Oh boy, identity politics again, let’s just hope they don’t go the route of that stupid woman with a prosthetic hand who was jumping and diving on the Western Front about while tanks were rolling. Cringe. Yes, some women FOUGHT in WWII, to my knowledge they were primarily with the USSR, and they were primarily snipers, possibly some pilots too though I’m not certain. SQUADS of female soldiers? Gaijin better do their damn research on this and make it abundantly clear to all, otherwise it’s historically inaccurate virtue-signalling to left-wing identity politics, and shit like that disgusts me.
Here’s my suggestion; either keep women out of the God damn WWII game, or make them so utterly rare that they are scarcely ever seen, in fact since they were mostly in the sniping role, they shouldn’t be seen at all unless through a counter-sniper’s scope if they’re doing their job properly. In the interest of historical correctness, I do not anticipate ever letting some woman join any of my squads. Men fight wars, and men are better built for it. Thicker bones, bigger hearts, bigger lungs, more muscle, and the more narrow structure of our pelvis also allows for a greater chance of surviving falls without injury than women’s pelvis which is widened for bearing children and more easily damaged from a fall. There are reasons, both physical AND psychological, why it’s almost 100% men fighting wars in the past and still the vast majority of people in the Military today are male, as much as modern Militaries in the West are trying as hard as they can, including my own nation’s Canadian Armed Forces, to get females enlisted.
I don’t bloody understand it, I just hope they’re not lowering standards to try and get more women through BMQ (Basic Military Qualifications) because if they can’t reach the lowest standards for men, they shouldn’t be getting in. If they are, and they don’t meet those historic standards, then they are making the Military weaker with their inclusion. If a woman somehow manages to meet those standards, fine, give her a chance and keep up this experiment with the lives of our soldiers, because that’s exactly what this is when we’re including women in the Military. It is an experiment that has extremely little historical basis, and no, women on average cannot do what men on average can do. Women have, on average, 50% of a man’s upper-body strength and 60% of a man’s lower-body strength, based on studies done in the Netherlands or Denmark if memory serves.
Well, 52% and 66% actually, but regardless, that’s kind of a big damn deal and you need a freakishly strong woman in order to have her compare to a particularly lacking man. But we’re talking MILITARY men, men who are made to run miles, march over a dozen kilometers with full kit without stopping, made to do so many push-ups that comfortable and doughy civilians like myself would puke before I’d manage a fraction of them. FIT men… and the Military is trying to find women who can compete with FIT men? I don’t see how they can manage it without lowering standards. If they do that, they ought to damn-well be lowering pay as well as far as I’m concerned, though really they ought not be getting in at all unless they MEET MEN’S STANDARDS!
A female soldier fighting a male US Marine, enjoy. Give her props for staying in the fight as long as she did, sure, but the winner is so blatantly obvious. She claimed she could whoop anyone on base, she lost by TKO. She was a helpless little woman in that ring, and the average woman is helpless in the face of the average man, just as a professionally trained woman is helpless in the face of a professionally trained man. That is nature, it is reality, whether it is liked or disliked. At least she’ll be able to pick up arms in the face of the enemy and not fight him with fists because she’d end up beaten and… well… given the typical enemy of the West lately she’d probably end up with more, and then probably enslaved if captured. That’s the kind of barbarians and savages that they’re trying to prepare women to fight, women DO NOT belong on the front line. As a sniper, far away from the enemy, little-to-no chance of physical melee combat, okay, a woman can be effective in that role because there’s very little emphasis on her strength and speed, of which a woman has less than a man.
There is also that soccer match between a professional women’s team, and a high school football team of teenage boys. The boys won 5-2.
US National women’s team versus under-15 boy’s academy team.
If women are gonna be included in-game in Enlisted, they better be few, and rock-solid proof should be presented with each and every inclusion to any role. As for an all-female squad, again, present proof for including it. Better to not be at it at all, it smells like bullshit virtue signalling in today’s identity politics. It stinks. Find out EXACTLY how many women served in the Red Army and saw combat, then take the total number of Red Army combatants, find out the percentage of men vs women (likely over 99% male) and make damn sure that that percentage is maintained. Ought to make it cost 10,000E ($100 USD) to obtain ONE female USSR soldier to help in keeping them bloody rare… bullshit I tell you.