What I like:

  • Tank game play is fun and reasonably balanced against infantry

  • Gunplay is fun and satisfying

  • Having a whole squad at your disposal is interesting and makes for some large battles

  • Time to kill feels good

  • A lot of the powerful weapons and classes (Bolt action rifles, Smg’s, Engineers, Tanks) are either given by default or unlocked early on, so newer players wont get stomped by veterans with better guns.

  • The destruction of windows, doors, fences, and other wooden structures is a nice touch that adds to the immersion

  • Graphics are nice

What I don’t like

  • Having to get new guns and troops from a random loot box system is terrible if I want a specific gun or soldier i should be able to get it by spending extra tokens

  • The maps are small and their isn’t a lot of variety in the battles that can happen on each map, so the game can become repetitive after long play sessions. We need more and bigger maps before this goes public, I don’t think giving us the ability to spawn transport vehicles at certain locations to allow us to play on bigger maps would be a big issue

  • Random drops in frame rate that happens for seemingly random reasons

  • Anti Tank should be unlocked earlier, as of now it takes far to much time to get access to ranged anti tank infantry

  • Upgraded weapons are objectively better than their un-upgraded counterparts, this means that A. weapon customization isn’t as interesting as a side-grade system, where the player has to sacrifice one aspect of the guns stats in order to improve another, and B. New players are at an objective disadvantage to people who have upgraded weapons, which will drive away new players.

Their isn’t anything that’s hard for me to understand

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What you like

  • Map graphics and design
  • Sounds are pretty god, except the missing footsteps.
  • Nice optimization.
  • Historical accuracy.

What you don’t like

  • AI is useless and always in the middle.
  • RNG progression and loot boxes.
  • Low ammunition in some weapons.
  • Instant crouch, crawl and ADS.
  • Spawn camping.
  • Too much grind.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Logistics rewards.
  • Why I have to lose soldiers in the academy.
  • AI overall necessity and concept.
  • What are the backpacks for.
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What I Like:

  • gameplay is fun and fast pased
  • tanks feel right: they are fun to play but easy enough to counter by a good team
  • this game Looks and Sounds beautiful! amazing job there!
  • guns all handle different and feel different
  • the squad mechanics are a wonderful addition to the FPS shooter genre

What I Don’t like:

  • AI will occasionally go super solider mode and snipe me thought 3 windows and a tree
  • As someone with +5000 hours in warthunder, Aircraft currently feel useless at best.
    the IL-2 feels better than the Stuka in every aspect, would change it out for the D-5 for balance
  • The Logistics system is just Awful, if i get one more 1 star radio man or flamewafer I don’t need i might lose my mind
  • a better tutorial is needed, as well as a “shooting range” where you can test out your squads
  • squads need a way to restock on ammo
  • adding on the last point, the gunner needs more ammo by default

What i Don’t understand:

  • I understand putting troops in the acmidy to level them up, but where do they go? I would be nice if the first troop (name and class) was the one being upgraded, so the name and class stick around.

What I like:

  • Fun and fast paced gameplay.
  • Most realistic tank combat outside in this kind of shooter game.
  • Equipment and perk system for each soldier makes them feel individual and gives a sense of growth for each soldier and the entire squad as well.
  • Being able to build sandbags, tank traps and AA guns gives a nice tactical element, especially when defending.
  • The little details in how soldier uniforms look and are different from each other as well as the variety in equipment and weapons.

What I don’t like:

  • AI feels rigid and unresponsive. Mostly being used as backup lives than actual squad mates you can rely on.
  • The progression system feels too grindy and RNG based.
  • Weapon upgrades either don’t feel like they matter at all or they feel completely overpowered.
  • Explosive weapons take out your entire squad or do nothing because it interacts weirdly with environmental cover.
  • Soldier class progression being tied to specific squads instead of playing the class itself. Same goes for weapons.
  • Certain weapons are much more effective and easy to level up than others. For example, I maxed out my smg squad in a week and it took me almost entire playtime to grind radioman.
  • Mortars are too op.

What I don’t understand:

  • Upgrade system for weapons is hard to understand
  • Academy - makes you scared of losing infantry and their equipment
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Hello the community.
After several hours of play! I also have a lot of trouble understanding the academy and the allocation of weapons and options / it is very poorly notified. We get lost easily

I am a French player.
When have the language been selected in (French for me). We find in the options tree some translations (ok) and others not!

The class of first soldier you add will be the class of the upgraded soldier you receive. So, if you add a flamethrower class first and then a trooper and a tanker, you will receive and upgraded flamethrower class soldier. The academy is one of the areas in the game which does not have any good tutorial backing it up.

I hope the devs add auto removal of weapons from them like they do with the soldiers you send to the rear.


What I like:
•The overall concept (Mixed warfare)
•Multi-member squads
•Multiple fronts, etc.
•Map ambience
•Sound ambience

What I don’t like:
•Map sizes, they could have been abit bigger
•Movement (Smoothness), AI and player Movement is very, twitchy and sudden, its not smooth, and its random (For AI Atleast)
•AI balance (Being shot from across the current attack zone, from behind several bushes, AI being able to immediately determine where a shot came from 100+ meters away, but can’t at <10 meters)
•Weapon balances and refinements (MG-13/38/42 having ridiculous recoil compared to the DP-27) (PzB-38 having a long reload animation for taking a round out, and shoving it in the breach and closing it, etc.)
•Vehicle balances (mainly the IL-2 having 4 bombs, and a more powerful gun, whilst seeming to turn on a dime, compared to the slow and sluggish nature of the Ju-87, with its useless co-pilot, and one bomb)
•Weapon Progression/Weapon acquisition (Order cards)

What I don’t understand:
•I honestly understand most of the things, but some seem weird (aforementioned)

Overall I love the game, its a great concept and I want it to keep being improved, thanks.

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There was thread discussing this yesterday. DP-17 has lesser recoil than the German counterpart. The German SMG has lesser recoil than the Soviet counterpart. So, it evens out although I would personally like the SMG of Soviets handling better than the LMG.

Il-2 is pretty much only for dog fighting. Those 4x 100KG bombs is useless against infantry. While a 250KG bomb on an open capture zone can do a lot of damage. A comparison between the tanks would be a more even. The BA-11 is OP and it’s the first tank Soviets receive. I’ve unlocked the BT-7 but still use BA-11. I hope they make BA-11 the last unlockable tank.

The 100kg bombs are actually fine against infantry, being about as powerfull as 10 grenades it feels like. Once you know how to drop them into caps, they get the job done. In the meanwhile the Ju-87 needs to rearm after every drop, while its bomb only is like 20 grenades worth of power for some reason.

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People who compare the MP40 to the DP aren’t realizing the main difference between them: ones an SMG, meant for close quarters and assaulting. Meanwhile the MG is meant for support, and if the MG can’t support infantry because of insane recoil, its ineffective at being an SMG, or if there is little recoil, its great at both things, and they are chambered in rifle ammunition, thus having longer ranges and harder hitting power. The PPD and MP40 are great for close quarters combat, and yeah the MP-40 is good at medium range, so is a bolt action rifle (which you should have as a secondary). Its all up to your game plan, but overall the russians have the upper hand on both fronts, in terms of rpm and accurate suppression.

Many thanks for this elements

What you don’t like

  • FPS drops in middle of the game

  • Medkits
    Chance to heal myself in battle is useless in 95% of scenarios. Usually it just gives me extra few seconds to watch how someone will finish me.

  • Comander cupola view
    Scrolling through each window should be quicker. The animation is too complex with that zoom in/zoom out camera movement. Also would be nice if I could control the comanders head inside cupola with my mouse so I dont have to scroll throud each window if I want to look behind me.

  • Windows
    Sometimes it feels like I have to glitch through window. This is probably due to alpha version of the game but it is really awkward.

  • Game is unbalanced
    Im not saying this because Im constantly losing, but because Im constantly winning! Im playing in German team (because of sexy weapons) and 9/10 games we win. Any map, any game mode, we are constantly winning.

  • AI
    Sometimes my squadmates just stand in front of me when Im shooting or they stay near the window and get shot.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Academy
  • There should be tank/airplane in tutorial to test controls

Other than that, game is pretty good.


What you like

  • graphics

  • gives that red orchestra feeling

  • getting killed from single rifle shot, auto weapon scarcity, some might think it makes the game too hard and not fun but i like the realism and those people can go play battlefield

  • no spawn protection, i was killed 3 sec after i was deployed from a plane bomb but thats just how real life works

  • german radio voice for axis

  • destroyed tanks stay

What you don’t like

  • tank HE useless

  • fire burns on snow

  • no bipod on mg making auto fire just wasteful when standing on window(mg 13)

  • bolt rifles have one shot one kill but machine guns and semi auto rifles firing same bullet and hit power dont

  • semi auto rifles dont update ammo count if you fire too fast

  • ai goes in front of you and pushes you

  • never getting pistols

  • flamethrower not that fun

  • missing upper climb checker, if inside a trench bunker you go to the opening and press space you will try to climb out of it but will keep bumping into the ceiling constantly reseting the animation because there is no upper collision check

  • unrealistic physics, i climbed on a tank and threw a explosive pack on him so it stays on him, it moved and the explosive fell through him on the ground on flat terrain, meanwhile soldiers climb on the tank go prone on it with a machine gun and move with the tank (dont recommend, just because you are harder to spot and hit on a higher mobile view, the AI just needs to be able to see you)

  • AI can see you through fire, smoke and foliage

  • AI behaviour, when defending points in stables they climb on the pillars

  • amount of weapon upgrades, expected more of like how heroes and generals and payday 2 cover a lot of parts, mp 38, mp40 and mp41 i consider as different weapons, but ppd/ppsh box or drum i consider a modification not a individual weapon

  • soldiers with the white camo outfit lost in academy, they should have outfits depending on which squads they are in

  • medkits lost in academy

  • air combat not as enjoyable as in war thunder

What is not too easy to understand

  • mp40 unlocked before the mp28 that looks like the mp38

  • skill tree for upgrading flamethrower but cant be upgraded, why is then a disassemble option for it

  • gewehr 43 in moscow 41 campaign

  • why not auto pick up ammo for same weapon

  • Panzer III Ausf. B - Prototype 15 ton vehicle; some saw service in Poland. Entered service in 1937 and put out of service in 1940. They were reused as a training vehicle after 1940. A total of 10 of this version was produced,
    why is this in the game, it doesnt even make sence from a game design perspective, its armor is half from the pz II you had making the T-60 auto cannon with infinite clip turn you into swiss cheese, the more logical choice is the pz III ausf F. as the earliest version in the scenario
    by moscow 41 soviets had amassed plenty of KVs and T-34s at the capital, so i dont expect them to have only light tanks

Overall it was fun, havent felt like that since playing red orchestra 2

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So far engineers are way too OP.

Spawn emplacements should be removed, since they can be put in silly nooks and crannies that don’t really have much to do with strategic objectives.

Also machine gun emplacements should be removed. They have infinite ammunition and can be placed in silly ways which give an advantage to the shooter. Bots also don’t target them. The quad flak with limited ammunition was a perfect option for a mobile defensive turret.

There are only 4 things needed to “fix” these emplacements:

1: change the MG to the historical MG (for Germany that would be the MG 13)
2: increase the recoil climb to make it so you have to fire in bursts, as was realistic. (people who used the MG 34/42 previous update will know what I mean)
3: make its ammo limited, 4-6 belts/magazines. (with the MG 13 that would mean 4-6*75 round drums)
4: make it so people can not use them if they cant stand straight behind it, ensuring their heads stick out.

That said I still think the engi should only have 3 buildings buildable in a single battle and he has to choose the blueprints before the battle starts.
Either he can build MGs or AA
Either he can build barbed wire, hedgehog or sandbags
Either he can build resupply point or spawn point

I’m going to put this in its own thread.

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yeah… in my personal opinion, the numbers of max deplyable object should be like this;


1st engi:

  • 1x MG
  • 1x AA
  • 5x Sandbags
  • 2x Ammo Boxes
  • 3x Barder Wire
  • 1x Spawn Point

2nd Engi:

  • 1x MG
  • 1x AA
  • 5x Sandbags
  • 2x Ammo Boxes
  • 3x Barder Wire
  • 1x Spawn Point

Total buildable pieces in the squad:

  • 2x MG
  • 2x AA
  • 10x Sandbags
  • 4x Ammo Boxes
  • 6x Barder Wire
  • 2x Spawn Point

so basically, make a limit. this could be increased by the ammount of enginners present in the squad. i’m awared that this might be a complex system compared to the current version, but a lot better in my opinion and more balanced.

but again, maybe it’s just me. Cheers ^^

I think soviet assault rifles a bit op in close range against the german MP28, MP40, etc. The rate of fire is 300 more than the german ones and they damage a bit more. I often have a situation where I saw him first and shoot him but cause of the higher rate of fire I don’t have any chance… It is rather frustrating, in my opinion, there should be a small nerf on their assault rifles for example their recoil increased or they damage less. What do you think?

this topic has been discussed more and enough in the alpha.

in conclusion, we got german rifles nerfed drastically. and russian smg barely touched.

to be honest, russian smg are more than fine.
i just don’t get why german smg had to be nerfed so bad.

right so, a nerf was needed, and the recoil has been increased with the recent update. but the damag has been drastically change making pointless any use of smg.

technically, it’s still a beta. so i’m sure something will change ^^

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I like
- gun animations.
- the tanks.
- Being able to build defenses.
- overall movement and gun play.
i don’t like
- the il-2 feels slow and turns make you lose far to much speed
- getting logistics and crew is far to slow
- the luger’s reload animation is out of place, seeing as all rifles reloading animations have a one bullet animation.
- ai not being able to just hold down positions with out having to move ever 5 seconds, usually ending with them getting killed.
- to few commands that you can give to your squad.
- some houses windows are far to high up to use as a sneaky firing position.
- lack of tutorials of how to use tanks, planes and your squad
hard to understand
- the difference between squad xp and normal xp.