What you like

  • Graphics and sound quality
  • Ambience & atmosphere
  • The AI squad system (Is kinda unique and ads something different to the WWII genere.)
  • Surprisingly good performance for an game looking this good
  • And gun play to an extent

What you don’t like

  • A somewhat big focus on RNG (weapons, soldiers, perks)
  • Loot-box like drops for weapons, soldiers. Just no. They are the plague of the gaming. There are better ways to monetize a game. Loot-boxes are the worst of the worst.
  • AI is pretty inconsistent. Sometimes they feel like they can’t shoot the water in the ocean, but other times they do 360’ like no one’s business.
  • No way to replenish ammo when you run out

What is not too easy to understand

  • Everything is eazy and clear

What you like

  • WW2 setting
  • Design of the maps looks graphically nice, offers many tactical choices combined with movement system
  • Good technical performance, game runs smooth and looks good
  • Squad based gameplay
  • Fast time to kill

What you don’t like

  • AI seeing through visual cover
  • Underpowered flamethrowers, being on fire should disable weapons
  • Underpowered plane bombs, they seem to be about as powerful as handheld demolition charges, requiring direct hits on tanks
  • Lack of self-preservation of AI soldiers, they walk through fire, rush into open fields, do not take cover when fired upon
  • Random progression of equipment and new soldiers makes it hard to fill out squads.

What you like

  • The graphics
    The feel of character movement
    The scopes on sniper rifles
    The HUD response when you hit\kill an enemy
    The flow of gameplay that always keeps me in the action.
    So many other things! (I’m gonna play the **** out of this when it gets released)

What you don’t like

  • The grind. It would be more fun if we got more weapons to play with off the bat, or has an easier time unlocking more of them. I actually don’t have a major issue with the grind as it is now, but it could be slightly less taxing.

What is not too easy to understand

*The various menu screens made no sense to me for quite a few hours, I played in both open beta tests and wasn’t really sure what I was looking at in the menu, I only just figured it all out. I would enjoy seeing a short tutorial to explain the different menu screens!

What you like

  • The graphics are stunning
  • Gunplay feels satisfying

What you don’t like

  • Movement feels abit clunky
  • AI is clumsy

What is not too easy to understand

  • How to repair tanks
  • Radius of artillery
  • Weapon upgrades

What I like

  • Graphics;
  • Uniforms;
  • Large number of land vehicles that could be added;
  • The vast amount of weapons you can take in battle (including less-known and prototypes);
  • The idea of command your own squad;
  • Animations;
  • Sounds;
  • Almost every map;
  • Devs listening to players;

What I don’t like

  • The progression systems feels too slow;
  • Damage and recoil are balanced according to arbitrary numbers;
  • AI soldiers sometimes act like they were stupid;
  • Flamethrowers must have a greater range (20-30 meters);
  • The absence of an injury system. Just because an enemy shot my hand doesn’t mean I’m supposed to die;
  • Ammunition are scarse.

What you like

  • I like the fact that there are many soldiers in battles, could be more but its still nice to see some scale of chaos
  • Tanks and planes are great, but personally I believe BA-11 should be replaced with BT-5 or BT-7.

What you don’t like

  • G41 not being able to load only 1 stripper clip or 1/more cartridges individually, as example. I shoot 2 cartridges and reload, it loads 2x stripper clips, i.e. full mag instead of just two cartridges.
  • Also I dont like the fact that we cant like construct weapons that we have unlocked, it would be nice if we could construct weapons that we unlocked, using Item Parts as with upgrading.

What you like

  • Good number of players on a map
  • Enjoyable objective taking and defense*

What you don’t like

  • Need a way to better communicate with teammates. Maybe even just being able to mark the map during respawns? I don’t know it does become very much chaos when all you can do is “mark” enemy or text chat.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Weapon Upgrades
  • Logistics
  • All aspects of getting more weapons, upgrading them and getting soldiers is very obtuse and weird. Needs a complete redesign In my opinion.

во время игры ии (боты) мешают если не отдать приказ, то все толпятся в куче мешают, поподают под прицел, и иногда если жаркое сражение просто некогда отдавать приказы ии (боты). Как то надо это исправить хотя бы дистанцию между игроком и ии (боты).

its good, very, but as expected already a mad amount of cheat users and coders are perparing for release, for me Its already nearly unplayable because of cheater amount, people shoot you thru foliage and everything with their aimbots and wallhacks / esp which are so common on shooters in PC gaming.

Collision on environment and performance is still a bit bad (i7 2.gen 1050 ti) but bearable

However, I will definitive buy the Xbox one and PS4 version, because the game is for sure very very good and epic without the cheaters.
Keep on working like this , you do good!

What I like
The overall gameplay and the scale of the battles
The maps are pretty fun to play
The class system is fun al well.
The gunplay and graphics are spot on

What I don’t like
the semi-auto riffles are very week right now, too much kick and too little firepower
I feel like the shotgun (at least for the Germans I haven’t grinded the Soviets yet) is too weak and should have 2 shots in my opinion
Although the map design is good we need more. I feel that each campaign needs at least 10+ maps. Also we need maps were the Soviets are attacking and the Germans are defending.
The movement still feels to clunky
The whole weapon and soldier loot boxes needs to change right now. We need a system where you can grind out a specific gun, soldiers, and items

What’s not easy to understand
The weapon upgrade system is too complicated and also needs a revamp
The soldier upgrade system is also too complicated and also needs a revamp

during moscow germans carried the attacks and russia defended

I know but it does get very stale when all you do is attacking or defending. There were times were the Russians counter-attacked the Germans

Been playing enlisted for a good bit and played last opening for players and i must say i heavily enjoy the game and find very few flaws in the design in mind

so what i like:
the campaign isnt really that long or grindy if you think about how much you earn by each level and how easy it is to gain XP if you play right, so it keeps me occupied and gives me a long lasting goal so as to not let the game dry up quickly.
i heavily enjoy the realism.
the feeling of movement and gunplay is top notch in my book especially with the gun misshaps.
i could go on for days about what i like on this game

Now my dislikes: Id say the same as many on here say, the matches need to be longer and maps bigger but i say you guys already planned that.
the tank physics are a little bit lower quality when it comes to war thunder for example penetrations or when i try to drive a tank over an obstacle
i also wish tender/soft structures would eventually tear down or at least have their roofs come down after artillery bombs or tank fire

Extra notes: I appreciate you guys working on this and inviting me to this testing and i will do my best to give proper info and suggestions so the game doesnt end up like warthunder and its mess haha!
i love the historical accuracy and overall feel its definitely a one of a kind game
i would like to see maybe the ability to have one custom soldier you could make to say put yourself into the game and deepen the immersion
or maybe a world war type of mode where the nations fight in very large scale maps and wars to “win the world”

What I like:

  • Graphics
  • Sound
  • Overall feel of the game

What I don’t like:

  • AI is way too stupid, they can be standing 50cm of an enemy and do nothing
  • Bolt actions are horrible in CQC, so give Infantry squad’s leader an Semi-Auto
  • Give Tanks their full crew, I don’t get it why they’d have only two
  • Pz. III’s HE is basically useless
  • Bullets penetrating houses too irregular
  • Bullets sometimes go through players without dealing damage
  • AI pushing you out of cover and/or going in front of your gun
  • Gun and reinforcement lottery, sometimes you get a million K98s or MP35s and nothing else
  • Guns and reinforcements too hard to get and both sides should have their owns
  • Small maps

What isn’t too easy to understand:

  • AI behavior
  • Getting Weaponary deliveries and Troop reinforcements
  • Weapon upgrades

What I like:
Performance of the game 60 fps on gtx1650 MaxQ +i7 9750H +6 SSD
Overall look of the game
Gun play could be better but is enjoyable, I would take feedback from other games like red orchestra 2 or rising storm 2
What I dont like:
Progression, too slow, too random, too many dead moments between games. This game sadly give me the gold digger/EA vibes regarding future microtransactions and premium stuff.
Time needed to progress: I did some math and plotted some graphs and to complete the content of this alpha test I should play around 134 hours to unlock 4 vehicles and around 10 weapons. Way too much time, I would drop the game after the first 2 days. This game should be, in my opinion, nothing like warthunder (wich is a grind game that cause addiction and force players to buy because the meta is often a shop vehicle). This game should give players the possibility to progress without buying anything but at the same time give them the stimulus to buy because the want to help the developer and not becasue they feel disvantaged.
Ai soldiers should interact with the environment more fluently like taking cover behind covers with a nice animation instead than moving like a robot.
What is not too easy to understand:
Tutorial needs a serious rework. Academy need a better UI and a better tutorial. Weapons statistics with the star system is not that good in my opinion.

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can someone tell me if there was any update since monday? Playing today felt absolutely horrible and unresponsive.

Anyway feedback for today:

What i like

  • the generall gameplay using mostly bolt actions is enjoyable, but i fear, looking at the progression, that in the end people will fill their squads with semiautos.
  • as i said in the first test, the map is amazing. Please let Warthunder have something with this quality
  • i like most classes
  • Molotovs

What i didn’t like:

  • AI felt terrible today, i was killed quite a few times through heavy foliage without any line of sight, also they magically knew my position from 100m away after i killed one enemy. Strangely enough the pathfinding seems to be worse for them know, quite a few got stuck.
  • Flamethrowers were a disappointment because of their very limited range and their tendency to stop at every opstacle, they felt more like painting with Molotovs than actuall flamethrowers.
  • the gunmods are a very shallow feature, in this form they are not even worth having.
  • crewtraining and distributing weapons is a pain, i usually just set up my squadleader with everything.
  • i currently can’t decide if radiooperator or engineers are the most annoying class. Artillery should be a teamability not a squadability. Tanktraps and Antiairguns shouldn’t magically appear on the battlefield.
  • the progression both with EXP and random drops seriously reduces the fun. It would be more fun to not see them at all.

What isn’t easy to understand:

  • how to get some consistency out of AI

What you like

  1. The overall concept
  2. AI being improved
  3. The performance

What you don’t like
1.The concept of weapon/ soldier random dice pick thing
2.Too much advantage to hardcore players as they can have more soldiers in squads and arm them with better weapons

What is not too easy to understand

  1. Sometimes the weapon ADS motions are awkward and sometimes arm/ weapon gets in the way
  2. The spot mechanism which just highlights the exact location and cannot be erased

Been playing for 1 month and here’s my thought about this current Alpha test:

What you like

  • Overall graphics including map design & ambience

  • Sounds (it adds the immersion)

  • Well-optimized game (i got 100fps+ on i5 9400f + rtx 2060 16gb ddr4)

  • AI is much much better after the recent update

  • Balance between arcade & realism (you all devs should consider a realistic game mode)

  • Hisctorical accurate soldiers, tanks & uniform

What you don’t like

  • The RNG progression & loot box system in logistics which I don’t like most (although sometimes it’s tempting)

  • Map size is too frickin’ small as it can be a meat grinder & grenade spamfest

  • Perk that sometimes doesn’t fit with the class (example armored division should have tank-related perk and so on)

  • Lack of ammunition resupplies for infantry

  • Short duration of gameplay (should have been 30 minutes or at least 50 minutes for the best experience of immersion)

  • After upgrading my infantry sometimes I lose the rest of 2

What is not too easy to understand

  • Weapon upgrading

  • Academy training (sometimes i lose my infantry after done training them)

  • The whole logistics system

What I like:

  • AI has become much more aware, doesn’t feel like a turkey shoot like some of the early tests.
  • The grind through the campaign has become a lot longer, which will certainly help playability for the released game.
  • The graphics are lovely, the lightning in particular is great.
  • The game appears to perform well on any settings I’ve tried, so thumbs up to that.

What I don’t like:

  • The AI seems a little too aware, I’ve had matches where I shoot into a squad of AI across the map and instantly get hit by either a critical or sometimes fatal shot from the AI there.
  • Some maps feel a little small, bigger maps would be appreciated in the matchmaker.
  • The melee attacks seem a little overpowered, they’re guaranteed to either crit the target or straight up kill them.

I do not find it too easy to understand:

  • The tutorial. I’d find it a lot better if it went more in-depth about controls and such.
  • The whole upgrades part. It needs a tutorial of its own in my opinion if the feature is gonna stay.

Keep up the good work, I have loads of expectations for the game and the team appears to be surpassing them with each update :+1:

What I like:

  • Player movement feels very smooth, although maybe a bit too smooth.

  • 3D models are very detailed

  • Gunplay is very satisfying

  • Very unique style; the idea of having your own AI squad is very innovative and interesting. though it’d be nice if they were a bit smarter.

What I don’t like

  • some Russian soldiers’ faces look extremely bizarre.

  • The logistic system. I think it’d be nicer if we get some currency after each round, and with that, we can buy weapons, hire soldiers, upgrade our weapons, train our soldiers… we’d still have to unlock stuff in the campaign in order to buy them but I think this is much better than getting things randomly with no option apart from weapons or soldiers.

  • The UI feels very empty and lifeless. War Thunder has a much better UI. I don’t know what exactly makes it feel nice, it just doesn’t look like something that came out of unity.

What is not too easy to understand

  • I think everything is straight forward. nothing too confusing.
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