Final sale in the store

The owners of these “full-access packs” will still have plenty of time to use advantages and unlock everything. We like the idea of giving something unique to the players who bought these packs - we’ll pass it on to the developers.


Its that, plus the idea of increasing prices for squads, most of the playerbase is already past it’s purchase ceiling and not willing to shill out the price of a full priced game for one squad, and the idea that some of those may become even more expensive total…

It’s just, horrible idea

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This would be appreciated… But let’s consider it as “due benefit in exchange for other paid benefits that get removed”, instead of “a generous sign of goodwill by the Devs”, shall we?


Sounds like it…

You missed the point that darkflow translation are shit as fuck, and you can be more mature when you talk

@_31420124242011 thanks bro

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Yeah Lets pretend we didnt sell the access bonus being “forever” or so cough cough


Translation error :wink:

eh nice move,

sadly… i guess… already own everything.some nice squads and some nice deals now.

lets see how the update comes.

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You misunderstood the post. That part was related to the removal of the “Battle of Stalingrad: Full access” and “Pacific War: Special Landing Forces” pack. Those packs include 2 and 4 premium squads. These squads will be sold separately after the merge, but since the packs will be no longer on sale, these squads combined price will be probably higher than the current pack’s price.
The “Battle of Stalingrad: Full access pack” will be broken into two premium squads, the “HT-130 squad” and the “Pz.Kpfw. II (F) squad”.
The “Pacific War: Special Landing Forces” will be broken into four premium squads, the “LVT(A)(1) squad”, the “Ka-Chi squad”, the “Thompson M1928 USMC squad” and the “Type 1 SMG squad”.
So if you want to buy, let’s say, all four pacific squads after the merge, it’ll probably cost more than the current price of the pack.

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Ya I know that the existing squad we unlocked will remain a 4-star squad. What I meant was for future squad unlock as well after the new patch for those who cant grind within a few month to fully utilize the pack. Or maybe (as a suggestion) up to a certain squad tier (example 4-star will remain forever till up to tier 3 squads since that is what available when the pack is being sold)? It would show that your team is rewarding your old players who contribute money to the game. Hope you take it into consideration as it would make the pack more attractive to purchase. :slight_smile:

Bravo! :clap: :clap:

And what about additional slots? There were 6 of them with Stalingrad full access. Taking 4xp is a scam it should get converted into new legacy global acc xp bonus that gives 100% bonus like premium and it would need to stack with both premium time and squads. You could do this but don’t care you just want more money from us.
PS Premium squads/vehicles after merge should have free premium slot, otherwise how are we supposed to fit them in our loadout with 2-5x as many squads as before?


@Conscript_Joe @Forlorn_Squad did you read the segment in the thread, from my last post?

Pretty marvelous timing, if you ask me.

And this:



Gaijin doesn’t seem to understand what “forever” means, i suppose in their dictionary it means a little over a year before we take your toys with no refund. I will keep that in mind as my purchasing guide.


Still need official information on compensations in regards to extra squad slots. Sale is cool, but need more information still, playerbase is still too confused in regards to the major update thats coming.

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This whole action has a bad taste!

  1. You continue to leave the community in the dark about many things that are important to know.
  2. Are you now seriously advertising for packages, which you then MASSIVELY reduce from the services with the next update? Are you hoping for people who are just eyeing the discount and don’t realize what you’re up to soon? Really bold and brazen.
  3. So we can now assume that the following perks, for which I paid money in the Pacific and Stalingrad campaigns, will now simply be deleted by you without compensation?
    a) buy upgraded weapons?
    b) 4-star squad members
    c) XP bonus for the premium squads in the Pacific
    d) extra Squad slots for Stalingrad
    If so - then point 4 applies to me.
  4. If you do it seriously, my wallet will remain closed in the future. Very easily. I’m not crying after the money I paid, because I’ve had my fun with it so far and I consciously took the risk that such dick moves could come from you. By the way, I don’t give a shit if and when you refer to your EULA and what development status you are trying to refer to here. In my opinion, what you want to pull off here is a rip-off and kidding of the players. Even if I like to play Enlisted with friends: There are other games I can do that with in the future!:wink:

A constructive note:
You should either leave the above advantages in and integrate them sensibly or compensate the players appropriately. So it could actually work that you have satisfied players. If you then make reasonable prices for your squads, they will probably buy one of them.


No I didn’t read it.

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Now’s the opportunity :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply. Does this mean that if I own these units, I will still have them available after the big update…?

According to them and some of their simps, as long as the word “beta, things might change without notice” is on the game, they’re allowed to do whatever they want with complete disregard to their consoomers.

DF : “mmmmh. What if I just let the word “beta” in description for the next ten years…?”
