Federov vs FG 42 discussion

Because they use SMGs. And that’s exactly what you wrote: a max level Federov is an SMG with rifle damage, totally understand why it’s relegated to assaulters. Then, what’s your question?

Not balanced But there is nothing else in place. If removed, the AVT-40 and AVS 36 should also be removed. Because you wouldn’t find anything to replace the FG-42. At most, what didn’t even exist in the Berlin battles (15-cartridge ZH29 / ZB29) In terms of characteristics, however, this is closest to the Soviet counterpart. The fact that the characteristics of the weapons are so different is due to the fact that we are not playing red vs blue.

The curse of linear progression.

All in all, it is hardly regrettable that fedorov is limited. And FG is not. Given that the Soviet side has a higher chance of winning today. Because they play less on the German side. Even the NA server is sometimes OK, but e.g. on the EU server, on weekends at 6pm, the game often finds no more than 3 players. No one cares because there is no difference between Normandy, in exchange for the Soviets’ far heavier opponent. And FG42 is no panacea for that. By the time they reach it, most players are tired of Soviet ppsh (and now fedorov) spam. The MP43 could have helped, even nerf. But not at lvl 32. The Berlin axis side would have to be fundamentally reworked to deviate significantly from Normandy.


I’m not the one that came here to cry about balance, I’m genuinely confused why this difference exists, and your opinion is valid but I don’t find it valuable.

I wouldn't cry about balance these days, I'm doing fine.

spoken like a germutt its ok for me to abuse the fg42 but its game breaking for you to do the same thing with federov
and by the way the federov might be an smg but the fg42 is a lmg for everyone

They’re not, though, but I guess the distinction doesn’t really matter. They recoil harder than the FG42, as well.

I didn’t come here to identify a problem or find a solution, just to explore a curious difference. I will say that if the FG42 were moved to gunners, for reasons, I’d be okay with the AVT/AVS going to gunners or assaulters as well. Leave the autoweapons for autoweapon specialists.

well how bout they take off the handcuffs quit limiting one side and not the other just let both sides go at with what ever they want to take.

With this logic, the only reason I can think of is balance factor.

If you compare Soviet weapons and German ones, they will balance out… at late lvl only. In truth at low lvl, Germany get stomped by superior Soviet firepower if you take a mix of noob players vs noob players.

And sadly, the majority of players are noobs, there’s surprisingly very FEW players who got over lvl 20 (fg42 lvl for germany).

So I’m lead to believe DF decided that the occasional axis veteran who reached the fg42 lvl would be enough to balance forthe german side thanks to the fg, while the rest have Volks subpar weaponry. For that same reason they decided allowing the Fedov for troopers perhaps would be too much :thinking: Germany doesn’t have mp43 for troopers either, but even if they did, they wouldn’t replace their fg42 with it since the nerf.

Well it’s my theory anyway. Your guesses are as good as mine 🤷


It’s historically accurate.
There were more STGs made than G43s.
And most likely way more than AVSs/AVTs.
And were used in dedicated STG squads.




Again, you don’t understand what they’re saying. It wouldn’t matter if fedorov were a general weapon. It would not improve the situation. It would make it worse. PPSH for the remaining set fedorov. The rest of the man would also like to leave the German side. And you can shoot the bots and the console people. If that makes you feel like a good player, then of course it’s good for you. Anyway, you don’t want the FG42 to be LMG. Currently, 9 people may take it, but most of it dies with it, and the rest have little ammunition to use it automatically. If it were LMG, fewer people could take it, but with whom you play about 200 rounds. No recoil automatic rifle weapon with 200 rounds. You can choose which one is better.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl::neutral_face:

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what? you dont like my shitty paint meme?

Wait you cant read emoji? I write lol is fun anyway

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I cannot believe it’s real. @Euthymia07

me on the autism spectrum


Well my school mate write only in emojy in school whatsapp group i adapted for understand wtfk they saying every time

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This is historically correct. Fedorov is a rudimentary automatic rifle. It has a rifle design that is not conducive to high-energy ammunition (see M14). Not ergonomic. And he has no compensator. The FG42 is the foundation of countless successful weapons. The Fedorov dead end. I recommend comparing forgotten weapons with the M14. The FG42-2 is an extremely easy-to-control automatic rifle.

See what I wrote above. It is not necessarily a good idea to reduce this weapon but to add plenty of ammunition. It’s up to the gunner to use the real MG. The FG42 is not. And AVT / AVS is definitely not. The rifleman’s job is to use basically semi-automatic weapons, yes, they are also automatic, but due to the reduced ammunition, their ability is limited. For example, I never use any of these as automatic weapons. The first hit kills. The rest of the ammunition is wasted. If fedorov were a general weapon. You would have a total of 2 magazines. I would have to have a large ammo and even then only four. It is questionable whether you would use it like this as an automatic weapon. As a semi-automatic weapon, it sucks, as the weapon is deadly up to 60m. Not mention a Vitality perk.



Seen them all, I know the why and I’m not upset that the FG42 recoils less than the Federov, it should. I’m saying all that does is contribute to my confusion for the limit on the Federov, or lack of limit to the FG42.

I’ve been avoiding that argument, because I don’t think it has much to do with it. If it did, the FG42 would be even more limited than the Federov is now, and the federov wouldn’t be in the game until they add a winter war campaign, because we’d have Falschirmjager squads and they’d be the only ones to get it. The link is now dead, unfortunately, but I did find an academic source for FJ section makeup and equipment, indicating that the FG42 was only ever issued one-per-section. It never managed it’s intended purpose, which was to replace both the K98 and MG34/42 in FJ service.

couldnt care less if it was avaiable to more squads or not.
this isnt a red vs blue game and will never be…

also , even at f2p player, you can bring 3 squads with fedorovs to cycle all day long once you unlock it…

spiting arguments into the air with no actual data to cover said statements are as worth as sand in the desert.

eye witness with no actual data to back a statement…

btw :


The claim that eyewitness testimony is reliable and accurate is testable, and the research is clear that eyewitness identification is vulnerable to distortion without the witness’s awareness. More specifically, the assumption that memory provides an accurate recording of experience, much like a video camera, is incorrect. Memory evolved to give us a personal sense of identity and to guide our actions. We are biased to notice and exaggerate some experiences and to minimize or overlook others. Memory is malleable


the same goes for :
“every game there is a tnt pack abuser”
"full teams of fg42’s (and i can go weeks without even see one (most of my comments when i stream on berlin for ex, “why they still play with pz4’s and where are the tigers and mp43’s/fg’s everyone complain so much on the forums”
“p47’s/panthers everywhere on normandy. no”

skill issue.

i play everyside , every campaign at whatever timezone, i couldnt care shit if i loose, i have everything maxed besides moscow, but i m yet, YET to see an item,weapon,vehicle, that i cant deal in the next 30 seconds alone.

skill issue. players should fix that. not the devs.


Fun fact

M2 Carabine, available to most classes, once maxed out and in the hands of a soldier with -40% vertical recoil dramatically improves, and becomes a fearsome close-mid range weapon almost as good as the MP43 (minus the crappy sights).

-Runs away-


nah fam, its better just login into the forums and state that everymatch there are 10 german players using fg42’s and mp43’s literaly everymatch coz i cant click shit .

imagine having issues dealing with a loose on an arcade game…

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