Fatal Error in my Russian Civil War mod?

So apparently this has being going on for some time, which is that at random times my Russian Civil War mod (the one in development) has been crashing randomly. I don’t think this has a problem to do with my code, but rather with the recent update. I have no clue what is causing this.l

Here is some test gameplay which at the end has the crash, and also the mod files down below.

RussianCivilWar1918.zip (8.0 MB)
Unedited Footage - Sorry it didn’t record sound

If anybody has some info on this, please share!

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Are you sure that it happends only for your mod? Maybe in standart game too?

I dunno. But here maybe some chances that something bad in profile.

Thanks for report in CBR. I hope that you also added clog/report there.

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Well not like I had a choice, it made me upload them lol.

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Also I did test my other mods, and they worked fine, apparently this one has a problem. I’ll go check the profile code again, but I believe that it may be the fault of the game in my opinion.

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Okay I figured it out, I simply had too many custom squads. Those were pushing Enlisted to its memory limits, and when too much memory was being used, both by the game and by the squads, the game would crash.

That’s highly unlikely. How many squads are we speaking of?

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Well there was 30 just on one side, which is too many. I tested my mod with a different set of squads and it worked fine, however when I tested my custom squads, they failed. The .json file is 1.7 MB, which is much larger than others that I have made.

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…30? As in THIRTY? Holy ****.

I’m sorry, but what did these consist of? If i think about it, 1 squad for each class, that’s 10 or 11 squads. Wow. You managed to find the limit of custom profiles. Well done i guess.


Well I guess we know the limits now. These squads did vary in size, and it was not by class, but by faction. Which for the Whites, was a lot. I’m gonna have to do some shaving in order to make this fit, but yea I guess I found the limits of the game lol.

Edit: Tried reducing the size of the custom squads, mod still fails, apparently it might not be a memory problem, but I’m not sure. Will contact when have further info.


Alright so here is what I have found. Apparently the custom squads for human players do not have as many restrictions, however those for bots need to stay below a certain amount, or else it might cause errors. Will gather more information soon.

News: Apparently bot squads can only be up to 800 KB in size, any higher than that and they break the game. It seems we have found the limit, ladies and gentlemen.

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It’s weird that your profile worked… Because you have some errors in file:

  • Lines 662, 2496, 2640, 3482, 3620, 36440 and 36582 (for player profile it’s : 662, 2496, 2641, 3482, 3620, 38543 and 38685).

They contains “,” but this shouldn’t be in a soldier latest equipment. Something like it in your code:

                     "radio" : {
                        "gametemplate" : "ussr_p13_radio_gun",
                        "slot" : "radio"

But it should be looks like:

                     "radio" : {
                        "gametemplate" : "ussr_p13_radio_gun",
                        "slot" : "radio"
  • Lines 17899 and 23079 (for player profile it’s 17025 and 23079).

They contains dublicate front_belt_r.

                  "equipment" : {
                     "front_belt_r" : {
                        "gametemplate" : "attachable_wear_pouch_carcano_big_ita_01_summer_item",
                        "slot" : "front_belt_r"
                     "face" : {
                        "gametemplate" : "attachable_wear_head_02_it_item",
                        "slot" : "face"
                     "front_belt_r" : {
                        "gametemplate" : "attachable_wear_pouch_ppsh_r_07_ussr_winter_item",
                        "slot" : "front_belt_r"

You always can use online json or something like it. It will prints some common errors. Also helps much to code it all.

Well… I’ll check it a bit later, maybe because of these errors you got crashes… But i’m not sure about it. There may be other reasons and problems.

Unbelievable… 30 squads for bots and 36 for players…

Ah. You have found solution. I hope. How many squads? What you remove (can you send file in private messages)?


  • These fixes don’t fix crashes.
  • You have maaaany loggers (error messages):
    • Mostly of them about wrong equipment slots. Like using bandolier as belt_1 or belt_2, but it’s probaby chest.

    • Some weapons have wrong mods.

    • Some weapon drop & pickup templates are wrong. Which is weird. Probably because you use old gun__blk.

    • In entities you have some dublicates. For example winchester_1907_gun_item.

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Look the Russian Civil War had a lot of factions, okay… I know that adds up to an unbelivable number, but it’s all in the name of Immersion.

The bug occurs even in standard game. Moscow only. mod is sound mod only environment.
I wanted to report the bug, but I wanted to get back into the game immediately, so I turned it off.

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I’m guessing that also causes a fatal error bug, overloading bot squads and sound mods apparently seems to cause a memory overload. Well thanks for the info, hopefully Darkflow fixes both issues soon.

In Japanese (since that’s your native language @kunkun1192)


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Well I do what I can with what I’m given. The process is quite simple, but I can see where the difficulty comes in.

Well maybe you should at least attempt to learn, seeing as how relying on me for everything might cause problems lol. I can understand how people don’t understand profiles, considering the limited amount of information out there.

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I actually learn a lot of python programming from school and i learn on my own a lot. And json file is part of my learnt stuff. I know the format but its so complicated and I am not ready to touch it yet (exams are coming lol)

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I must admire your work PrivateRyan44. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for the compliments guys. However it seems another bug has popped up (at this point it’s almost cliche)

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