Please, submit us your feedback on current game experience:

What you like

What you don’t like

What is not too easy to understand


I like:

  • Overall maps design and ambience
  • Sounds are good too, firearms and artillery
  • Performance is top notch, above 100fps: 2060Super + 9600K @1080p
  • AI is much better than previous tests, but they should react faster on shootings
  • Weapons are balanced, SMGs were a good surprise, one clip can kill an entire squad.

I don’t like:

  • The player movement is not smooth for my taste
  • Maps should have been bigger instead of that small area
  • Some bugs, like being stuck with vehicles at craters need a fix
  • Melee attacks need a nerf, 1 hit 1 kill is OP

Not easy to understand:

  • Weapons upgrades are confuse
  • Unlocks not that user-friendly
  • A more complete Tutorial is welcome

Overall, I had fun playing Enlisted, keep up polishing it and adding content.


What you like

  • The gameplay overal
  • The ability to swap specialized non-trooper soldiers between squads
  • Performance is excelent
  • Engineer squad was extremely enjoyable, even with only 2 building options.

What you don’t like

  • Progression:
  • Weapons are locked behind a 3-pronged unlock system
  • Progress is generally RNG based with random logistics
  • Weapon modifications should be sidegrades, not pure upgrades
  • Weapon salvage RNG
  • Randomized perk choices might ruin a soldier, as there are clear better/worse options
  • Very show progression overal makes it hard to test things properly.
  • Melee and SMGs seem a bit too powerful right now, especially weapon bashing for melee.
  • AI seems to be less intelligent in terms of pathing right now compared to the previous open tests
  • Moving weapons / equipment from soldier to soldier is tedious and requires a spare weapon

What is not too easy to understand

  • The weapon unlock system was hard to understand at first
  • Weapon rarities and upgrades were confusing

Enlisted is a game with an extremely high potential to me. It offers an unique experience that you can not gain anywhere else (including Heroes & Generals and Post Scriptum), but the slow, RNG based progression is holding back the enjoyment of trying out new weapons, loadouts, etc. Maybe, for progression, allow a player to obtain more of the same squad type later on, so they can play with 3 recon squads, for example, if they have enough snipers to fill up all squads.


I like:

  • The core idea, graphics, the feel of a battle
  • The idea that you level up your squad and try to equip them as best as possible
  • Building stuff, even though its still only sandbags and somewhat useless AA-gun

I don’t like:

  • Player movement feels weird
  • AI is still too stupid
  • The grinding, you have to grind some things many times, like if you want to have another SMG guy in your squad, you first need to grind the license to use him, then you have to hope and pray to win him in people-lottery and after that you still need to win him his gun, and it can be 1 or 20 games before you get the gun

Not easy to understand:

  • Weapon upgrading
  • What determines what perks your guy can use
  • The destruction of Ba-11 but thats probably a bug
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I like:

  • Graphics, especially lightning

  • Much better AI (still not perfect though)

  • Historical uniforms

  • Great performance. I have i5 6600 and RTX 2070, weird combination but gameplay is very smooth.

  • Good balance of weapons

  • “Rush” game mode (can’t remember the name)

  • Overall balance. Thanks to dividing the game into campaigns, everybody is using mostly the same stuff, there’s no thing as low tier or down tier known from War Thunder.

  • Building

I don’t like:

  • RNG, grind. I’ve played two hours yesterday, one hour today and still haven’t got any gun besides Mosin. I know that Enlisted is supposed to be a F2P game but it is too difficult to get a new gun. Upgrading your squad is fine though, it takes an hour or two to increase squad size and get all basic bonuses to speed up the research. But everything related to guns is too tedious. First you need to get a license to use that gun (bad idea in my opinion), then you need to unock certain gun and then you have to pray to gaijilla to get that gun in RNG-based drop.

  • Upgrading weapons. In my opinion it is too complicated. It should be done like in Red Orchestra 2 where you upgrade your weapon by playing it. That is, the more enemies you kill, the better your weapons gets and you at using it.

  • Bomber class far behind the grind. Such an important class should be one of the firsts to unlock.

  • Too short games. Some people may consider it as an advantage but for me, a semi-realistic shooter should have longer games. Or at least an option to play them. Devs could make a mode like “conquest” or “frontline” known from battlefield games. The first one is basically the domination, currently in game, but bigger and without respawn limits. That is where the planes could shine. The second one is like rush but both sides are attacking cap zones. If one side captures the point, it gains the initiative and becomes an attacker till the defenders stop them. Then the last point becomes neutral and both sides have to capture it

  • Limited respawns, it isn’t War Thunder, there’s no need for such a thing in a shooter game

  • AI is still not able to vault walls or mirrors

  • Campaign grind. It is definitely too long. During previous test I managed to get gunner class in less than I day, right now I’m still at level three and gunner is far away.

  • Weird cooling mechanic of machine guns. It takes less time to keep shooting till your machine gun overheats and wait for cooldown compared to shooting in bursts.

  • No way to replenish ammunition once you’re alone, or in a tank.


Love it, can’t wait for the release and glad I backed this early. As I said, squad AI could use a little work but over all the game is fantastic.

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What you like:

  • improved graphics

  • improved guns

  • New maps with different ways on engaging the enemy. Either CQC or long range distances.

  • Very detailed houses with objects, makes the game more alive feel.

  • Nice touch with the combat engineer to make Static weapons and defences.

  • Flames

  • improved realism with shell shock effects, and swaying accuracy from stamina depletion or standing close to a explosion.

What you don’t like about Enlisted:

  • Stale movement animations, quirky movement. Does not feel realistic.

  • Molotovs flames takes too long to actually “ingnite”

  • AI still feels like a AI with its movement and behavior. Literally Aimbotting and barely fun, the AI was better on the public testing couple of months back than this…

  • Skeptical P2W mechanics with Logistics and Weapon Upgrades. I do not like seeing how your weapon has a “chance” of the upgrade to not work. It feels like a damn mobile game and ruins the experience for me.

  • Then the Logistics which makes it look like glorified loot boxes. Which you may or may not get the best rifle in the game and proceed to clap everyone you see. I can already see the p2w mechanics about Logistics, due to the decreasement of Logistics rewards from every game. This thing will make people spend money on it so they can get that 3 star weapon or high veterancy soldier just dont.

  • Decrease in Experience earning to lvl up your faction the higher level you get. From level 3 which I earned around 2000-3000 experience a game, only to get 1500-2000 experience a game when I am on lvl 5 with no difference in terms of results I get after a match (kills, deaths etc.)

  • RNG based progression. Why do we need to “hope” to get a gun, seriously this is not even funny.

  • stale gameplay in the long run. Due to the factors above me will cause boredom, because you want the rank x or get the weapon y and it takes too long and you dont want to spend money on the game.

What is not too easy to understand:

  • Weapon upgrade mechanic, will the guns break if they fail to upgrade it or what? So we can then pay 99 cents to have another coin in the slot to hopefully have a successful upgrade?

Overall: I see large potential about this game, please do not implement stupid paid loot box mechanics or weapon upgrades to the game. It will alienate the newcomers from the game as a whole…


I like:

  • Overall idea of game with infantry, tanks and planes in one match
  • Gun sounds
  • Pretty realistic map design

I don’t like:

  • Recoil could be a little more realistic (mostly for SMGs)
  • Reload animatons (but it’s a little bit better than it was)
  • HE is useless (at least in Panzer III)
  • Sandbags almost everywhere (it would be better if there were preset positions for them (and AT guns in the future)
  • Player movement
  • Too long grind in campaign (at least for alpha, for public build current grinding time is ok)

Not easy to understand

  • Weapons upgrading
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I like:

  • The overall gameplay, and setting of the game
  • Very good performance
  • Pretty good graphics
  • Sound design
  • Customising loadout for every soldier in a squad
  • The divisions of different campaigns and the diversity of them (I can’t remember when was the last time I saw Battle for Moscow or something like Battle of Tunisia in a game)
  • The idea of having bots in your squad and that they are better than in the last test (though they still can’t really fight on their own)
  • I like that now the bots turn in your direction when you start shooting at them.

I don’t like:

  • The sway of the weapon while moving is way to small, making people walking left and right when shooting
  • The logistics of getting new weapons are pretty bad. The chance of getting another spare weapon (SMG, sniper rifle and so on) is way too small. I think that the order system should get removed and another way of getting weapons should be added (maybe just as loot after a battle determined by your performance?) or at least the amount of orders that you get should be increased (like maybe after every victorious battle) and they should give more than one weapon at the time.
  • The maps should be bigger. Right now, on some maps you can only go straight for the objectives and can’t flank around and attack from different locations at the same time.
  • Zoom for ironsights on bolt action rifles is too big.
  • I think that soldiers can lean a little bit too far, allowing for “dodging” bullets
  • Games end too quickly, which in addition to small maps makes the game feel too arcady, at least for my taste. But probably a division in game modes (like in War Thunder - arcade, realistic and simulation) could solve this problem without alienating any possible players.
    The indicator in tank sights that show you if you can pen (and also the fact that the sight is now in the barrel of the gun and not next to it). But again the division of game modes could take care of this problem.
  • Poor awareness of the AI. For example, they run in front of a shooting enemy tank and instantly get killed. They also could use the ability of taking cover and order to take defensive positions to cover doors and windows which could give them a small perk to their accuracy etc.
  • The kill indicators can sometimes obstruct the enemy if they are far away.
  • The lack of basic communication with your team, but i presume that it’s gonna be added at the later date
  • Randomness of soldier perks.
  • Soft upgrades for weapons. I think that the quality system for weapons doesn’t add anything interesting to the game.
  • The movement. The soldiers feel a little bit too light and can change the direction they are going a little too easily.
  • Grind for campaigns levels is too long. It took me a few hours just to get to fourth level, and getting to the later parts of the campaign like planes or LMG’s will take a lot more.

Is not easy to understand:

  • Which weapons can be equipped to which class of soldier
  • The upgrade tree design could use a little refinement
  • Where to get the new weapons from, and the whole logistics system

But all in all I had a great fun playing the game, and I can’t wait for the release, keep up the good work!


What I like:

  • Visuals are top notch and the game feels optimized for what I see in-game

  • Map design and art style fit WW2 almost flawlessly

  • Gameplay seems like a perfect mix of everything at the moment; casual, tactical, punishing, suspenseful, etc.

  • Historically accurate weapons and uniforms for each battle, please do not ruin this with cosmetics

  • Wide variety of weapons, gadgets, supplies, ranks, upgrades

I don’t like:

  • AI appears to be a little better, although it needs a ton of work before Enlisted is fully released to the public. There are moments where they’re dirt stupid, and then they immediately land a perfect headshot on you.

  • The FOV being capped at 90° is horrible and makes the gameplay slightly nauseating, the FOV should be capped around 120-140° even if clipping occurs

  • Player movement feels weird, not fluid

  • Map sizes are horrendously small, I do like finding combat around every corner but it needs to be spaced out a little more

  • Server / Network performance seem bad, and I live in a suburban area and have very good internet speeds. I think 60hz servers should be standard for Cuisine Royale and Enlisted

  • We should be able to strip dead bodies for ammunition and other supplies before they disappear

  • Tank turrets should be every so slightly faster, around 5-10% and shells should have a deadlier blast radius because of how difficult Tanks can be to control

  • Bipod functionality should be added to both Enlisted and Cuisine Royale. It’s silly that such a beloved feature isn’t already in either of these games

  • Lack of HUD/UI customization. We should at least be able to choose where certain UI elements appear on the screen, for example I want the kill-feed in the very top right corner of my screen. Should also have some sliders for opacity and scale.

Not easy to understand:

  • The system for upgrades and unlocking new things is very in-depth, which can be good but should be simplified

  • Weapon rarities, upgades, varieties, etc. All these things should definitely be simplified before release if possible.


I like:

  • Maps looks awesome.
  • Good looking weapons.
  • Playing squad, not one character, in one respawn.

I don’t like:

  • There is too small amount of maps, playing mainly on one map is boring, i mean that i was 2 times on map with trenches and small village , about 5 times on map with railways and about 20-30 times on map with city,
  • Bots are really stupid, they are running around marked (x button) place, they don’t know how to use ladder, AND whats most important they can push player charcter what can be annoying or make player cant hit enemy
  • Little grind on getting new units
  • Briefing with controls on every battle i join

What is not too easy to understand:

  • System of getting new weapons and soldiers, i mean part of getting “Orders”
  • Ballistics, i mean some times you have crosshair on somebody and you miss, and (i’m not sure about this) bullets stop on your (not enemy) cover
  • Reload animations, i mean some times my soldier was reloading boltaction rifle using clips, when i had scope on this rifle (mosin)

What you like

  • game style - reminding battlefield 2’s ai battle but more faster game because of smaller map

  • most realistic tank despite of even similar with war thunder arcade mod

  • realistic soldier’s outfit

  • weapon recoil system is more realistic

What you don’t like

  • realistic soldier’s outfit, but there are exist that not fit in battle of Moscow, like volkssturm uniform and recruit of german tanker wear rifle man’s uniform.
    of course, I understand that this game is still developing, but It should fix

  • uniform is realistic, but soldier’s gear need to fix, I don’t know that soldier’s gear fit randomly, most of they don’t have ammo pouch.
    In my experience in army and pictures of ww2, they(especially german now(most of soviet soldiers have pouch in game)) should have ammo pouch
    of course, fitted pouch per there branch(like SMG pouch for assault) is best

What is not too easy to understand

  • tank observation system is quite good but hard to use a little

What i like:
-good graphics
-a great range of weapons to choose
-the ai squad idea is nice
-maps are great
What i dont like:
-the unlock systems is complicated. I need to level each squad to unlock weapons for others squads
-the IA dont react sometimes. a single enemy on our flank kill my entire ai squad
-the balance on tanks. ba11 can one shoot pz3 while the pz3 needs a lot of shoot sometimes to kill the ba11
-the RNG of weapons unlocks. I dont know how to get weapons supply.
-after unlock more tankers they look like infantery
-Customization options for the soldiers
-Better weapons supply system. Maybe one supply per battle

What you like

  • The Graphics and the general look of the game, tanks and weapons

  • The sounds

  • The overall feeling of being in a battlefield

  • The new engineer squad with its Flakvierling

What you don’t like

  • The AI often gets stuck in doors/windows

  • It should be easier to unlock the AT squad, since it’s a really important class

  • The soldier movement feels a bit strange

What is not too easy to understand

  • Weapon upgrading

What you like

  • the sound desing is good and inmersive
  • the ai is now more powerfull and fells usefull,
  • the adition of a kill count for the bots and current status (healing , wounded , firing , defending)
  • the felling of the battle at inicial stages is a total caos and gives a good war felling
  • the plane , just the plane

What you don’t like

  • the weapon upgrade sistem need to add the option to craft new weapons, not only disasemble and upgrading
  • logistic sistem is good but need to give the player more weapons, and things like med kits or making you chose betwen 2 items from a list
  • the AI , i love the idea , but they keep getting stuck on things and some times running on fire
  • i would like the ability of the commander of the tank being able to shot the machine gun or pistol from the tank hach

What is not too easy to understand

  • flight controls for the plane (tutorial is needed)
  • tank controls (tutorial is needed)
  • when i will get a logistic card is not easy to understand or know
  • wich weapon is equipable for each soldier tipe, if a weapon cant be used i suggest not showing it in the gun list for that soldier

What you like

  • The models depended on history.
  • Massive battlefield like just in it.
  • The tips about where the squadron came from.

What you don’t like

  • AI sometimes acts like aim-bots.
  • The logistics cost too much time to unlock.
  • The Disassemble function without matched amount of supplies.
  • Physical collision is badly clipping.
  • The soldiers could not blink. And they action animation is too rigid.
  • The clothes of soldiers have no collision and clip together.
  • No custom elements now.
  • UI too simple.(Maybe because it’s just Alpha test not publish version)
  • No localization for other languages.(I know it’s not time for this.)

What is not too easy to understand

  • No detailed tutorial.
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What you like

  • Historical campaigns
  • Squad management
  • Squad upgrades
  • Weapon balance
  • Game performance
  • Good looking graphic
  • Soldier equipment management
  • ‘Assault’ gamemode

What you don’t like

  • Small maps
  • Weapon upgrade system
  • Vehicles balance is poor (look at magic BA-11)
  • ‘Domination’ gamemode with 3 zones to cap (in my opinion it doesn’t fit style of Enlisted)
  • Lack of tutorials for vehicles/soldier classes
  • Weapon mele attack is to powerful in comparison to knives
  • AI soldiers running under enemy fire
  • Slow campaign level progress (it would be better if we can level both conflict sides of campaign at same time)
  • Game progress based on RNG

What is not too easy to understand

  • Weapon upgrade system (entire ‘Logistics’ system)
  • What unlock ability to get weapon from ‘Logistics’

What you like

  • Infantry, tanks and planes fighting together. Maybe one day we will also see naval forces and helicopters as well?
  • Great graphics with pretty good optimization. (please don’t add settings like ULQ in War Thunder)
  • Destroyed vehicles stay on the battlefield and can be used as a cover.
  • Field building.
  • Customizable soldiers.
  • Multicrew vehicles. I’ve seen some people entering my tank and driving while i was a gunner. But it needs an option for allowing it or not, i lost my tank a few times because somebody went straight at enemy vehicle.
  • Size of the whole map which gives a lot of potential for new game modes.

What you don’t like

  • Soldier movement doesn’t feel right, you can instantly turn around while sprinting without losing the speed.
  • RNG logistics mechanic.
  • Objectives are too small.
  • Cannot replenish ammunition in static defences or tank.
  • Grind, as enlisted is in closed alpha and i guess the whole progress will get wiped the players should be able to unlock things faster.
  • AI pushing me inside the buildings

What is not too easy to understand

  • Academy, why only 1 out of 3 soldiers come back for example?
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I like:

-that you guys did remove most of the spam texts we had ingame on last tests

-Destroyed vehicles stay and we can be used as a cover.

-Maps, amazing! and every corner have a soldier to fight, they dont feel empty like in post scriptun/heroes and generals.

-balance of weapons - SO far on point! keep it this way and we wont complain about OP this OP that.
-alot of weapons to choose from. for an alpha GG. even tho some are/have wrong images as placeholders (for ex mg13 using mg42 image on menus, or mp28 using mp38/40)
-weapon recoil isnt as noob friendly like we had on last 2 tests. a semi auto now kicks more . imo its a nice upgrade here than befor!

  • the sounds are inmersive

-Game is optimized/amazing performance for an alpha. i get 100-200 fps even on massive explosions

-AI feels more solid than last 2 tests, they shot more/shot back more (still work to be done here, an option for them to move around the map alone (not as a group) could be usefull in some scenarios for ex,)

-Gameplay is simply amazing! the bolt action rifles bring me so good memories from cod1/cod2 and medalofhonour games, and, the extra iron sight zoom make them so usefull comparing to games like heroes and generals! well done here! geting kills with them is srsly fun and give me a good feeling!

-The slow progression. i love it! the more i have to work for a iten/character/squad the more i get involved in the game! if i have everything with no work from my side a game gets boring

-Finnaly an option to remove weapons i m not gonna use as parts to upgrade others. good move here.

-overall the game is simply amazing. good grafics, easy to point and shoot and very, very adictive! my game of choice from now on for sure!

i dont like:

-Tank HE shells are useless, low power/low explosive range.
-Tank sight zoom r too low and the way to aim is kinda strange to be fair, should be more easy to get a sight on a enemy.
(the above is the reason i dont play with tanks, and i did enjoy them alot on other games… oh well.)
-i wish i could change my soldiers names/uniforms/give paintjobs on my weapons as “era related” skins.
-not having an option to select the type of mission/map i want to play
-Games are kinda too fast, i wish i could stay for longer/have more tickets or more objectives on a large map. insted of 5/6 objectives a map with way more than that so we can play longer… 10/15 min per match is kinda low for me.
-Not having a personal stats page on UI menu and or a chat on the menu where everyone can talk with each other.
-i dont like the fact i cant type using enter when i m dead.

-or the excessive noise a plane makes even a km away

  • a RTS war mode like in heroes and generals would make this the best WW2 game ever.

Not easy to understand:

-Nothing so far, even on last 2 alphas the concept/ui is/was prety easy to understand for me. even tho some things did change imo its still more userfriendly than games like heroes and generals (i was playing it since alpha untill this game was on first alpha and lost all hopes in that game.)

i got it all prety fast with few clicks. /others may fell diferent opinion, so a more friendly UI could be usefull here.

Im here to stay. probably more on berlin map tho :smiley: Amazing FPS game you guys did made. hoppefully it will go live for everyone prety soon!
Keep the good work !