Federov vs FG 42 discussion

For example i had a match with an animal abusing 2 Jumbos and spawncamp from the grey area the whole game. Should i start reeeeeeeing all day for the Jumbos cause of that? I just wish this abuser find a miserable death irl and i just continue to the next match

step 1
spawn a plane
step 2
ram the fker and drop the bombs last second
Step 3 repeat if necessary and enjoy the xp farm.
step 4 lol at him

there is nothing in this game that provides the most fun than ruining that type of players matches. even, if you still loose in the end.

I had my Bf-109 with 4 50s instead of my ju-188 :cry:

I meant the technological part of the weapon, not its spread. If you like, it would be right: it works historically. But fedorov, for example, does not. It was never possible to reach a rate of fire of 600 with it. Of course, this is a problem with many weapons, but here the difference from reality is drastic.
My view remains that a reworking is needed. The Berlin axis needs to be made more attractive. To be similarly good enough and a high level player. That doesn’t mean they have to be made stronger or packed with an arsenal of OP weapons. The problem with the player base is primarily. That there are few. There was no need for a fedorov in Berlin. All the more so in Stalingrad. The reverse is true there as in Berlin, but for a similar reason. But I would rather have an advanced MM. As long as you put people of all levels back and forth, it doesn’t make sense to talk about gun balance either.

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Huh, I never noticed that the in game RoF was ahistorical. It would be less beastly if they went with even what’s publicly available, 350-400rpm. There’s no reason a system like the federov can’t do 600 rpm, but that would require adjustment of the springs and weight of moving parts since it’s short recoil.

My point stands, though, while I’m guilty of advocating for closer historical accuracy, we’re not likely to get it, and if we did too much of it would make the game less fun.

I’m not sure it’s a problem with Berlin specifically. As the novelty of new campaigns fades, and the balance in one campaign or another shifts with new levels or balance changes, the Axis playerbase migrates through all five, while US/UK have only two and Soviets three for dedicated players.

I don’t think the population of the player base supports skill based MM. Each campaign is plagued to different degrees with bot teammates to fill out the team. Until we can have full lobbies consistently, MM would only make that problem worse.

I see the logic here, but I’m not sure I agree. One of the reasons the game doesn’t have more players (one of many) is the relatively trash new player experience. Better balance means they have less problems getting into it.


I totally agree with what you said, there are too few player. Everywhere. Somewhere still acceptable (Moscow, Normandy), somewhere critical (Tunisia) and somewhere only one side. You are probably right that this is a problem that would be a priority. The reason for that, I think, is the overgrown grind. It takes an amazing amount of time for a single faction, for a single campaign. I quote from gastanofrizzi: "they are about 20 days more or less depends on how lucky you are in the battles. As f2p: you have to do at least 8k of xp per battle, a total of 120k of xp per day, and playing at at least 6 hours a day ".
Unachievable. And then comes what you said, but it’s already related to what I want to say. The same should be grind out 5 times on the German side. But while the difference between Moscow axis and Normandy axis is quite significant. Until then, almost nothing between Berlin and Normandy. Especially not for usable devices. So when it comes to deciding what to spend my time on, I’m more likely not to choose Soviet ppsh spam over much more balanced Americans. Moscow and Stalingrad from a similar Soviet side. Why would it suffer there if almost the same thing it had already dissolved in Moscow, but here the Germans also have ppsh and spam the mkb? I was thinking about this problem when I say we need to make the Berlin axis side more attractive. Together with the Soviet Stalingrad. More players would not help with this, as they would like to play with better campaigns, as they do now.

RE: Balance, I’m firmly in camp skill issue. Played a game as Germany in Berlin, dinged level 4 as a result, this is all with level 3 available equipment.

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Of course, if there is a way to take the team on your back:

You were lucky here because there were people next to you, how skillful they are is another matter. Because as I see it, you didn’t win. But:

Many times if we have 4 real players, I’ve already said a lot. It happens more than once that after the start of the battle, if you look at the scoreboard, you can see that the game puts the 6-7 bot squad to you. Sometimes it replaces some of it with a console player, but sometimes it stays all 7. This sometimes happens elsewhere, but here it is regular. Mainly on the EU server.

The if I got 5 dollars for each time the statement “Germany suffers” was said I’d have a lot of money

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