Before I say my piece, I’m not here advocating or calling for a change, I’m just curious and confused.
The Federov is a beast in the berlin campaign. I just unlocked it this morning, and on assaulters with the vertical recoil perk, a max level Federov is an SMG with rifle damage, totally understand why it’s relegated to assaulters. If I could stuff nine of these in a rifleman squad things would be ridiculous.
What I’m confused about is why the FG-42 non-sniper variants haven’t received the same treatment.
FG42 stats base
Federov stats maxed
According to the stats above, a maxed out federov isn’t as good as a baseline FG42 (the FG42-II is actually worse base). Federov has lower damage, slower projectiles, lower rate of fire, slower reload, more recoil, for the advantage (I guess) of five extra rounds per magazine and slightly lower weight. As that FG42 gets upgraded, it quickly becomes noticeably superior to the Federov, and you can give it to everyone but Gunners (which get the MG42) and Assaulters (which get the MP43).
What makes the Federov so good that it needs to be limited to Assaulters, or the FG42 so balanced that it doesn’t? I don’t think this has a much impact on game balance itself, but both FG42 variants in berlin are available levels before the federov, so is this just because GF felt the need to match assault squad to assault squad?
this is why i say biased the Germans cry and poof the devs show up to save there precious German mains
but for any one else they just ignore them and Germany suffers ok they suck so bad they need more broken shit but the allies want the same thing as the Germans nope that’s game breaking
Johnson lmg vs fg42 2
bar vs fg42
m2 vs stg
fg42 sniper vs Johnson lmg with scope
The Federov is barely, arguably an Assault Rifle. 6.5mm Arisaka isn’t an intermediate cartridge. It’s on the wimpy side of battle rifle cartridges, but it’s not intermediate 7.92 kurz or 7.62x39 territory.
The FG42 is much more than just a battle rifle that can suppress. It’s effective as an LMG for the era, firing open bolt in automatic, with good recoil controls engineered in, that’s capable of use as a closed-bolt semi-auto battle rifle when MG work isn’t needed to save on maintenance and ammo. It’s not like the M14, a battle rifle designed as a battle rifle pressed into SAW use.
Comparing these two weapons IRL is a fun, but pointless conversation, since they aren’t really designed using similar philosophy, and there’s three decades and two world wars in between them. Comparing them in game, considering they’re both in use in the same campaign (where the Federov really has no business existing) and of similar capability. So, why is the Fedrov an “assault rifle” relegated to Assaulters, but two variants of the FG42 (which does autorifle better and battle rifle better) available to everyone but gunners and assaulters?
I’d say it matters. Switching to semi for more accurate follow up shots reduces practical rate of fire, and the Federov’s lower per-round damage max (and therefore faster falloff) makes it less effective used that way as well. I’m just not seeing a reason one is treated differently than the other, and also not sure if I think it’s a problem or how to solve it if it is.
Mind clarifying? Since I’m trying to figure why this is the way it is, if it’s for balance, how is the FG42 as an everyman’s autorifle balanced when the Federov needs to be limited? The federov is a beast, but the FG42 is arguably the better weapon.
Lets call clarify, german have a shit of equipment in berlin can they have one weapon can be good? So wo care of 9 man squad of fg42II (i never see this) if soviet can spam 3 squad of assaulter with fedorov,dt29,avt40
Not constructive, woody. If I thought the Axis was getting special treatment, I’d have done what you’re doing, but even with this weird difference, Berlin in particular isn’t perceptibly imbalanced.
You mean end game gear is good or you think is fun wen ever starter weapon are worse than the one of your enemy, next to less german have them most of them are at mp40 level
well its been like this for over a year with no plans on changing the time of constructive is pretty much done they made themselves very clear and so did erika there the paying base
I’m not asking for a change. I’m trying to understand the reason for the difference. If it’s a perception of German equipment as inferior, though, a lot of people are pretty damn wrong.
The AVT40/AVS36 are okay, but not as good as the FG42/FG42II. Panther is a better tank than anything Soviets get in Berlin. And Germans get the MP43. Yeah, soviets get a pile of high capacity high ROF SMGs, but the German equipment is just as good and arguably more capable in a variety of situations. I don’t think this is a balance issue, I just think it’s weird.
In berlin, which is the campaign we’re talking about, I don’t think there’s a big difference between the quality of equipment early game. The Mosins are decent, but slow, and the VG2 is slower but has twice the magazine. SMGs for Russia are better, MGs for germany are better, tanks are basically a wash with a slight edge for the Panther (Tiger doesn’t matter in Berlin, it’s gun isn’t that much better against its targets than the 75s on PZiv or Panther.)
I may have missed something, but I’d say if it looks like german players are spending more money, it might be because german mains can be comfortable in every campaign, while Soviet players have three and western allies have two.
its sarcasm its funny German mains crying there gear is subpar try playing the allies some time then talk to me about special treatment or sub par shit Germans literally get everything they cry for stg tiger only after a year did they add the 1919 and only the 1919 no counter to panther no counter to tiger but ok keep crying your gear is bad
The latest M4 can handle the panther, if you know what you’re doing, as can planes if you know how to drop a bomb or where to aim rockets. The 1919, though, that closes a gap in MG capability and brings that campaign closer to balance. There’s OP shit on both sides, but no real equipment imbalance that matters.