Fair Assault rifles for all factions and AR overhaul

I think it would be a good opportunity to add some unique French squads

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I mean, it just looks like a Type 2 late with a 30 round mag instead of the 50 round one…
I never found any pic of the “japanese AR” either.

Maybe the magazine is different somehow?
Type 2 chambered in type 95:

Type 2A SMG chambered in 8mm nambu:

Found an old topic about this SMG, there are pictures of the same weapon there, I’m afraid there are no pictures of the 6.5 mm SMG, but there is a picture of the bullet, so I’m sure we would see the differences between the two SMGs given the shape of the 6.5 mm bullet, because it is way fatter than 8 mm Nambu:

Shame, I got my hopes up too early, anyway thank you for the information.
I wanted to believe that a picture still exists of the Type 2 chambered in 6.5x30mm type 95 even though I knew it was unlikely that he just found one on reddit even though I have checked reddit too.

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No problem. I would have liked to find a pic, but I never found anything during my research either. You can still check my topic I made a while ago (I have updated it a few days ago) if you like weird japanese guns that I suggested (there are tons of them). :slight_smile:

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Well, my bad, I saw that you had replied on my topic when I created it back in february, sorry for the inconvenience. :sweat_smile:
I still found a model of the Type 4 vehicle MG and suggested the Type Ko short a few days ago.
I should really try to finish the vehicles list. :sweat_smile:

No worries, also really high quality post there!

Me AF: