What you like

-All the weapons reload and animmation(like when the kar 98 get stuck while reloading)
-The ammount detail in the maps
-The kill time.
-The assault mode is amazing

What you don’t like
-The hit markers
-The weakness of the pz III b against the ba 11
-The HE raund is useless due to it’s low explosion range and damage
-The maps are small
-The 3 points capture gamemode isn’t quite what enlisted is orientated to.
-The amount of grindind to get a new squad or vehicle, it takes to much play time to unlocked one of those. For example I made 115 kills in a game and I advanced less than the game i only made 30 kils.
-The amount of players in a game could be higher, if bigger maps were added.
-The soldiers go to the batle with a low amount of ammo.

What is not too easy to understand

  • The academy it’s intuitive but I don’t know what purpose it has.
    -The weapons upgrades

I like:
-Overall map and terrain design
-Effects (though need tweaking)
-Variety of stuff
I dont like:
-AI is still clunky, and soldiers that come along with you in squad are more like cannon fodder, than they actually do something effective, even when their rank improves. Nor can they follow you in places you climb, such as attics.
-Weapon switch is sometimes unresponsive.
-Soviet BA-11 feels more powerful in every way compared to german Panzer III, especially the round.

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I like:

  • The Jamming mechanism which is a very nice edition

  • The historical places

  • Very good performance, even with older hardware

I do not like:

  • The long XP system to unlock a new level

  • My AI and other AIs blocking my shots

  • I don’t like how silly it is to faff around with attacking points and that (Also my friend’s idea)

  • Taking ages to get weapon cards takes around 6-10 matches to get 1

What you like

  • Inventory management and variety.
  • Graphics and sound quality
  • Can place defensive structures anywhere
  • Vehicle control
  • Firearm combat
  • Flak cannon is balanced well

What you don’t like

  • AI behaviour. They can snipe you across the bushes with 360 noscope. (Sometimes even through wall)
  • Current range of flamethrowers. (Too short, not historically accurate)
  • Leak of 3rd person camera on plane.
  • Randomness of HE shells. Sometimes it kills 3+ enemies in one shot, sometimes it goes through character without killing it.
  • To equip new recruits with loadout I want, I have to go back to reserve character unequip all of his gear one by one and put it to new recruit. (There has to be a single button that automatically strips all reserves out of their gear)
  • Too many bots (90)
  • Not enough players (15)
  • Character running speed is slow. Feels like someone is pulling me from behind.

What is not too easy to understand

  • Nothing
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What you like

  • The maps are good (i hope they are not scaled down)
  • The planes fly realistically
  • The visuals are brilliant
  • It performs well on low end PCs
  • Sound effects are amazing (a little bit compressed though)

What you don’t like

  • The LoD at long distances - could’ve been less noticeable, also most of the details disappear.
  • The Flak gun can be placed almost everywhere (easy to cheat)
  • The muzzle flash needs more work
  • Limited view on the plane’s cockpit
  • Flight controls (needs joystick mode or realistic mode)
  • The Stuka doesn’t have doppler effect
  • Lack of sound speed
  • Smoke trails and tracers
  • Some smoke particles fade too quickly, and isn’t blown by the wind.
  • Exhaust smoke coming from the planes are too visible, also the smoke follows the planes.
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What you don’t like:
The grind.
The maps are Tiny!! You will really need other gamemodes for Enlisted.Trust me there is a demand. Give the full map to explore and have one life modes! In a real war you die = game over.Start the next game.

How is this supposed to give you a feeling of battle/war. You die,no consequence,just respawn all is well.I wont touch this game.

What you like

  • I do love the game design and how it looks
  • How smoothly it runs
  • The scale of things despite how few players are actually in a match due to the AI aswell
  • The handling of things and sounds

What you don’t like

  • I dont like how the AI respond, i mean, I shoot one guy from cover, that would be hard to see where came from, and they instantly turn around and shoots at me
    *How poorly the explosive shells work on infantry (ive had cases where ive directly hit enenmy infantry and they just kept on going)
  • Maps shouldve been bigger
    *i feel semi-automatic weapons (like SVT-40, Gewehr 41 and such) deal a awfull little dammage, despite using same ammo as their rifle counterpart (granted, a one-shot semiautomatic rifle could be game-breaking ill admitt)
    *Physics of the shells when piercing enemy tanks, i feel that when you pierce an enemy tank, its very random if it does anything or not, i played a match a few min ago, i shot 5 shells into a Ba-11, only one of them dammaged the crew and Amroured car itself before he turned around and shot me twice and compleatly killed me off

What is not too easy to understand

  • Nothing is hard to understand as far as i’ve seen, its all rather simple if you look at it logically =)

I like a lot of things.

I don’t like:

• For now not Realistic Damage Model.

• HP, Medkit or Damage of Weapons.

• I don’t like that same weapons has different speed of fire…

• Why have weapons rate of fire for example 490-550 why not just max speed of fire as IRL 550?

I like :

  • I like the map details and the balance of them

  • I like the weapon models though not perfect

  • Ai is way more responsive and not as blind to the things around them from the 2 previous playtests

  • The weapons feel like they pack more of a punch which is realistic unless Dimitri and Hans were absolute chads in the previous 2 playtests

  • There is a counter for everything which Is nice to have

I don’t Like:

  • The forums could use a bit of a rework and organization

  • There are soo many different options in the upgrade menu it’s difficult to know exactly what does what.

  • Many upgrades that seem like they have a big impact on your performance are usually at the end of the line of upgrades it would be nice to see a good upgrade at a lower their but that’s just me

  • If war thunder has taught me anything it’s that the grind is not a very good way to balance things and maintain a good relationship with the community, the grind currently for planes, machine guns, and tanks take days I’m not saying it should take 2 seconds but once you get past level 5 you really start to feel the grind

  • The Ai has a very BIG tendency to walk in front of you or push to the side while you are making a shot, it would be nice to see the player have a bubble or circle around them where the other squadron members would go into and this would have to be bigger than the player

  • the Ai also tends to go everywhere and it sometimes exposes itself to fire, i think maybe giving the rooms a set area and when a player enters that room the ai can only go anywhere in that area unless told otherwise by the player

What is not too easy to understand:

*It feels like you were actually thrown into war without any knowledge you get no tutorial on all the controls but have to go look for them and remember them

  • upgrades are not clear on what they do other than some

  • Not entirely clear where everything is

Highlights of all sections

  1. The weapons feel like they pack more of a punch they don’t feel like the Zip 22

2.Ai is kinda wonky the should stay in the same room as you and not push you around

3.Thins are labeled but not clear you are thrown into the mix and have to pick it up running, the point is things aren’t all very clear

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What you like

  • Damage model for infantry is a decent mix of realism and fun
  • This is my first test, and I absolutely love the AI squadmates for the extra soldiers they are on the battlefield.

What you don’t like

  • Semi-Auto rifles don’t do the same damage as bolt guns in the same caliber, and they should
  • Ammo loads are smaller than they should historically be for riflemen, at least ideally. Russians at least would be equiped with 6t0 rounds, 20 isn’t even one full pouch.
  • LOOT BOXES for acquiring new and better weapons. The upgrade system is fine, but what you get and how many should not be a roll of the dice
  • Medkits for chest shots. Any hit to the upper torso should knock a fool out, for good, especially since getting more ammo for primary is perk locked. Ten percent of my ammo load to knock out one maybe AI opponent on a good hit is suboptimal and unrealistic
  • RNG in weapon upgrades (anything, really) is just dumb. It arbitrarily increases the grind, which is otherwise not awful. Upgrade failure chance combined with loot box mechanics for getting new guns is almost, almost enough to turn me away from this game on release.

What is not too easy to understand

  • How the hell even is it determined when/how I get the tickets for logistics? It seems to be random, and if there’s a way to make loot boxes even worse, which I thought was a leap, is to make them randomly awarded.

What I liked:

  • Authenticity
  • Ambience & atmosphere
  • Performance considering the graphics
  • Visuals
  • The AI squad system (its unique to say the least)
  • upgradable units through the perk system
  • The idea of the squad upgrade system (the one with the squad points) but no the implementation

What I didn’t like:

  • The entire progression system (by this I mean the logistics which is the backbone of the whole thing) because of the use of systems like lootboxes (RNG)
  • The implementation of the squad tree (the one mentioned in liked)
  • Soldier perks choices at times (being randomly selected & to pick from 3) in most cases doesn’t allow to have complete specific perk build for that soldier
  • No tutorial to explain the different systems even in brief

What is not too easy to understand:

  • The different systems (no tutorial)
  • weapon upgrading (didn’t even start with it as I’m deciding not to use the lootbox system -logistics- until certain stage)
  • What certain items are used for, like the backpacks (might be straight forward from what it is but having a tooltip is really good)

For the last section its hard to list stuff without listing the whole game because there is no tutorial to even explain them in brief or guide you through them (for what they are used) on your very first play. Note that the lootbox (logistics) system is really limiting the potential of this game while I understand that it got to make money this design choice/philosophy really tells the player all he needs as the game would be inconsistent when it comes to progression & most likely have notably diminishing returns if not engaged in paying.

I would suggest to stray away from the lootbox (logistics) system as backbone to progression system as a whole, this is very sensitive issues as I see it the game being a free to play is really limiting the actual potential of the game (the fact that its free to play & got to make money -always the monetization systems are horrid & Gaijin is no exception either-) by having to include pay for power even in the slightest of method or the pay for convenience having a huge gap to not paying (grind & other stuff considered).

I really do like the game it is really good because of the fact that I am never eliminated from the game until the end unlike say war thunder the tanks are awesome however I am curious as to why there are only two crew in a tank of 5 anyways I do think HE shells need to do more splash damage to infantry I am really glad that you added the squad system so I can play with my friends now the grind I think is fine as it gives me something to always be going for however I would caution on adding more stuff withouth increasing the rewards for battle because I really dont want this game to become like War thunder where I have to spend months to get something I want. One really good thing with this game is the campaigns which means that you can pick your favorite time frame and play just that hopefully we will see more in the future. Another thing I like is that the game is not pay to win its a pay to progress because certain games are full of pay to wins that no one can access with out paying for and this game does not have that and hopefully never will. Anyways great game guys hope we will see a early access soon!

What you like

  • I Really enjoy the historic campaigns
  • enjoy the gunplay, love how deadly everything is, however there are certain things that need to be tweaked
  • love the penetration camera when firing at armor
  • enjoy the objectives
  • maps are really detailed, one can see a lot of work has been put into it
    +sound is great
  • Performance is on point, it plays extremely smoothly
  • i have noticed improvements in AI, and can definitely tell the difference between a 1 recruit and a 3 star soldier
    +i love the progression, although i feel it is a bit quick, perhaps having different upgrades like warthunder does, for example, you’d get weapon modifications, such as a stripper clip. uniform modifications before you can progress etc. just to add more depth

What you don’t like

  • i don’t like the size of the cap objectives. seems a bit small.
  • Semi Auto rifles need to be buffered. allowed them to one shot like before.
    +AI does not seem to use cover or vault
  • not enough MG ammo for the tanks and AA
  • no way of resupplying
    +HE needs to do more splash damage
  • range needs to be increased on the Flamethrower, the ability to use your primary weapon when under flames needs to be taken away too

What is not too easy to understand

  • the weapon upgrade tree seems a little confusing. i just completely steer clear of it, a suggestion would be to visually see your weapon, like what escape from tarkov does, then have parts you can unlock, such as a stripper clip to make reloading quicker etc

What you like

  • the game itself
  • strategy, that can be done when combining your squad units and map usage
  • many war features
  • atmoshphere
  • remove of high frequence sounds

What you don’t like

  • AI is too noob
  • AI serves as reserve spawn
  • AI pushes you and moves in the way when you want to shoot
  • AI doesnt know how to destroy tanks
  • AI cant use melee
  • soldiers cant deffend from melee strikes
  • enemy spawn is not shown, i have troubles with oreintation
  • there is no crosshair, i feel like i have more trouble when shooting than others…
  • loot boxes
  • radio operator when calling artillery is too loud when speaking

What is not too easy to understand

  • lobby stuff (managing soldiers & squads)

in this alpha test What I Like;

  • Accademy
  • Customizable Equipment
  • Squads Management
  • Improved AI
  • Graphics
  • Vehicles
  • Variety of Weapons
  • New Classes and Limitations Balance
  • Bomber Refill Point Away from the battlefield
  • Perks

What i don’t like:

  • k98 feel less accurate than the Soviet mosin
  • No Team-Party Color for Recognize where my friends are
  • Less equipment ( grenades, medkits ) from " airdrops " or " card drops " than previous alpha tests
  • BT-7 should have been starter russian vehicle and the B-11 an Unlock. in my opinion, breaked the fun for german tankers.
  • Parts for upgrade weapons and chance to fail
  • Soldiers having different uniform in different regiment ( minor issue )
  • Limitations of Vehicles and squads in total that can be carried in the field
  • accademy wipes out soldier’s inventory

personal opinion:
i know it’s not required, but i really feel like i wanna leave a thought,
the game it self, it’s incredible. honestly speaking, i’m very impressed by the ammount of work, feature, maps, weapons, vehicles and the whole experience that this game has. feels like pure and real cruel war. and this game, has a lot of potential, it’s earlier to say what it wiill become, but from what i saw in those tests, it’s incredible. jeep up the good work!

but i keep don’t understand why parts with chance of failure. i’m not an expert of marketing and stuff, but i’m quite sure that microtransations should be in cosmetics, battle pass, and whatever is out there. but shouln’t affect weapons or experience as initially promised.

otherwise, great job!

I like

  • Tank Combat. The tank battles are very reminiscent of War Thunder, requiring a basic knowledge of your opponents in order to knock them out, which makes it feel very rewarding when I can get 3 or 4 panzer kills in my dinky little half track before being taken out by infantry because they didn’t know to shoot the turret.

  • Gunplay. The removal of the crosshair has both made the game feel more realistic and more exciting. Bursting into a room with an SMG gives quite the adrenalin rush as you try to tame the spray of tracers towards the enemies. The bolt action rifles also feel very nice, but sometimes inconsistent when I can one shot from very far away and then shoot an enemy who is laying down in the chest and not kill him.

I dont like

  • Only defending as Russia. I’ve been solely playing USSR so far, both to progress and because I don’t like the nazi aesthetic, but this has made it so I only get to play Defense or King of the Hill, which gets very repetitive very fast.

  • Loot Boxes. The fact that the only way to get guns is through lootboxes is very frustrating, and makes it feel like certain upgrades I invest in are worthless. For example, I haven’t gotten a single sidearm in a lootbox despite leveling up twice since unlocking one. My tank crew only has two weapons between them all!

  • This may just be because I’m coming from War Thunder and am here for the planes, but the progression feels incredibly slow, especially in a phase where the whole purpose is to test all aspects of the game. In 3 days of consistent play, I’ve only just unlocked flame troopers, and the fact that there is a level dedicated solely to the PPD drum is making it hard for me to want to keep up the grind.

  • Movement. It feels like the movement has been copy pasted from Cuisine Royale, which to me has always been a joke/goofy game, and then nerfed. Climbing ladders is frustrating and trying to get through a doorway with more than one squad mate alive makes me wish I was just playing tanker.

What is hard to understand

  • How XP works. It seems to be quite random, except for a boost when you win. One game I do terribly and get about 3k xp, but another game I carry my team, doubling the score of the second highest teammate, and get around 2k, even though we lost both games.
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  • map layouts
  • sound design
  • amazing optimization
  • traversal of obstacles (ex: vaulting windows)

dont like:

  • maps feel a little cramped with a lot of room to room fighting
  • unlocks and progression are slow and i’m not entirely sure how to do them right
  • tank traction absolutely needs a rework as they cant even cross some trenches
  • would like to have some gameplay diversity although as i understand it that will come in as more campaigns are added, getting to see the russians on offense was a good change of pace

Dont understand:

  • XP and many of the UI options
  • squad selection and inventory management

For now:

I like:

  • The maps, trees, houses, etc. (but the maps should be bigger.)
  • The performance is very good.
  • AI is much better than before.
  • Soldiers are not made of iron like other games.
  • Building
  • Good balance of weapons

I don’t like:

  • I’m a person who does not like gore, I feel a bit incomfortable when I see a feet on the ground, when I see too much blood in the houses, etc. I would like an option to reduce blood and an option to eliminate gore.

  • The tank views sucks. Too complicated being an commander.

  • Bugs, many bugs, but the only one that is annoying for me is: The tank get stuck when you are in a crater.

  • There is no way to replenish ammunition

I like:

  • I like the general gameplay, especially the gunplay
  • I also like how tanks are implemeted, they are no EZ-mode point and click adventure, like in other games, they require actual work and a bit skill to operate, but you can still get a lot of kills with them.
  • I like that the game remains focussed on infantry-gameplay, I am really glad that enlisted isnt just a Warthunder with Infantry, Enlisted is a Infantry game with tanks as a feature -class. And that is what I really appreciate.
  • The System with the different war-campaigns is truely genius! Thefore you could highlight different interesting stages of war without needing to balance early-war equipment against late war stuff.

What I dont like:

  • While the maps itself are really big, the playable areas of the maps are rather small
  • The progression is way too slow, especially if the progression in the different campaigns is independent.
  • I am skeptical about the bots. I had multiple situations where bots run infront of my gun or even push me out of cover if i’m peeking behind a corner, that simply leeds to frustration. Also bots make a competitve gameplay rather unlikely.
  • I am absolutely disgusted by the way you acquire new weapons, the progression itself is long enough, but the RNG-lootbox mechanic makes the grind even longer. I can enjoy a grind, however if you dont have any influence on what you are grinding for, it just doesn’t feel worth the time. Also it doesn’t feel rewarding at all.
  • The anti-tank squad needs to be unlocked way earlier as the bomber-class is something crucial to defend against tanks. I would even say that the AT-squad should be available from the start of the game, to give new players a better chance to fight of tanks.
  • The limit on three infantry-squads and one tank squad is too restricting in my eyes. You can’t experience the variety of all the different squads availlable.

What is not easy to understand:

  • After many hours tested (also in the pre-Alpha tests) I still have no Idea how you can get the logistic points to acquire new weapons or soldiers
  • The perk-system seems a bit random to me
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