FG42/II Balancing

THAT WAS ENOUGH FOR ME ON MG, now almost all of them don’t make sense, thank you

From what place should the hands grow in order not to be able to control fg 42 2???

"Buuu I can’t mesmorisie the recoil pattern to kill ppl at 200m in full auto with 0 recoil. "

For casuals a bit of randomness doesn’t mean a thing as their skill is their main problem. But for a good player this rng is what stopps him.

And in what way? FG 42 2 can be clamped to a point, avt 40 cannot. Do you really think it’s

better than that

Dude, stop making me laugh.

Yes, take any other gun in this game, literally any non-American submachine gun or any assault rifle

Because the AVT pattern is so bad its more likely to hit your target than the FG unless your enemy looks like this


Rather like this

you have problems with skills, if you can’t control fg 42 2 and consider it worse, the direction here doesn’t actually matter if it’s always the same

Funny because the entire second half of this discussion are based on screenshots and gameplay from you which is not only super scientific and reliable, but also grants overview of superior Soviet skills.
And all that because the stats are too complicated for you, said stats you didnt even know exist until a day ago.

Yeah… so show us more, please.

I definitely need to believe the table that will show you the pattern of returns. :nerd_face:

One day ago, you didnt know it exists, expert.

Except people told you that already but you are just too dumb or ignorant.

What? Lol, why do you think that?

No, you just don’t want to accept the truth - fg 42 2 is much more convenient

Eh, of course this thread would turn into yet another

Commieboos vs wheraboos death match…

Axis sufferz,
Sovs sufferz,
Allies (surprisingly endure, lately? weird. Maybe thanks to Pershing prophecy),
Japan knows it will sufferz.

Trying to refute data mined real stats is quite hilarious (and hypocrite), thought.



Because the pattern are there but you pretend(ed) like its not.

You mean shitty gameplay A?
Cant wait for the counter shitty gameplay B to counter shitty gameplay A and for shitty gameplay C to counter the counter shitty gameplay B like people did three years ago.
Because whats better to show how a gun acts in general if not shitty biased gameplay from shitty main x?

If I remember correctly you even only used slightly to describe those minor movements.
Trulely much more.

Yes, and this is a random template

I am a very biased mainer of the USSR
I am thirsting for the death of the German faction and waiting for its destruction

so these data say that avt 40 is worse, as well as m2 in comparison with fg 42 2
Everything is objective here

Well… from a neutral observation standpoint, you oppose the qol suggestion of bayonet and starting in auto mode with fgs… and brought avt40 recoil as counter argument.


Even if it had nothing to do with avt…

Idk, but I wouldn’t mind a functioning folding bayonet (I’d never use it anyway), nor starting in full auto mode, I switch fire mode constantly with any and all SF rifles. Would just make life easier, without making players using sf rifles any better.

It’s just a qol suggestion. Why did you have to make it a comparison between axis and Sovs weapons?

(I’m not talking about the ridiculous original post suggestion of this thread, demanding even more bullets)

I’m not against adding bayonet and autocannon. I’m against JUST ADDING AUTO BURN AND BAIONET for fg 42 2, because it’s just an imbalance, with such changes avt 40 need to remove the random recoil pattern, the Americans should be given any of a bunch of proposed variants of automatic rifles, the Japanese on 5br in turn also need such a rifle and it was also proposed…

This is just a continuation of the randomly brought up topic about: “I’m not asking for much, even if it’s the objectively worst select-fire rifle among factions that you can equip on riflemen”.

I’m pretty sure USA will get “something” next update. If only some sort of AR for assaulters.

As for balance… avt and fgs don’t really need to be analogous and have the same priorities… there’s other goodies to choose from. In truth avt is already quite magically boosted from how it should realistically handle… (as are many things in Enlisted).

Anyway I don’t mind. I hope the fg qol (foldable bayonets, auto on start) get implemented, cause it would just make ppl happier without impacting balance. And avt is already fine the way it is.


This turned into a complete shitshow. As a Soviet main, even i agree the FG-42 II needs a buff, it cant compete with the AVT-40 as is do to its high horizontal recoil per second on full auto. AVT has much lower horizontal recoil per second and benefits from the maximum -49.5% vertical recoil reduction from a fully upgraded Rifleman 3.

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Select-Fire Rifles Unlocked BR 10m 100m Velocity Magazine Reload Alt Reload Rate of Fire Vertical Horizontal Recoil Mult Vertical Horizontal Dispersion ADS Hipfiring Visual Recoil Recoil Dir ADS Speed Notes
AVT-40 176 000 XP V 15 3 12 5 815 15* 2 06 1 7 660 87 32 0.25 22 8 0.18 0 15 0.7 0.2 0.8 15/45
FG-42 II 176 000 XP V 14 4 11 8 750 20* 2 06 X 830 44 8 1.0 44 8 0.22 0 23 0.3 0.35 0.65 20/40

Clearly… I guess…

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Don’t forget other important values:

FG-42 II:
Damage per second: 199.2
Vertical recoil per second: 608.6 (550.843 with max Rifleman 3 perk points)
Horizontal recoil per second: 110.6 (77.46 with -30% horizontal recoil reduction perk)
Total recoil per second: 774.6 (621.31 with max Rifleman 3 perk points and -30% horizontal recoil reduction perk)

Damage per second: 168.3
Vertical recoil per second: 242 (122.21 with max Rifleman 3 perk points and -40% Vertical recoil reduction perk)
Horizontal recoil per second: 88
Total recoil per second: 330 (166.65 with max Rifleman 3 perk points and -40% Vertical recoil reduction perk)

As you can see, the AVT has half the vertical recoil per second, much lower horizontal recoil per second, and half the total recoil per second. It also has lower dispersion and a bayonet. AVT also benefits from Rifleman 3 with fully upgraded vertical recoil reduction making it have 49.5% less vertical recoil per second (122.21 Vertical recoil per second)

“But muh 5 less rounds” is not an argument because the FG-42 II empties its magazine in 1.4 seconds and the AVT-40 empties its magazine in 1.3 seconds, the AVT doesn’t have a mag disadvantage, it can still do things like this:

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The early Muzzle Brakes found on Tokarev Self-Loading Rifles (SVT-38, SVT-40, AVT-40) were extremely effective, I’ve spoken with someone who had converted there SVT to an AVT and the recoil is practically minimal, about the same as a full auto Scar 17 with a 13 inch barrel (Which is extremely controllable)

The SCAR recoil is a bit weird though because it recoils fowards which kills scopes not designed for the weapon.