Female Soldiers

I was going to point do historical evidence of women in WW2 but this thread seems to be a rant about US politics rather than feedback.

The only thing left to wonder is why these presumably US right wing guys believe some Russian devs and the rest of the people outside of the US even cares about their hate towards the other political party.


preach it hon! :sunglasses:

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If the midgets are tiny enough, they could run underneath tanks with deth packs straped on their backs and… and… ok ok I’m seeing myself out…


In any single player game everybody except player is a bot, and still they can have more or less historical accuracy. This game main distinctive feature are bots. If you don’t like it, why are you even here?

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Did I say I dont like it ? But claiming that a woman model would break the “realism” or even the
“historical accuracy” is just BS.
There are far bigger things that breaks the historical accuracy and infact affects the game.

I dont recall even Doom on my Amiga having such idiotic AI as this game has and this game is supposed to be “historically accurated” ? Really, if the bots of this game would represent historically correct the veterans of WW2. The war would have never ended.

Did I say I am against female tank crews for USSR or black pilots for USA? Buy premium unit and enjoy!

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buying and selling minorities is wrong. Being able to curate a racist/sexist safe space is wrong. They need to be added to the base loot boxes.

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And why should they be premium ? After all there probably were more womans serving than US had M2 carbines. Yet that doesnt stop everyone running around with M2’s and they aint premium.


Bigots BT FO

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Didn’t work for Battlefield V very well now did it? It’s almost like the Devs stated that the female soldiers will be handled in a historical fashion. Do you read the news?

I think people underestimate the actual female involvement in WWII due to popular media like Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan.

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It’s almost like NO ONE READ NO MORE

What are HiStOrY BoOkS?

Even this Wiki article is insultingly short… anyone know a good book I could read about the 1077th? Sure would be a good story.

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The Cruel Slaughter of Adolf Hitler has a passage about them, unfortunately I’m not aware of any books dedicated to them.

This gives precedence for at least female engineer squads.

@55404468 Not to go off topic but Shannon Kent was a female who was killed fighting along side Special Operations in Syria. Used to be pretty friendly with her surviving husband. Both really stellar people. She was serving in direct actions missions long before the females in combat question became in vogue.


I will say it first. I would pay money for a premium 1077th Russian Moscow Engie squad.


Very interesting, all-female engineer squad. I haven’t done any research or checked citations beyond checking the Wiki link, but if it all checks out, I’d now accept there being both an exclusive all-female sniper squad and an exclusive all-female engineer squad. Very interesting stuff.

Forgive me if I personally tend to remain unironic in this thread of mine, it’s fine if you don’t directly reply to this. Or you can bash me for being a bigoted right-wing Christian pro-Trump homophobic sexist racist monster. Either or.


We all have our own beliefs. And that’s okay. Just don’t be a dick about it. :slight_smile:

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Too late for that - all the incels are out in force with their sarcastic bullshit.

If only they complained as much for all the ACTUAL problems in the game instead of just their poor little imaginary issues.


I tend to speak my mind regardless of any offense caused or feelings hurt. If that’s being a dick, well, not only is that quite simply what I am but I regard it as my religious duty, for speaking my perception of truth regardless of personal consequence feels like what my Christian faith calls me to do.

I’ve always found this amusing, given I used to be a bit of a womanizer before becoming something of a born-again Christian and refrained from sexual intercourse entirely until finding my wife… but now I have a wife which makes it even more funny. Anyhow, you probably mean it figuratively as a general insult rather than a literal accusation so fair enough. Personally that ‘sarcastic bullshit’ as you put it was some of the most fun I’ve had in months and nearly had me in tears because I was laughing so hard. I’m honored that my cranky thread lead directly to that comedy gold. Wish you could enjoy it like we do, but you seem to take this stance on identity politics rather seriously. Would you perhaps be a self-described feminist?

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Straight shooter I like you. You get it o7

I would describe myself as a man who let his anger produce a lot of regret and pain in the lives of people I love.