The Federov Avtomat has long been an “assault rifle” but this has always been a clear mistake, it is an automatic rifle. They made the Federov an “assault rifle” because of some arbitrary justifications over the power of its 6.5 Arisaka round and to balance it against the Stgs. However moving the Federov to the Riflemen class would not have any “balance” issues whatsoever. You can literally arm an entire Riflemen squad with them as you can any automatic rifle, and you can still have them in your Assault squads by giving them to the riflemen
The Type Hei is an automatic rifle chambered in 6.5, the Breda PG is an automatic rifle in 6.5, exactly the same as the Federov, and they aren’t mislabeled as assault rifles. So correct the Federov
Remove the Federov from the Assault and properly make it an automatic rifle and move it to the Riflemen class
Ironically there have been debates about automatic rifles being moved to Assault instead, so if that ever were to be the Federov would just come right back
……but if for the foreseeable now automatic rifles are a Riflemen weapon then the Federov should be rectified. Regardless it is an automatic rifle and it should go where automatic rifles belong
well fedorov doesnt kill in one shot, so it would be a lower dps, smaller magazine Assaultrifle - that however has better effective range like… for example G43K.
I dont see a reason why someone would pick fedorov over AS44.
This could make sense.
there are certain advantages of fedorov over as44. it is more efficient in killing shit players and bots than as44 cause they usually dont have vitality perk. also there are some combination of shots that you will survive if hit with as44, but not with fedorov.
If you’re automatically aiming for the head, AS is literally superior in every way.
It doesn’t have as much random recoil, it has more comfortable sights, it has more rounds in the magazines, it has a bayonet.
Yes, that’s quite obvious. That those stats that are artificially designed to accommodate a certain type of weapon should be changed by this reclassification.
Especially dmg and ammo reserve.
The dispersion of both guns is so low that recoil plays a bigger role for me.
AS has literally no recoil with perks. But recoil of Federov is pretty random even with perks. At least from my perspective.
Bizarre fun fact btw, Federov still doesn’t have dispersions on the level of Soviet Thompson 100 or ppsh box.
make sense, I prefer Fedorov because that extra damage and less dispersion makes it a better gun at longer ranges. I can kill people by shooting their arms and legs while they are taking cover.
Its true that the AS-44 designes pioneered the AK-47 however there considerable mechanical differences and the different development routes AT-44 (actual predecessor of AK) and AS-44 followed.
Im sure a gun engineer could give a better answer, but Im not one. Though most will agree that they are not related enough.