FG42/II Balancing

Are you laughing? You can literally see that each store goes in different directions

Indeed, the stats of a gun is not limited to those, but not all stats are equally important, and not all data differences are equally important.

Unfortunately, this game is not like RO2, where you can use enemy weapons. The best way to reflect the true strength of weapons “not biased” is to give your enemy’s weapons for you to choose and see if you are still willing to use your own ones.

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Who needs damage and accuracy anyway?

They go more or less in a line 15° to the right from vertical. Imo controlable enough at close (maybe even mid with good skill) distance.

You want to full auto snipe at 200m or what?

With that in mind - yes

Doesn’t make sense because of the recoil pattern dude

I won’t lie, FG could use some more randomness in the recoil direction. At least judging by this picture.

But I don’t suggesst any changes like that because ppl start bitching about being noob, main, walking simulator and shit.

I neither hit like this with both weapons so this next level.

stop turning guns into shit, this has already happened with the regular fg 42 and avs 36

And by looking at this scientific experiment, AVT looks better anyways because it goes straight.
So what was the point again?


No. Fuck recoil patterns.
It’s a casual game, we don’t need basement goblins mesmorising them to snipe ppl across the map. It’s not CSGO.
Not to mention potential abuse with macros.

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Unlucky losers :PP

That’s why I want to shoot, not pray for the right direction of recoil.

the fact that the weapon behaves differently every time, maybe look at your speech from the outside?

Nah, you just want to mesmorisie the recoil pattern mr proplayer.

Also you may want to try single shots for longer ranges. But you want to go full auto, don’t you.


FG 42 2 has a simple recoil, the macro won’t spoil it lol. If the weapons can control everything, it will be better

and this is the example that will be used mainly by the macro

Yes, because now I can do it on fg 42 2 - and that’s why it’s the best weapon of the game. Why would I need a miserable single player mode if I can destroy hordes of bots

One gun shoots straight, the other to the right top according to your scientific test.
If later one is magically easier for you, cool.

one barrel shoots either up, or up to the right, or slightly up, but to the right. And the other barrel always shoots up to the right

If you think that the top picture is better, normal people have no words.

Then make the recoil easy to control but make it go in random direction.

So make FG a bit more random to lessen the skill gap.

This sentence doesn’t make sense.

Oh no. Slightly! Slightly !!!.
But overall still goes straight up and straight up is still better than top right unless its another Russian thing.