Have you tried the German equivalent plane yet buddy!?

What I like:

  • Very good gunplay, bolt action rifles especially. The quick time to kill is enjoyable since you have “extra lives” in the form of the AI.
  • Very good looking enviroment.
  • The building mechanics are clever and they can be quite devastating if mg AAA guns are placed correctly.
  • Realistic uniforms, equipment, vehicles and tank rounds.

What I don’t like:

  • The RNG behind logistics, both for weapons and soldiers. Hoping for a good weapon or a useful soldier is not fun even as a joke. I gave up using it after the 3rd time and I’m just going on with the stock equipment.
  • RNG of the perks. I don’t understand why they have to be random for every soldier as they can make or break a squad, since you can even get health regeneration.
  • The grind is far too slow, and the RNG behind the unlocks and perks can and will ruin your enjoyment of progression.
  • Maps are far too cramped and small in size, tanks feel either completely OP in a corridor or absolutely useless because of the limited space avaiable, and it’s too easy in some maps to sit right in front of the enemy spawn and kill every soldier coming out of it. Snipers feel unnecessary because the engagements are ether from building to building or in a trench.
  • The objective ares need better placement in some maps. You can get 3-5 guys defending the 5m in radius objective and be all taken out by one single grenade.
  • The AI is an handicap at best, getting in front of your line of sight, bumping into you and making you loose the shot, getting stuck in every piece of enviroment possible and overall completely unaware of the surroundings. I have lost counts of the times I’m in a building defending it and I get ambushed by one single guy who kills all my squad with his bolt action rifle because my AI is not even aware he entered the room.

What was not easy to understand:

  • The interface is hard to navigate and understand, you can learn what it all means with time eventually.
  • Some game mechanics are straight up not explained, I didn’t know artillery was even a thing until I red in the Campaign progression that I can unlock a radio man to call it in.
  • I still don’t know if there are resupply points or not, and what am I supposed to do once I run out of ammo or equipment or both.

I really love the concept of this game and I’m confident in the developers and their vision and I can’t wait to play the game they want Enlisted to be. But as of now this has been a frustrating experience.

Engineers are able to build resupply points, where you can get ammo.

1 Like

I see, thanks for clarifying it.

I like:

  • Overall gameplay
  • Wonderful Sound effects
  • to be compared with previous tests, AI

I don’t like:

  • The player movement is not smooth
  • Maps should be bigger
  • Some motion glitches

Not easy to understand:

  • Weapons upgrades

I like

  • the attention to detail - the equipment matches the time / theater of war and there are small details like the jamming of the Weapon during the reload.

  • Realism - You die pretty fast (Low ttk), Realistic movement speed (You don’t sprint with ~35 km/h over the battlefield like in CoD, You can only look through the viewports in tanks or you open the commanders hatch to look out of the tank which can be risky.

  • Combined arms - You really feel like you are on a Battlefield when there are Tanks driving around and planes flying above you. It gives the game a much greater depth because You can’t just simply point your rifle at, let’s say a tank and shoot and then expect it to blow up. You have to actually think how you could defeat that specific enemy and play into your strengh and use your apponents weaknesses to win.

  • AI Soldiers - I Can’t say much about the AI yet. But I really like the idea and implementation of it and couldn’t imagine Enlisted without it.

What you don’t like

  • The way the Flak(Vierling) works - I know that the Flak has a really low rate of fire and magazin size because of balanceing. But I think that the Flak should have it’s real firerate and Magazin size and instead shouldn’t be able to be build, but should instead be towed in by a truck.

  • The Aircraft - Janky to control do to the poor controls. (clearly not finished yet, But I hope there will be relativ mouse controls to use the mouse as a joystick like in War Thunder)

  • Render Distance - This is also a big factor that plays into how effective aircraft are, Because the enemy only seem to render at about 300 m which makes it really difficult to accurately hit anything in a plane.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Weapon upgrades

you mentioned random framerate drops? do you perhaps have an AMD card?

Yeah I have an AMD card

what i like: visuals,performance,historical content.

what i hate:AI AI AI<----3 times in a row because its that bad. gun balance and stats,controls for planes and tanks,spawn camping and dying too much too quick.

what is not to easy to understand: wtf do backpacks do?

I think backpacks do nothing at this point. Germans don’t even have any available right now. But in the future they might give some additional slots for equipment.

Me too. It seems that this issue only happens with amd cards.

german rifles and sub machine guns are heavily nerfed!!!

What I like

  • Beautiful small arms and weapons based on the War thunder.
  • Very good performance. (But But with AMD graphics cards sometimes small bugs occur)
  • Unique squad-based gameplay.
  • Detailed damage model for attacks with tank guns, AT rifles, anti-tank rockets, etc. (As in War Thunder, I was very impressed with the fact that attacking a weak point such as a tank’s engine or fuel tank would cause it to catch fire or explode.)
  • The familiar feeling of operation like SB mode in War thuder. (However, operating the plane in the first person only may be too difficult for those who are not used to it.)
  • Engineers who can build structures anywhere they want.

What I don’t like

  • Anti-tank rifles and light machine guns that can fire accurately even in a standing position. (These should be able to fire accurately only in a prone position or with the bipod propped up on a window sill or sandbag.)
  • A small combat area on a large MAP.
  • Useless field artillery, whose point of attack is known to the enemy.
  • An AI that seems to be a fearless AI that stops and starts shooting even in dangerous places. (I know it would be very difficult to improve on this, but right now it’s just a spare character for the player.)

What is not too easy to understand

  • Efficient way of gaining experience and weapon upgrades.

I’ve long played military games such as War thuder and Red Orchestra, and I’m very excited about this game. Keep up the good work!

Hello heres my feedback sorry it gets a bit longwinded and ranty
what i like

the gunplay. all guns feel very hard hitting and enemies don’t feel like bullet sponges

graphics and art style looks very nice and authentic and immersive

tank controls and camera views.

what im so so on.

performance. (im on a Amd RX5700xt) most of the time performance is fairly good compared to other games of similar graphical detail however i do experience a lot of times where the frame rate will halve for seemingly no reason for a few min at a time.

tank armor model. i like that its based of warthunder armor model however it feels like cannons are very inconsistent both in terms of penetration and damage plus im not a fan of the hit indicator. personally i would like the damage model to be more like realistic tanks in warthunder and remove the hit indicator. also HE ammo feels very weak for seemingly no reason.

gamemodes. conquest atm is decently paste however there needs to be more options for default spawners to counter spawn camping and the spawns moved back from the battlefield to allow flanking and manovur gameplay.

Invasion is my favourite mode in its current form however i feel like there needs to be more time allowed for defenders to take up positions before the attacking team can move in on the next objective also i would like there to be more objectives and slightly longer battles.

Assault mode i feel will be my favourite mode if it gets tweaked. atm cap times are far too fast meaning its almost impossible for the defending team to hold a line of objectives for any meaningful amount of time. also i feel like invasion mode this gamemode needs more objective lines for longer battles as the assault maps feel way too small.

Movement i like the options it gives the player however currently its very buggy and clunky.

What i don’t like

the matchmaker. atm seems too worried about que times to have time to fill up a match full of humans resulting in most games having no more than 3 or 4 people on each team when the game starts and the rest filling up with bots. This has 2 massive problems 1 it means whoever has the most human players wins 2nd it joins people mid battle into a game that’s already clearly lost when say all 3 bases are capped because the game didn’t give enough time for players to join before the game starts.

relating to that this also makes lonewolf mode pointless as it stands as you cant playtest a player only mode if 70% of the "players” are in fact mindless bots. its boring and frustrating.

ai squads. i like the idea of them but in there current state they basicly just comite suicide and give way your location. they are only useful when being defensive as you can hide them somewhere and use them as mobile spawn points and extra ammo and that’s really it. I’m sure this will improve but atm they make me want to rip my hair out.

aircraft. atm the default controls do not seem all that user friendly on mouse and keyboard. the camera shakes all over the place and air to air combat ain’t fun as planes seem to take far too many hits to take down. again at least compared to war thunder which while i dislike its default controls has imo the best realistic air to air combat on mouse and keyboard iv played. also you don’t really get any reward for say taking a fighter and dogfighting in terms of xp.

overall while i have a lot more to say about what i dislike than like it doesn’t mean i dont enjoy the game i do just it feels there is a lot that can be done to improve the game and a lot of things that are frustrating. i hope this feedback helps.

Initially played as a soviet
And it was terrible. Due to game balance there are not many Soviet players out there and sometimes you play as the ONLY human player in your team.
So I tried german - it like playing with the god mode on, Mg13 is a true assault rifle and Mp38-41 have pretty much no recoil. Bolt action rifles feels like twice the soviet rate of fire. German tanks are way better and have an upper hand in almost any engagement…

The reason I cant play this game right not is that there are barely any players left.
Initially almost every battle was an action packed one with all kinds of vehicles, artillery and constructions involved. It was fun! But now, 9 out of 10 battles are nothing but a shooting range where you and a few human players just gun down AI squads for XP. Gets old fast.

The game is early beta, many things are just place holders, but with no human players there is just nothing to do…
Many relatively supportive roles (mortars, tanks, engineers, fighters) are pointless
AI “players” will not use the ammo crate or a spawn point you just constructed.
Your fighter will not have any target to shoot because Ai does not use aircraft.
Your tank will become a pillbox to cut Ai reinforcement stream
There will be no markers to aim your mortar at because Ai does not mark anything
You ATR rifle useless because Ai does not use tanks

There is a theory in the internet that “Enlisted” developers are so sure of their failure that created those AI “impostors” with weird nicknames to create an illusion that you have humans in your team as well as all these balance issues and lack of content.

The game can be extremely fun to play, but only with human players. If no players - game is dead.

Soviets aren’t quite as blatantly worse as some like to think. It’s more of the bandwagon effect of game balance where most of the sweats go to Germany because they see Germany winning, which in turn draws even more sweats to Germany. What I usually see on Russian teams is that 3/4s of the players can’t so much as open a door without 2 tanks and a plane backing them up, and are usually all bunched up in some useless position they make no attempt to break out of or avoid falling into.

Good comparison in my book-
Russia has better rifles, SMGs, and planes
Germany has better machine guns, pistols, and tanks.

SMGs might be somewhat debatable with the capacity vs dps argument, but Russian rifles can’t malfunction (yet), reload quicker, and have a more flexible bolt configuration. German scopes might have more magnification, but Russian scopes have more than enough as-is.

That, and German teams spam MP-41s a lot more often than Russian teams use PPKs

I like:

  • idea of being squad leader
  • general feeling

I don’t like:

  • untapped potential of bots (I mean mainly crew manned weapons like AA guns or AT gun)
  • maps are a bit small
  • linear in game progression system
  • RNG

what’s not to understand? Higher level weapons perform better, you upgrade weapons once you have enough parts to, and you can get parts either via logistics or by disassembling the same model of weapon.

What I like

  • Climate
  • Game idea
  • Graphics
  • AI is a great idea! Mega original and unique, definitely great solution, the ability to give them commands and switch between them opens up a really big tactical possibilities but … But it definitely needs to be worked on…

What I don’t like

  • Very small maps! Definitely too small!
  • Short battles, there were times that lasted 7-10 minutes … Far too short
  • AI is a great idea but you still have to work on it
  • Balance! Definitely a balance
  • Too much RNG
  • RNG-based progression system (Capturing soldiers, weapons, skills)

What is not too easy to understand:

  • Optimization on gtx 980TI is amazingly good, everything you can on average these 60 FPS and often over, although there are drops to ~35 FPS
  • Not enough readable interface, you definitely need to work on it

As for RNG, it could be replaced by a system of earned currency during the game and exchange it for specific equipment or soldiers, similarly with skills that could simply be selected by yourself.

ok, let me change this