Federov vs FG 42 discussion

its math like you say there in every campaign all 5 this makes them the biggest played teams

I gotta agree with both of you on this one. 1938 plays better, Kriegsmodel is prettier. Still, except for the VG2, germany has better non-starter bolt guns

And you, somehow, think that they might spend more money overall is proof that the imbalances you perceive are caused by that. I maintain that they’re unrelated, and while imbalance may exist, it doesn’t where you say it does, nor to the extreme you think it does.

sometimes i do but for some reason i preform very will with this starter rifle probably the best out of all the starters

Well this is releted to you, i play better with 1938 than kriegsmodel and this is releted to me, happy to se some one enjoy here, im an OVP enjoyer for example

I’ve got no problem with your opinion, unless and until you dismiss mine or the basis of it offhand. Since I can’t personally account for individual player skill, the in game numbers are reliable baselines to argue over.

Again, never said they were. You said they didn’t matter, I told you you were wrong. And you are. Sure, the worse weapons can be very effective when used by great players. Yeah, the best guns won’t do well when in the hands of shit players. We can’t use that as the basis of discussion or it goes nowhere. Numbers are solid.

its true whether you believe or not this is a business there not here for your happiness just saying so yes spending more money get there attention faster than anything else and the Germans spend shit loads so this means you get subpar shit its that simple you argue the math when i show you your like nooooooo thats not right

I never said the FG42 was OP, but I’m still confused why it’s treated differently than the Federov when the FG42 is demonstrably better.

You’re right here, over an extended firefight the FG42 starts to fall short. One less reload. I don’t see that justifying the difference here, but it’s worth noting.

Give me evidence or go away. If you can’t back up the claim, it’s just a conspiracy theory.

You haven’t shown me shit.

what numbers? there are no numbers here, have you smoked?

how hard it is to understand the the germans are in all campaigns all 5/5 biggest player base
russians in 3 of the 5 second place
british/american 2 of the 5 third place

this means more people playing the German side more than every one else more germans playing the game the more money they make and why your gear is limited and when theres isnt

The numbers I’m using for the topic at hand are in my original post, up top. The numbers for SMGs are available in game, and if I’d come here to argue SMG balance I might put in the effort to screengrab them, but I don’t care enough to bother. Weapon stats are numbers, numbers are reliable, removes the player skill variable from the argument when it’s about which weapon is or should be better.

Buddy, I understand what you’re trying to say, I haven’t once misunderstood the point you’re trying to make. Hell, I’ve even made statements supporting part of your point, it does make logical sense that there are more German mains than Soviet or US/UK ones since the germans are in every campaign, and therefore might spend more money as a group.

What you’ve tried to do is make an unfounded logical leap, from that rational conclusion to the idea that DF is flagrantly and intentionally giving the Germans better equipment because of it. On one hand, the actual in game performance on both sides argues that the equipment the Germans get isn’t blanket better, and also that no major imbalance exists. On the other, you’ve provided to evidence to back up your claim, just insisted on it repeatedly and gotten frustrated when I don’t just accept it on faith. You’ve referenced other, past posts by “Erika.” Who is that, what post, what was said, what evidence provided? Back your conspiracy with facts or report it to Alex Jones, he’s the only one who’ll believe you.

weapon stats? Really?

  • You know dispersion and movement penality are hidden stats?
  • You know every weapon in base of her recoil and fire rate operate in a different way
  • you know a player can be a shit with an fg42 becase him play like a shit?

Number? Stats? You are joking
In an fps is the ability wo count not a stupid statistics, you need use weapon for say if them are good or not, not read two text line

Imo Fedorov shouldn’t even be there. It makes no sense historically.
And FG can’t be limited to assaulters for a very simple reason. Axis Berlin is alread weak. The FG is the only thing going for it. And they need an SF rifle to balance out AVS/T anyway. So the alternatives to trooper FG are:
Swapping it with the STG44.
Making all SFs limited.
Not having any FG42, Fedorov, or AVS/T in Berlin. (And actually balancing the SMGs)


just look at the all campaigns you will see all the biases yourself just like your topic here proves it by the way federov is limited but not fg42 same with Normandy so yes they biased for who ever pays them why is that so hard to understand

Ya rly

I do, and I think they shouldn’t be. I can only argue from what I can see, and the numbers have my back.

Yeah, did I say they didn’t?

I do, I said as much.

Not remotely joking.

I’m arguing from what I know and can demonstrate. I asked a very specific question, based on very specific data, and you keep arguing from the unknowables. Try again. Why, based either on the numbers I have that seem to indicate the FG42 is a better weapon or your human variables and hidden stats, is the Federov limited where the FG isn’t?

An answer, based on your argument supported by human variables and hidden stats: If we follow your logic, the reason the Federov is limited to assaulters while the FG42 isn’t, despite the FG42 being arguably more capable, is because German mains suck universally, which skews the weapon’s performance stats from DF’s perspective.

I’ve played all the campaigns, working on both sides. I see no evidence of bias. Insisting I should doesn’t make you right.

You can escape in number for have rigth because the number you like in first place they lie, outside direct use there is no other way to know how a weapon is, that is, you keep say number but actually you never sayed i used

Fedorov is limited because is an assault rifle read the description, fg42 is a selective fire end of the story, and if you wait stalingrad rule come in other campaigns your stupid problem resolve by himself

if you dont like the answer quit crying move on cause your never gunna have the same things/proper counters as the Germans you will always have subpar shit compared to them just get used to it quit trying to understand theres nothing to understand they just pay more than you