Final sale in the store

Ah yes, the guy who watched Don’t Look Up and thought it was solid advice. Not sure why you think this is an insult, I’m enjoying my squads and don’t give a s*** what you think.

Anyway. As fun as it is screwing with you, you’ve had your moment. I’d like to have an actual conversation.

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Small correction here: Stalingrad is actually pay to win because the best weapons are locked behind a paywall and there is no counter for f2p players.

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F2p player in stalingrad (as me) can unlock OP equipment withaut problem importing them from other campaigns and buying gold order veichle

Dont spread misinformation

I’m not sure what you mean? Do you mean when the campaigns merge? Because in that case you’re right, I’m talking about right now.

No you can do it now

Import mkb from moscow and avt from berlin and you can use it in stalingrad if you have reached lv24 as f2p

Buy any gold order tank and you can use it if you have already both tank squad same for plane as f2p

Again, it won’t be available in the new progression. If you want pre-max soldiers and weapons, you have to unlock them while the campaigns are still a thing, so before the update.

We’re removing the packs from store several weeks before the progression update drops (if that is not clear enough), so people that bought them will still have time to take the advantage of getting 4-star squads right after unlocking.

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Like the blog says (in the part that you quoted btw), it’s a soft rule. So it’s possible (getting only late war maps with late war weapons) but not guaranteed.

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How is it a separate queue? I will just wait longer for a more authentic match, everyone else can play whatever is fastest.
Again, I’ll 100% quit from a ahistorical match anyway.

Who said I want a milsim? Not having captured PPSh in Tunisia =/= milsim, just a normal WW2 game.

So if I have an STG and the game decides to put me into a match vs AS on Moscow, I’m quitting 100%.
Why not let me wait longer?

Once again, can I set it as hard rule for me personally somewhere in settings?
What’s the point of fast queue times if I will quit the matches anyway if they are random tutti-frutti?
I can wait 10 minutes for a late war map with late war weapons.


No, there are no such plans. You personally may wait for 10 minutes, but we know the global server stats and most people are incredibly impatient, trust me)

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Who ever said it was an insult? Just calling a turd for what it is… a turd.
Just calling an exploit for what it is… an exploit

that’s funny, because I’m pretty sure we weren’t having a conversation in this thread. Therefor, I’m curious how you believe you’re screwing with me? Because from my perspective, you’re nothing more than a troll with a brand new account on this forum.

Why would anybody take you seriously?

At least HG did immediately withdraw all paying options.
While Enlisted:
Hey, last time to be scammed!


:frowning: that’s why I’m suggesting to hide it somewhere deep in settings.

Now I’ll have to quit ahistorical weird matches and get punished for that.

Whereas all I want is play WW2 :frowning:


That’s what I’m saying, most matches right now are ahistorical anyway. Jumbos in Normandy, T60s in Moscow, RPDs in Berlin, etc. And most premium squads are ahistorical too.

The StG 44 is a late war weapon and also wasn’t in Moscow. So isn’t that creating an ahistorical match? (Not slamming you, just asking).

Because by making it a hard rule, you’re excluding yourself from playing with hundreds of players, which in effect is hardly different than the split campaigns. If the games health improves then it probably would work, but we’ll have to see.

I more concerned about uniforms, honestly. I don’t want to see winter clothes Germans running Tunisia, or 101st paratroopers in the Pacific. In my opinion, that’s more immersion breaking than ahistorical weaponry.

I can reluctantly close my eyes at a couple of months of time difference (Jumbos), or T-50 that was used at the eastern front in 1941, it’s not that bad.

However if I’m thrown into a game with King Tigers in Stalingrad, I’m quitting.

Exactly why I’m saying I’m quitting.

How? The millions and billions of players can matchmake within seconds, it’s just me who will wait until a proper era-map lobby is ready.
I’m not hurting anyone by not joining random matches I’ll quit regardless.


yes dude…

also for the “price” change as separated units regarding the pack

was always like that.

after 1 major or so , the user had the option to purchase a squad separately,
if one decided to purchase the pack, would always be cheaper than purchasing one of the squads .
i cant understand the backlash, where was always like this.

i guess…

Explain how you expect them to give you a bonus in a campaign when there are no campaigns?

Should there be compensation? Probably a little bit. But expecting a bonus to now apply to everything is inane. Its $30, relax.

But that’s the issue, you only get matched with a King Tiger if you bring an IS-2. Same thing with the the StG. So by bringing those weapons, in a way you’re sort of agreeing to be potentially put in an ahistorical match.

So that’s what makes the preset function a nice addition. You can create a loadout for time period you want to play, early war for Moscow and late war for Berlin. That’s pretty good in my opinion, and you still reserve the right to quit. With the soft rule, you’ll probably be in the right time period 9/10 games you play.

Regardless, even if you do that, you’ll still be put in ahistorical matches because Enlisted is still not a historically accurate game and it never will be. As long as all the gear and squads in the game is in the correct time period (no AK-47 premium for the Soviets and no M16s for the Americans), I can live with a little inaccuracy if it means the game stays healthy and fun to play.

Well, we don’t know how many players the game has. What we do know is that the split queue system will eventually kill the game, so the devs have to do something now. And like they said in the devblog, they’ll continue to work on it.

For pretty much the first time ever, they actually took our suggestions and put them in the game. We didn’t want the loss of historical accuracy, so they implemented the soft rule which I still think is a great way to balance everything. So we’ll just have to see what happens. If I’m being honest, I think this game will grow enough to the point where we can implement a hard rule like you’re saying.

Hello everyone. Long time player and infrequent forum goer. I wish I had more time to contribute here but sadly I don’t.

Like many I am confused about some aspects of the new progression system. I would appreciate immensely if someone who is more keyed in to the movements could give their opinion on these two questions. I realize official information is muddied.

  1. Do you think “premium squads” purchased before the new progression system drops will still be useable? Specifically premium squads purchased in Normandy or Berlin campaigns?

  2. Does anyone know when this progression system is actually coming out or have a decent guess?

I’d really appreciate some guidance here… I did look through some of the forum but either my searching was bad or it is buried. Or I’m blind >.<

No. If I bring an IS-2, I expect to be put in maps that have no link to anything before 1944 (i.e. no Stalingrad in any case).

It nicely balanced between history and gameplay in the beginning but since has gone more into BS-fantasy world instead of fixing the initial inaccuracies, unfortunately.

But I’m not asking for a separate queue, all I’m saying that if the game has found 19 players with my BR but wants to create a Stalingrad map with IS-2 vs Tiger 2, just skip me, I’ll wait till something era-appropriate is created, I’ll go in the next match, or the one after that.
Because even if you put me in that match I’ll quit instantly, so what’s the point of this “matchmaking” if I personally won’t be in the match?