FG42/II Balancing

this is most probably RNG offset. so when you get 0.35 or 0.4 you get 90% or 100% chance that horizontal recoil will go right on every shot. when you get 0.2 you get 75% chance that it will get right and 25% chance it will go left. if you get 0 there is 50%/50% chance it will go either way.

It’s something you can test yourself in the editor, it takes 5 minutes or less
Such a strange hostile reaction for no reason🤔


dont worry, you are our favorite cat :smiley:

Ok what have you done with that cat, that lives in a sexytent? hmm :stuck_out_tongue:
haven’t seem them for a bit.

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well then change it
Why is the top Soviet autorifle such crap?


Sort of yes, but no.
Full recoil has many more parameters, one of which is the rate of recoil compensation, and this compensation only takes effect when you release the firing button.
All recoil is taken from actual, firing mode has no effect on anything.
But actual is a set of numbers that are calculated the fuck out of it.
And about the recoil of the fg 42 2 - I think this reaction is because of the following statements

I don’t understand the point of taking away this sentence at all - the fg 42 2 is the worst weapon, seriously???
Well like the Germans have a lasgun with disadvantages - you have to push a button to turn a semi-automatic into a lasgun+ you don’t have a bayonet, which is not really a disadvantage, but unpleasant.
But at the same time USA has m2 carbine, but the developers can’t and won’t fix its sights from the moment of introduction into the game, which automatically makes it worse, but the developers made it ridiculously accurate when firing from the hip to make it useful somehow.
And USSR has a kinda “analog” in the form of avt 40 with hidden characteristics, by which it seems to be better, but in fact the rifle has absolutely random recoil, but this “seems” to be compensated by automatic fire “by default” and the presence of bayonet.
Well since you’re taking that away, let the developers remove the random recoil of the avt, give the US a comparable weapon - the options have already shown plenty.
Right now it seems like a joke.

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I think some version of this should be in strong consideration for Enlisted.

Possibly they could charge more.

Maybe offer a few price points to unlock different BR sets.

Maybe offer sale of some tickets for unlocks of various BR’s and then people could choose the items. I feel like for ~$100 USD or something like that, someone should be able to unlock everything. Vets would still have the experience, map knowledge and event items to be “unique.”

I know that it’s possible to pay to unlock now but no sane person could afford to do that as a new player (and unlock everything).

Im not for or against this idea in enlisted, just saying god i hate the wallet warriors that buy straight into top tier warthunder…have learned nothing, fucking useless, and ruin games through leaving after 1 death

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As I have everything researched, I can’t see how much it would currently cost to unlock your way to BR3 items. I suspect that it’s a not insignificant fortune.

I’ve barely played WT so can’t appreciate your concern entirely. I feel like there are enough really crappy and selfish high BR players in Enlisted that it would be unlikely to move the needle much. The worst would be transient.

I acknowledge that I may be way off on this. Just thinking out loud.

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Id say youre on the ball

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Documents show that some were transferred to Leningrad due the times supplies were available, I’ll get the source tomorrow.

But they would have never used them in berlin

Well. Greatest weapon is at the end only as good as the player I guess.

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Can we see them beyond the ones from the datamine?
Because the datamine doesnt really show anything.

I dont understand how this statement makes someone assumes that the helper thinks the FG is bad?

I think everyone knows the paramaters but you because reasons.

Yeah. Imagine the shock that helpers refers to the FG in a thread mainly about the FG.
Whats next? Talkig about the Jumbo in a thread about the Jumbo. What a US bias.


Don’t make it sound like FG42 II are weak, adding a bayonet and born in full automatic mode is indeed a reasonable demand and will make this gun more comfortable to use, but this is not part of balance.

Some people always say that FG42 II was born in semi-automatic mode while AVT is full automatic, which neutralizes AVT’s disadvantage in stats. This kind of statement always annoys me.


well when games require learning curve then it is annoying… but i consider that fps should have all weapons available for balance purpose. that is why i would rather this game costs as AAA game than being f2p game.

It already meets the bug requirement.


I think nobody except the Germans think or say that.
But I dont see any reason why it shouldnt be set on full auto as other Sfs/ allow players to decide the firemode pre-match in general or allow guns that had bayonets to have a bayonet.

What disadvantage?
Five rounds less and very low chances of slightly higher recoil or what?

lower rpm, smaller mag, worse control.

And, as I already mentioned in the original reply, the requirement for FG42 II to spawn in full automatic mode and add a bayonet is reasonable, you don’t need to repeat it again.

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