FG42/II Balancing

i find it unreasonable that after 2 years of playing i still dont have everything unlocked and i will probably need at least another half year to unlock everything.

in general i dont like concept of unlocking weapons with grind in an fps game. if one player in same battle as you has access to one weapon all other players should also have access to same (or equivalent) weapon.

That’s weird, I am playing for not even a 1, 5 year and I am missing like 4 or 5 things from USSR. But I unlocked everything else in all other factions.

Is the fg 42 2 really that good?
Also, in my opinion German machine guns are awful as assault weapons(compared to BAR(all variants) and the johnson lmg) I use them like assault rifles.
Anyone agree?


German LMGs require you to be stationery to use effectively. BARs are sure new player friendly but MG34 and 42 shouldn’t be underestimated in the hands of veterans.
I do think that Germany lacks a good BR5 MG though, MG15 doesnt cut with its horrible view obstructing AA sight.

Has its ups and downs, definitely a good weapon but the neighbour’s grass always seems greener.
You can use both AVT and M2C in full-auto all the time but FG42 needs switching between full-auto and semi-auto to be effective so I recommand binding that on the mouse.

That’s kind of the balance problem with the FG, tbh. It’s on par with BAR and 1941 Johnson, but you can put three times as many in a squad.

well i only maxed normandy both sides and soviets moscow premerge. had few other factions in other campaigns mostly on lvl 15-20. i usually play 2-3 battles per day (sometimes more), so the grind is real.

also have wasted some time/xp playing on maxed out factions cause of events (easy to farm score there).

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You could argue that with all SF rifles.
M2 carbine is basically an AR while AVT-40 was literally an AR in Stalingrad campaign.

Basically an AR and a slightly better SMG aren’t a lot different in this case, though. It’s not an STG, it’s not an FG42. AVT-40 being an AR was always a joke, five extra rounds and full auto doesn’t make a battle rifle an assault rifle.

I’d still be happier with all full auto weapons being restricted to assaulters and machine gunners. All current full-auto “semi auto rifles” go to assaulters, so you can’t ever have more than four in a squad, and you can still use one or two to supplement an MG squad, depending on the squad.

Yeah, those machine guns are laser beams, but they require more skill and sometimes that reload kills you.
BAR’s feel like assault rifles and are probably the best guns the Americans have.

I would be fine that as long there are no significantly better semi-auto rifles that could give you an advantage.

Unless you try to use the mounting mechanic :stuck_out_tongue:


Eh, There’s arguments there, but I think they’re mostly nitpicky.

G43 and ZH29 are superior, mostly in one respect: reload speed.
SVT-40 and 38 are nearly as good
Garand and Johnson are slow
Type Otsu is fine, if limited capacity, Hei and Type 4 are slowest.

I don’t think it’s enough of a difference to matter in the long run, but people would definitely bitch.

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It depends.
For me it’s basically just spare weapon which I gave to all riflemen and to spare engineers who do not have G43K already.
Meaning, I’ll end up using them only if my bots manages to survive for longer time than me.

All tech tree german MGs sucks in comparison to their premium equivalents (MG45/MG42 early/Mg13 (75) /Mg30)


Practically speaking, you won’t see it often since the end-goal is running 3 assault squads, which translates to only 2 fg 42s and 4-6 assault rifles per squad.


My current ger BR5 lineup is 1 assaulter squad, 1 MG squad (premium), 2 sniper squads, 1 AT squad, 1 paras, 1 APC, tiger II and panzerwerfer, fw 190.

So I really do not need many FGs, especially since I prioritized G43k and 4x event/1x GO bredas

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Unless you’re the Americans.
We don’t have assault rifles.
But we do have Browning Automatic Rifles which are better-ish. : )
I run machine gun squads for the US cause the submachine guns aren’t my style.
And by the german machine guns being bad I meant on the offensive.
When defending a position they are the kings of machine guns.

… BARs are worse FG 42s that are restricted to gunners, statwise.

The west allies have pseudo ARs for everyone in the form of M2 carbines.


i just recently got it and it is excellent. fg42 is ok rifle, but i would not use it as full auto rifle, while fg42 2 feels like totally different rifle and it is great in full auto.


FG42 II has less recoil than FG42, but still 3 times more than M2C and twice as much as AVT-40.

4-6 ARs? Which squads, cuz I was planning my BR5 doomstack for squads with 4 AR, 1mg, or 5ar with the sniper…nevermind, the one with the medic. that’s six STG44s in a squad. Gross XD

But we do have the M2 carbine, which I have abused tbh. As many as 9 in a rifle squad? Sure, they’re not as good as ARs, but they’re among the best SMGs in the game and you can take so many

I run my BAR squads at BR3, because I don’t care for US SMGs and they are pretty good

BARs aren’t worse than FG-42, unless it’s because they’re locked to gunners. Stats wise flat better.

