Replay bug with my mod (Seriously when does my mod not get errors)

So I’ve been trying to get replays of my Russian Civil War mod to get screenshots in order to post for the final release, only for them to not work. Players and bots do not show up, and the team menu shows nothing.

The error in question

I’ve tried messing with team entites and whatnot, and cannot figure out what is going on with it.

Mod File if anybody wants to try and fix it. (33.3 MB)

I’ve been experiencing issues left and right with this mod, and I cannot for the life of me figure this one out. If any of you can help, please do, I’m losing my patience with this game.

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Nothing seems to be working right now, but I did find something funny. Apparently it has no issue loading planes, however there seems to be no player inside…

Did some testing, and found out that it is a memory error, time to figure out how to solve it.

Ok so the issue was the ships, however I circumvented this by deleting everything inside the ships, since they weren’t going to be used for much besides eye candy anyways…