to make to merge my progression for US, Ger and USSR that currently is just double grindingā€¦

Not even talking about M1 Garands and Carbines in Guadalcanalā€¦ especially the Carbine wasnā€™t used yet. Pretty sure there are many more examples already in place.

And knowing Gaijinā€™s ability to grow, weā€™ll see playerbase increasing despite all the ā€œiā€™m leavingā€ people. I understand your frustration but please donā€™t do it out of spite because youā€™ll only miss out yourself.

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Oh well.

This is true, I donā€™t think it makes sense to ask for accuracy in an inherently inaccurate game. That said, it makes sense why some people donā€™t want to see King Tigers in Moscow, which is why they implemented the soft rule and why I think it will work in the end.

Basically, itā€™s not unreasonable to ask for a level of immersion, it is unreasonable to ask for complete historical accuracy.

This is fine for me, just depends on how it is implemented. Like the AS-44, even though itā€™s a prototype itā€™s cool to have it in game. Although I think it should be a gold order weapon instead of a premium squad.

I also hope the German PPSh is just removed from their tech tree. Thatā€™s gonna be obnoxious as hell because we all know theyā€™re just going to equip it to all their assaulters and terrorize Normandy and Tunisia with it. Thatā€™s nonsense, although at least thereā€™s still the drum Thompsons to counter it.

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Yeah that all sounds about right.

Thank God, i thought you were removing these from the store but just splitting them up.

You had me worried because one day i will buy the Firefly and the Colt Monitor.

Colt Monitor is pretty dope, it looks just a WW2-style assault rifle but itā€™s not super worth the price since itā€™s just like the BAR. But I wouldnā€™t get the firefly, itā€™s very similar to the 76mm M4 Sherman. And it will probably be outclass if the M36 GMC or 105mm Sherman is added, both are in the game files currently.

Although if you really like them, go for it.

But i like Firefly and its op, someone killed my Tiger and my friends Puma in 1 shot.

It wasnā€™t raised. It used to be 60usd now it is 40.

Oh no if you like it then thatā€™s different, go for it. Iā€™m just talking from a gameplay perspective, itā€™s just as powerful as the 76mm Sherman which is a free unlock, and there will likely be even more powerful tanks in the future.

Then again, if youā€™re still early in the campaign and still have a long ways to go before getting the 76, then the Firefly will definitely help you take out those pesky tigers. Just donā€™t let them see you first.

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MAYBE there will be some limitations in weapon and vehicles equipment. Like - you can take into a battle a Gewehr 41 + Panzer III J, but not Gewehr 41 + Tiger II. Or - Mosin M38 + BT-7 but not T-34-85.

I do not see any other option that the developers can do it fairly.

Just another plug for Italy and Britain to have their own Tech Trees. both nations can easily do so. Then you just match them with Germany and USA for queues, respectively.

Also Timeline? Iā€™m trying to figure out what to do with my Weapon orders.


Waiting for some world war 1 full power automatic rifle more powerful than the assault carbines.