Federov vs FG 42 discussion

cough cough tiger panther fg42 that can be spammed by all yea ok man what ever you have to tell yourself

I really didn’t come here to argue about balance, is this how any question or discussion about in game mechanics goes these days?

uhhhhh yea that’s the only time they will change anything when it gets nasty

Well m8 i use all this weapon and i can say withaut problem that every advantage outside late tank go to soviet

  • dt29 is better than an MG
  • soviet smg are better than german one
  • avt40/avs36 can counter both fg42 withaut problem with some practice (are not noob friendly)
  • Early russian tank are able to kill all german tank, but end game german tank can kill them more easily
  • aviation is fine for both
  • BA are in favor of soviet thanks to m44 with a bayonet
  • assault rifle of both faction are good but fedorov is better because (russian bias)

In the end soviet have a better and robust equipment than german in Early/mid/late game instead german can do something in only late game

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How’s that working out for you? This is how I see you act in every discussion, on topic or no, but you seem to think DF is making it worse by continually giving Axis mains more advantages. Maybe it’s your fault, right? Maybe if you stopped crying about it, they’d fix it instead of making it worse just to spite you, specifically? Shit.


actually this is not nearly as bad as it used to be a few months ago. this thread here pales in comparison to some earlier balance thread derailments


I remember discussion on belancing ended with us spamming anime girl :rofl:


they do thou every one can see it but noooooo Germany suffers you yourself is seeing the evidence but refuses to do anything about it the German mains are very effective at silencing you thats why no change sofar

That’s arguable, but it’s shades of difference, and I’ll admit I haven’t played the german MGs in berlin so I’ll let it rest.

Again, arguable. For capacity? for sure. Damage per round is lower, falloff is lower, RoF is higher, which makes the Soviet SMGs beasts in close quarters, but the German ones are better at extended ranges. I recognize this is an advantage for the soviets since capture points are mostly CQC

They can, sure. But they both have lower capacity and are less controllable. The FGs are more noob friendly. FG is still obviously better.

Can’t argue with any of that, really.

If the Federov is better than the MP43, it’s because it’s hitting harder. It’s closer, but not the same, as what the FG42 is capable of. The Federov is less capable than the FG42, but more limited, which is why I’m confused.

if everyone can see it, why are you the only one being loud about it?

Yeah, totally. those evil german-main scum have so much influence over my life that I wouldn’t dare point out what everyone knows but won’t say except for you.
Get Therapy.

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there’s the difference right there the germans are the paying base so they get better stuff than you just accept this and move on its really that simple they pay more than you= better than you if your wondering yes this is pay to win by the way

Lmao you are confusing stalingrad with berlin? I dont recall soviet smg in berlin be a shit in long range i snip with ppsh41

Let be honest you dont know of what you are talking rigth? I dint ask for stats (those are stupid) but hey what you are saying is not true for the big part, i have almost 4000 battle of experience behind me so im pretty sure im rigth


idk about you but kar98k, both normal and kreigsmodel, and g33 are better than the 1907, springfield and 1938 carbine


Nah, this is pretty universal for the Soviet vs Germany campaigns. I don’t care if you didn’t ask for stats, or that you think they’re stupid, numbers don’t lie, and in equally competent hands the German SMGS should be more capable at extended ranges.

We were doing so well, I thought. Then you had to try to whip your e-peen out and attack me instead of my argument. The problem isn’t that you disagree with me, it’s that you’re trying to argue against math. Doesn’t matter how many battles you’ve fought in game, if you try to argue against the math you’ll be wrong every time.

Pff 1938 is better than kriegsmodel

not really, 98k kriegsmodel has a better model

again so are you Germans pay more =better stuff than you its that simple and germany suffer of course

If you’re gonna spew nonsense, I guess putting words in my mouth isn’t much of a leap.

In game stats, man. Where are you getting the info that german mains spend more money, btw? You keep insisting on it like it’s the winning play and you’re gonna shut me up by making it, back it up.

Argue with some one wo think is has right and refuse to accept other opinion is a already a losed battle i sayed only the results of my experience, if you keep think

In campaigns outside stalingrad well is your problem or skill issue with soviet one

Lmao if you think weapon stats are the absolute truth, like up your problem weapon in hand of a dcent player and even the OVP 1918 can shine

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Wait you are dont talk about weapon efficiency rigth?